Lady to Queen



0'This… How could this be?'     

Rosemond's face after tasting the steak, hardened immediately. She chewed the steak a few more times to see if she had tasted it wrong. But thinking that way did not mean the beef steak would taste like pork. She put another piece in her mouth again with an unbelievable expression. It was still the flavor of beef.     

She judged the situation with a taken aback expression. Yes, maybe the beef steak had only come to herself, or maybe the beef steaks and pork steaks were mixed in equally and served to the guests. However, to make such a hypothesis, the expressions of the ladies who tasted the steaks seemed satisfied.     

"Oh, my Your Majesty, the steak tastes quite amazing. I say I really did not know the Marvinus cows would be so delicious."     

"I'm glad that it agrees with your taste. Does it agree with you Duchess of Verica?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for caring for us. I haven't eaten a steak such as this for a long time."     

So, in this situation, everyone was eating the beef steak. It was not the pork steak she had prepared. Rosemond's face turned white as she was shocked at her expectations going awry. Patrizia, seeing this, asked Rosemond with a puzzled look, "Baroness Phelps, what's wrong? Your complexion does not look good."     

"Ah… My stomach feels a little bad. I am sorry, Your Majesty."     

When Rosemond struggled to give an excuse, Patrizia gave a generous face as she advised.     

"Oh, dear. That's a shame. Then what do you think about going outside and getting a little bit of the night air? When you come back, your insides should definitely feel better."     

"…Then please excuse me."     

As much as possible, Rosemond tried not to show the amount of frustration on her face, calmly got out of the room. Patrizia stared at this with a strange look in her eyes, then soon focused her attention back to the noblewomen and the meal.     

Meanwhile, Rosemond stepped out and slammed her feet down out of frustration over things going wrong.     

"What in the world, what in the world?!"     

She asked Glara with an angry expression, who had followed her outside.     

"What in the world is this? Why did it end up like this?"     

"My, my Lady… I am not sure. I'm sure I have done everything as directed by you. I also saw with my own eyes that the beef was replaced with the pork."     

Glara felt it was really unfair. Everything Rosemond ordered she had made sure to confirm to the end. Again this principle had not been broken. She had clearly confirmed that the beef was secretly replaced with pork in the kitchen. But then why in the world...?     

Glara asked Rosemond, looking as if she was begging to be trusted, claiming her innocence.     

"It is really unfair my Lady. You know me. Why would I do anything you have directed so casually. I'm sure ... I'm sure ..."     

"So then why in the world is it wrong, huh? Are you saying someone, during that short period of time, switch the pork back to beef?"     


At the moment, both Rosemond and Glara were terrified and stopped talking at the voice of a third party. As they turned their heads toward the voice, the expressionless Patrizia was slowly approaching where they were. Rosemond spread her shoulders confidently without any sign of shrinking at her appearance.     

'Since it had already come to this, so be it.'     

"Why are you coming out, Your Majesty? Instead of entertaining the noblewomen of Christa."     

"I told them that there was something I had to take care of briefly. I won't be staying long anyway. "     

"Then you can just keep going to take care of whatever it is."     

She laughed ridiculously and spoke to Patrizia, and Patrizia laughed as well as she looked at her expression. The smile that did not explain anything, however, soon turned into madness.     


On the night of the full moon, the harsh friction tore through the darkness. Patrizia blankly looked at Rosemond, who was staring at her with an incredulous expression, holding on to her cheek. She trembled in anger and glared as if she was going to kill Patrizia.     

"You, you…!"     


Patrizia did not hesitate and once again slammed her cheek. The cold voice was an added bonus.     

"You are crazy, Rosemond. I guess since you became a mistress you have developed a mental illness as well."     

"What? You really..."     

SLAP! It was the third punishment. Rosemond wrapped her cheek that had completely turned red with her hand. In the midst of that, she did not moan once. Patrizia asked her with a greatly lowered voice, "Are you really crazy, Rosemond? Makes sense, you did say you are from a low family. I understand that you did not receive a proper education from your home. But at least, shouldn't you maintain your manners to the Moon and the Sun? This is something that even a 10-year-old child would know."     

"Who are you to talk about my family and my home education? Who are you to do that?!"     

SLAP! Finally, blood flowed from her cheek. Patrizia's white palm had blood on it, and Patrizia looked at it indifferently and then wiped it on her red dress without a second thought.     

She didn't wear a red dress for this reason, but it ended up being a dress that really suited today's situation. She touched her hand and said, "You still do not know who I am. This is serious, Rosemond. You need an education."     


"I will tell you once, so I hope you'll listen carefully. I, Patrizia Leila Les Grochester, am the Empress of this Marvinus Empire, the real wife of the Emperor, His Majesty who you say you love, and who will become the mother of this country."     

"Ha, Mother… That is not even fun-... "     

"To add on, you are."     

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