Lady to Queen



0"Is that customary, Duchess?"     

"If you are asking if it is customary..."     

"Did all the past Empresses step in this path, I am asking?"     

The Duchess of Efreni immediately answered Patrizia's question, "It was only a few, but..."     


"This way would make Your Majesty more comfortable as well."     

"Of course it will. However, it's hard to see this as a simple task, Duchess. The Imperial part being handled by the Empress is customary, as the symbol of the Marvinus Empire. Surely, you're not trying to drop my authority, are you?"     

"You are mistaken, Your Majesty. I just ... did it for Your Majesty."     

"Really if this was for me, you would ensure my authority wouldn't be pushed down for a whole year, Duchess. Not only that, but there are unsavory rumors swirling around in the capital."     


The Duchess of Efreni, realizing that she was talking about Rosemond, closed her mouth.     

Patrizia could not figure out whether the Duchess of Efreni was on her side or on Rosemond's side. Of course, she was the wife of a Duke, and her pride regarding pedigree would be higher.     

Looking at it that way, it made sense for the Duchess to be on her side, but in the past, she had switched her allegiance to Petronilla, and Patrizia found it difficult to trust her easily.     

If this was the case, excluding the maids from the Empress' palace, there was not one person she could trust.     

"I know you would do this better than me. I also don't have any complaints regarding you continuing your duties as before for the time being. But the final decision will have to be made by me, Duchess. Because that's the norm. My words, do you understand?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty. I apologize."     

She then glimpsed at her hands, as she was clenching her fists and trembling. Is it possible that she thought that she had violated her authority? That she had crossed the line? If so, there was nothing funnier than that, but this was the way things were done.     

If one continued to own something that did not belong to them, they would mistakenly believe it was theirs. It was human psychology. So it may be that Rosemond felt mistakenly entitled to be the Empress herself, as she had kept the Emperor's side for a year.     

"Then I'll understand it as such. I'll get to know the documents you gave me as soon as I can. You can leave now."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. Then..."     

She turned her back and went out of the room. It was possible she was swearing internally at her. No, she's probably swearing. But it didn't matter anyway. The easiest person to deal with was a turncoat. Sometime in the past, she had turned her allegiance to Rosemond and if she knew whatever the reason may have been, no, even if she didn't find out it wouldn't be hard to turn back.     

Patrizia looked at the documents that the Duchess of Efreni had left behind, thinking nothing more of it. Since she had proclaimed it so loudly, to protect her self-esteem she knew she had to read these as fast as possible.     

In contrast to what she had thought, no particular incident occurred since then. It was not that Rosemond came and announced defeat to her, nor was there some bad incident the palace.     

It was possible that Patrizia's last memory was so intense that she was terrified as a result. Even at the moment, the worry that something big was going to happen might caused her to cower, but crisis did always come when one was not vigilant.     

"Your Majesty, His Majesty The Emperor, has come."     

The Emperor's visit was enough to surprise Patrizia, as it had been several weeks since their last meeting. It didn't fit him to be visiting her. She wondered deeply what else he would say to hurt her this time. She said boldly, "Please let him in."     

Dressed in a white uniform, he entered the room. It was a lovely appearance, but for Patrizia, it was as if it was a grim-looking white snake.     

She showed her manners in a dry voice, "I see Your Majesty. The Sun, with glory."     

"No need for the greeting, you can get up."     


He sat down naturally at the table. She didn't know what he wanted to talk about and for how long to sit in a seat, but it wasn't like she could stand and talk. She asked Mirya for two cups of lemon tea, and Patrizia sat down at the table. It was better than sitting side-by-side, but it was also very uncomfortable and awkward to sit across from one another. Either way, it wasn't a comfortable relationship.     

"I had something to tell you."     

He spoke before the tea came out. It was probably better that he left quickly. "She wasn't sure which would be better, and as she thought this, Patrizia replied.     

"Yes, please speak."     

"You know I have someone in my heart."     

"...Yes, Your Majesty."     

There was no way she wouldn't know. She smiled nonchalantly and responded. She even knew the name. Of course, he would think she wouldn't know that much…     

"It is my intention to give her a rank in nobility."     


She had expected it, but still for him to be so brazen. Thankfully, what came out was not a frown, but a bright laugh. It was so ludicrous she couldn't wrinkle her in disbelief. Lucio instead frowned as he mistook Patrizia's smile as mocking him.     

"That look, what is it for?"     

"There would be nothing more miserable than to frown in this situation, Your Majesty. Do so. Even if I say don't, you'll still carry on with it."     

"Not very stupid, you seem."     

"Would you like her to be a Baroness?"     

"...How do you know that?"     

He asked in a voice that felt a certain reluctance.     

"I haven't discussed this with her yet."     


Oh, my. It was a mistake. Patrizia quickly concocted excuses.     

"I just called the lowest rank first. I couldn't have said a Duchess position, Your Majesty. But… seeing how you responded, she must not be a woman of high status."     

"...You don't need to know that far."     

"I should know. A new Baroness will be made? As the head of the Imperial household, it wouldn't do if I don't know that. Especially if she remains in the palace, I'll be the one accounting as I am in charge of the budget."     

"...She is a woman from a Baron. Do you need more other information than this?"     

"That is more than enough. Can I handle anything else other than that?"     

"Do what you want. But, it would be good if you never meet her."     

"You do not need to worry that I would grab her by the hair or something. I am not foolish enough to break my promise to Your Majesty."     


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