My Vampire System

Trouble maker!

Trouble maker!

3Vorden who was standing to the side of the group, and was glancing over. As usual, he had the level four earth ability copied, if necessary he would be able to cover for Peter with his earth abilities, or even step in to save him, actually he might need to save them from Peter, the way he is now.     

"Those guys, I guess they didn't learn from last time, maybe I've gotten softer hanging around with Quinn all the time." Vorden thought.     

But as he was thinking that, he heard Peter's voice.     

"You're too weak for me, p*ss off before I kill you," Peter said, and this time there wasn't a hint of fear in his voice.     

'Damn it, this is not good,' Vorden thought, 'Before I had to babysit a weak cry baby Peter, now I have to babysit this… I'm not sure which one I prefer.'     

Vorden couldn't reveal he was involved with Peter so he couldn't step in, and waiting was all he could do for now. He watched carefully preparing himself for the worst. He stood by, and got himself in a fighting stance near the group.     

"What the heck?" Bones said. "Oh I get it now, you think because you got a little bit of power, and because you're now a level three, you're a big shot, huh! Well think aga…" Before Bones could even finish what he was saying.     

Peter had grabbed him, he put his fingers around Bones' face, and was holding him by his jaw, "Did I not tell you to go away?!"     

Bones immediately retaliated by lifting his hands trying to create a pillar of earth from below Peter's feet. As soon as Peter had felt the slightest bit of vibration from below, he knew what was coming.     

But he didn't move he waited for the pillar to rise up while continuing to hold on to Bones. Then at the last second as the pillar rose up from below, Peter shifted his hands behind Bones' head and stepped back, then he pulled bones into his own Pillar allowing it to hit him right in the chin, knocking him out in one blow.     

"Bones!" One of his friends shouted as they came running forward, then suddenly out of nowhere a large wall of earth had come between the two of groups, and at the same time bones had been blocked from Peter's view.     

Now standing by Peter's side was Vorden. "Ignore them, we have to get out of here! Now! Just! Run!" Vorden shouted, emphasising the last words.     

But Peter remained still as if he wanted to continue fighting against them, "Look just ignore them, they're trash right, there not worth our time."     

"Huh! You're right about that," Peter said, as he took off with Vorden out of the class room.     

When Vorden and Peter where outside, Vorden decided it was best if they headed back to the dorm room for now and stayed there. While heading back Vorden was thinking about the confrontation, and how it had shown him how much Peter had changed.     

Seeing how he acted against Bones, he couldn't imagine what Peter might do if he was to be put in a room with Truedream or Duke.     


Inside the dorm room, Vorden and Peter hadn't said much. They were no longer as close as before, when Vorden used to mentor Peter. In fact, when Vorden looked at Peter now, he would no longer see the same Peter as before. Now he just got this weird feeling when they were together, and he found it strange that Peter would often remained still in one place for long periods of time, coming from Vorden this was saying a lot about how much Peter had really changed.     

Finally, when Quinn had returned from his class, the first thing Vorden did, was ask him if the two of them could speak alone in private.     

"Sorry about this Peter, do you mind?" Quinn asked.     

"If that is what you wish sir," Peter said as he went back to sit down in his seat.     

The two of them decided to take a walk down the hallway until they had reached a window. Making sure there wasn't anyone who could be listening in on their conversation, they looked outside allowing the breeze to touch their face as they talked.     

Vorden had explained what had happened today in the training hall, and he also told him his worries about this coming Sunday when Peter was to meet Truedream.     

"I feel like you want to get something off your chest, something I'm not going to like," Quinn said.     

"I know I have mentioned it before," Vorden said. "But last time I said it half-heartedly, but this time Quinn I'm serious. I think we should cut our ties with Peter."     

Although Vorden had sugar coated his words, Quinn knew what Vorden was getting at, and in his opinion they should kill Peter. Honestly, with everything going on, Quinn couldn't say he hadn't had the same thoughts.     

Lately, this thought was entering Quinn's head more often, this Peter wasn't the same one he knew, it was clear the old weak Peter was already gone.     

"I think trying to go through with this plan, is much riskier than just getting rid of Peter," Vorden said. "I think we can do Peter justice when we leave school in two years, we'll look after his family. We can make our own faction, and the money we earn from being Travellers we will send them a portion each month."     

Vorden was making a good case, but Quinn wondered how Peter's family would feel after finding out their son had died or disappeared. Would they really care if they had money or not? Even if Peter wasn't the same as before he was still him right? There still had to be a little of him inside there somewhere. On top of that Quinn was feeling this connection with Peter through their vampire bond, and he might need Peter later to defend himself from the other vampires.     

"I for one don't think this is a good idea," The system said. "First of all, you won't be able to kill Peter yourself. If you decide to go through with this, you would have to stand by as you watched someone you know kill Peter, and although he is loyal to you, he would not just stand there without putting up a fight.     

"The second thing goes to the matter we spoke of before, you were lucky Peter turned into a wight. It is quite a powerful alley to have. Right now you need to gather and keep all the power you can get. It's not a question of if the vampires will come for you Quinn, It's when!"     

When the system confirmed his earlier thoughts, suddenly a strange feeling came over him once again, it was the family connection from the blood ritual. It came up as if to say, you shouldn't do this! "I can't do it Vorden," Quinn said. "He's family now and so are you and the others."     

Quinn didn't know this, but as he turned to Vorden and said these words, his eyes were lit up bright Red. Vorden assumed that perhaps this matter went far beyond the conversation they had just now, and had something to do with Quinn himself.     

Letting out a sigh Vorden said, "Alright Quinn, we'll stick with the plan."     


The next day it was the start of the weekend, so the group had no classes to attend for the day. However, they were unable to spend their time freely like the other students could. Instead, they met in Logan's room once more.     

Each of them went over the details of their plan, while Logan also handed each a strange round circular pin to be put on their clothes. It looked similar to a button and blended well into their uniform. There was also a separate circular small speaker that was to be placed in the ear.     

These two items were a set that was to be used to communicate with each other. The only person who didn't receive one was Peter, as they knew he would be taken away. However, a microphone was installed into his watch so they could hear everything that was happening.     

After spending the day together, and a good night's rest, it was finally Sunday, the day Truedream would finally arrive at the academy.     


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