Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Pouring Oil Onto The Flames

Pouring Oil Onto The Flames

0Under the attack of Cao Feifei's fiery tongue, Ling Feng's face was filled with an intoxicated expression, and he could not help but press Cao Feifei's head down with both his hands. He continued to rise and fall to meet Cao Feifei's movements.     

"Move out the way!"     

There suddenly came a call from outside the ward.     

The two were shocked and tried to separate, but the door was pushed open. It was Ling Qitian.     

When he saw what the two were doing, Ling Qitian couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, followed by him hurriedly turning his back.     

Cao Feifei hurriedly stood up and sorted out her messy clothes in a hurry. Ling Feng, stunned, subconsciously covered the lower part of his body with the blanket but his pants still dangled at the bottom of his feet leaving his calf still exposed.     

When they heard Ling Qitian's exclamation, Cao Dequan and Cao Huahua rushed into the ward at the same time and instantly realized what had happened.     

Especially after seeing that at the corner of Cao Feifei's mouth there was still a drop of white sticky material. Combined with her messy clothes, it was obvious what was going on.     

Looking at their daughter, Cao Dequan and Cao Huahua were disappointed. Their eyes were full of reproach, blaming Cao Feifei for not knowing how to hold back.     

Cao Feifei's face was full of innocence, using her body to meet the needs of Ling Feng was her only merit. Cao Feifei really didn't know, what other methods could she use to make Ling Feng happy?     

In the face of Ling Qitian, Cao Dequan and Cao Huahua weren't able to reprimand their daughter.     

"You see... in the end, these two children are still young. Sometimes they don't know time and place and can't distinguish the occasions in which certain actions are… inappropriate. They only know how to be intimate." Cao Huahua smiled, then took out a handkerchief and quietly helped Cao Feifei wipe the white sticky residue left on the corner of her mouth, giving her death glare whilst doing so, but her face on the outside always showed a false smile.     

"Grandpa, how come you're here? Why didn't you warn me in advance!?" Ling Feng took the lead and blamed Ling Qitian before he was accused.     

Although Ling Feng wasn't into doing business, he was still a little filial. Originally, he wasn't planning to tell his grandfather about his injuries to not to worry the old man, so he only notified Cao Feifei, and Cao Feifei told her parents.     

Cao Dequan was an old tycoon. After learning that Ling Feng was injured by Zhang Xiaohua, he informed Ling Qitian at the first opportunity, intending to use Ling Qitian's hand to teach Zhang Xiaohua a lesson.     

Ling Feng was the only grandson of Ling Qitian. Now that his grandson had been beaten into the hospital, how could Ling Qitian let this matter rest?     

With Jinsheng's power, dealing with Zhang Xiaohua, it was easy!     

Cao Dequan had suffered multiple losses at Zhang Xiaohua's hand recently. Thanks to Zhang Xiaohua, the sales of New Century Entertainment had fallen dramatically. The monthly sales dropped from 30% to 5% and the company had taken serious losses.     

Fortunately, New Century Entertainment wasn't only in the music business, if not they would be in danger of failing.     

Originally, Cao Dequan wasn't worried about dealing with Zhang Xiaohua. But now that he had taken hits for his attempt to stop him, he wanted to pass this issue over to Ling Qitian. He believed that as long as Ling Qitian made a move, Zhang Xiaohua wouldn't be able to continue, he would be obstructed at every point and in time he would be bled dry.     

For Cao Dequan, this fight was a godsend.     

Ling Qitian turned around, quickly went to Ling Feng and carefully looked at him, temporarily ignoring the existence of everyone else.     

Seeing that his grandson wasn't in any serious danger, Ling Qitian could not help but release a sigh of relief.     

Probably because of excessive worry, Ling Qitian was truly looking his age at this moment. His face was full of fatigue and his white hair was even more conspicuous.     

Learning that the chairman of the Jinsheng Group had personally visited, several doctors on duty rushed to the ward. In the face of Ling Qitian's presence, all of them were polite and respectful.     

"How is my grandson? Will there be any long lasting effects from the head wound?" Ling Qitian asked the doctors. Although he knew that his grandson didn't seem to be seriously injured, he could only feel assured if it was confirmed from the mouth of a professional doctor.     

"I ask Chairman Ling to please rest assured, Ling Feng is only suffering from a skin injury. We have already treated it. There will be no long time effects, he can be discharged at any time." A doctor answered truthfully.     

Ling Qitian nodded grateful: "Sorry for bothering you. You can head back, I will take him home later."     

After seeing the doctors out, Ling Qitian regained his concern to Ling Feng, and asked distressingly: "How are you, do you feel uncomfortable?"     

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said with indignation: "My body is okay, but that motherf**cker needs to pay."     

"Don't be rude, no more swearing!" Ling Qitian shook his head in disappointment. Not mentioning who hurt Ling Feng, just because of Ling Feng's current attitude, Ling Qitian had to first reprimand him: "How many times have I told you that if you want to be respected, you must first learn to respect others? Look at your language, just swearing and swearing. And this is in front of me, if you were in front of others, I can only imagine how arrogant you are!"     

He knew the character of Ling Feng, he knew he had spoilt this kid too much. But he just couldn't bring himself to be strict with this kid.     

At this moment, Ling Qitian didn't have to ask Ling Feng to know that this child was causing trouble outside and was beaten because of it.     

Sometimes it was a good thing to let this child suffer a bit. At least it would teach him a lesson to remember for a long time. Even with money, there is only so much you can get away with before people get fed up with you and retaliate. The injury on his head was proof of this.     

Seeing Ling Qitian angry, Ling Feng could only close his mouth, but his heart was unconvinced, thinking back to Zhang Xiaohua's smug look at the bar, Ling Feng felt anger.     

Cao Dequan rushed to help: "Chairman Ling shouldn't be angry at Ling Feng. It is better to hear out the situation first. Maybe someone was specifically targeting Ling Feng and came to deliberately injure him. If this is the case, then Ling Feng isn't at fault and we must seek justice for him. Ling Feng isn't not only your grandson, but my good daughter's future husband, we can't allow this injustice to slip by...!"     

After all, his grandson was beaten into the hospital. As a grandfather, Ling Qitian couldn't just stand by: "In the end, who actually attacked you?"     

Ling Feng immediately pretended to be pitiful and snorted: "It was Zhang Xiaohua the f**cking bastard. Tonight, he actually brought dozens of thugs to beat me. If you don't believe me you can ask the people who were there. I have to get revenge!"     

"Zhang Xiaohua?" Ling Qitian thought for a moment and suddenly remembered: "Zhang Xiaohua of HuaXiang Entertainment?"     

Zhang Xiaohua had been in the limelight a lot recently, he was a self-made man and worth more than 100 million yuan. He had caused quite a stir in the business circle with his abrupt rise, so even the commercial tycoon had heard a little about Zhang Xiaohua.     

"Why would Zhang Xiaohua hit you?" Ling Qitian wasn't an unreasonable person. He wanted to figure out all the detail first before making a move. If it was the other party who caused trouble first and intentionally injured his grandson, then regardless of who the other party was, Ling Qitian would definitely help his grandson seek justice. On the other hand, if this was Ling Feng's fault, well then... he better be ready to take a spanking.     

Ling Feng wasn't a fool. Of course he couldn't say that he was the one to instigate the fight. He could only push the responsibility off to Zhang Xiaohua. So he lied: "How would I know why he wanted to hit me? Originally I was just drinking at the Rose Bar, then Zhang Xiaohua suddenly turned up with a large group of people and hit me with a bottle without saying a word."     

Speaking of this, Ling Feng looked up at Ling Qitian with frailty and grievance: "I'm your grandson, can you be on my side for once? I want justice, I want that bastard in jail, I want him to pay the price!"     

Ling Qitian fell into contemplation. Seeing him still skeptical, Cao Dequan deliberately jumped in adding oil to the flames: "In fact, I also know this Zhang Xiaohua. He is the son of one of my old friends. Meeting him left me with a strong impression of his character, this Zhang Xiaohua is very rampant and has an awful temper. Last time we met was when he came to the company to cause trouble, demanding more shareholder dividends, he is quite an unreasonable fellow!"     

"Shareholder?" Ling Qitian looked at Cao Dequan and said: "So, this Zhang Xiaohua is man from your company?"     

"Yes, at least in my heart, the child is a person of the company. After all, I had a deep friendship with his father. You can't ignore years of friendship. I try to provide help to his family when I can. But the child has gotten too much recently. Now, even my son-in-law has been injured. I can't help him this time. Whatever you want to do with him. I understand chairman, you can have your way with him for justice." Even through spouting so much nonsense, Cao Dequan's expression never changed in the slightest.     

"Grandpa, I need justice. I can't swallow this. If you don't want to help me out, I can go to that bastard and settle scores myself, even if I die, I will have my revenge."     

When Ling Feng screamed, he quietly looked at Cao Dequan, and both of them smiled lightly, their thoughts were self-evident.     

In any case, Ling Qitian understood the personality of his grandson. If he didn't help him, he would definitely go after Zhang Xiaohua himself.     

In desperation, Ling Qitian could only call the secretary and tell him: "Help me to contact Director Guo and say that I want to report a case. My grandson was beaten, they need to detain the people responsible to investigate the facts so justice can be served."     

"Yes, chairman, I will contact Director Guo." The secretary took out her phone and immediately called the Secretary of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.     

After a while, the secretary said: "Chairman, Director Guo said that he already knows about the matter and that the person who injured Ling Feng has already gone to the police station and surrendered. The perpetrator is already being detained."     

Everyone looked at each other, speechless.     

After a short silence, Ling Feng suddenly smiled and said with exultation: "Hahah it seems this bastard is smart, he knows that he can't fight this young master, so he went to the police and asked for protection. I have to go to the police station and see this for myself."     

Ling Qitian said with a blank expression: "Leave this matter be for the time being, you should take a good night's rest and tomorrow I will take you down to the station. You are to cooperate with the investigation. Before the case is fully investigated, you shouldn't be too smug. If I find out that you provoked him first, see how I will clean you up."     

Ling Feng ignored him, his heart was filled with glee.     

He just wanted to see Zhang Xiaohua in a cell.     

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