Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3Under the urging of the staff, Yang Kun had no choice but to get ready to perform, at this point he just hoped to get this concert over and done with as soon as possible.     

Since the stage was completely based on the design of Ling Ming's concert stage, there was a lifting platform in the middle. According to the original arrangements, Yang Kun would also sing while rising up on the lifting platform.     

However, because of the bleak relationship between ticket sales and the fact that New Century had exceeded the budget, the lift platform had been revoked. Even the stage lights had been replaced with ten-watt colored light bulbs and there was a feeling of dimness.     

After a short period of time, under the dim light, Yang Kun went onto the stage. His whole being was like a zombie, without a trace of vitality, there was no trace of a superstar.     

Standing in the center of the stage and looking around the desolate scene, Yang Kun sighed with a sigh of frustration and defeat.     

Because the lights were too dim, the audience at the scene could barely make out his figure.     

They could see that there was a person standing on the stage, but they couldn't see clearly.     

"What the hell are they doing? If you are not gonna start the show at least turn up the lights? I can't see anything!"     

"Dammit, my girlfriend is highly myopic, even I can't see clearly how is she meant to."     

"The adverts didn't look like this. At least turn on the big screen display."     

"If I knew that this concert was going to be this bad, I wouldn't have come. I stole my parents credit card for this sh*t for f*cksake. Dammit my parents are going to beat my ass!"     

"Hurry up, we have been waiting for nearly an hour, what the hell are you waiting for? We spent money on this."     

"If you don't start, I'll burn this place down!"     


The audience was furious and expressed their strong dissatisfaction. At the same time, some delinquents who couldn't control their anger, threw objects on to the stage, mineral water, banana peels, rotten apples, and there was even people throwing merchandise in order to vent their hearts. Many had been forced along by their girlfriends.     

Facing the various objects flying in from the stands, Yang Kun couldn't help but dodge backwards to avoid them. Many of the items hit the stage and broke apart scattering towards him.     

Security attempted to step up only to have things thrown in their direction. Seeing that they actually stopped bothering and stepped back.     

Seeing no one attempting to stop them any longer, the audience began to get even more out of hand. The staff didn't care whether Yang Kun was ready or not, and quickly began playing the music in an attempt to sooth the situation.     

Like Wang Jingwen's failed concert, because they had over spent on advertising they were over budget, so New Century tried to cut costs elsewhere, they didn't prepare a live band for Yang Kun. The sound of the backing track came from the speakers instead.     

But even as the music sounded shouts of curses and jokes still rang out. The scene was extremely chaotic.     

"Oi, who's the bastard in the sixth row, yeah you with the fake lime green Gucci shirt, lower your head you lanky prick, your blocking the view!"     

"F*ck your mother, I aint lowering sh*t. This shirt cost more than your house peasant. Dammit I knew I shouldn't have flown down in the jet. It was such a waste of money I spent thousands of dollars for nothing!"     

"When you go back next time, spend your money on lessons bastard. Typical second generation wastrel."     


There was a burst of hustle and bustle in the scene. Some of the audience couldn't stand it any longer. They chose to leave, making the stands that were barely filled, empty out.     

Yang Kun's mood was almost on the verge of collapse. Holding on barely he began to sing.     

"It doesn't matter... who will fall in love with who?     



Because Yang Kun's mood was sluggish and his mind swaying and the abrupt nature the concert started, the song was off. Therefore, this song "Indifferent" that had touched countless people failed to have the same effect it usually had.     

Whether a song was good or not did not all depends on its melody and lyrics. The most important thing was whether the singer could give the song a soul, sing its potential emotions, expressing its original meaning, for the audience. Bringing sensory enjoyment and resonating with the original intentions of the song.     

Yang Kun didn't inject the slightest emotion into "Indifferent", at this moment what he was doing completely perfunctory, he just wanted to sing and get it over with. As such he didn't pay attention to the quality of the song.     

In other words, he did not fulfill the responsibility of a singer, failing to meet the enthusiasm of the fans who supported him.     

"It doesn't matter... I don't care.     

Why should I cry, When you don't mind     

I don't mind     

I don't care~~~"     


Three minutes later, Yang Kun finally finished his first performance.     

At the same time, the audience had already begun to leave in large numbers disappointed in Yang Kun's performance.     

At the end of the first song, Yang Kun finally gave a speech, and with an almost inaudible voice, he perfunctorily said to the audience left on the scene: "Thank you for coming over and supporting me. I am very happy..."     

"You call this singing? You scammed us and made us pay for this trash. I've seen street performances better than this and they are free!"     

"Be happy with this... "     


A glass bottle flew through the air towards Yang Kun, who instinctively jumped back with a scream.     

The bottle flew and smashed at his feet.     

This time security sprang into action charging up the stands...     

Seeing the situation wasn't good, the staff quickly rushed out the music for the second song, and didn't give Yang Kun a chance to speak.     

Yang Kun felt like he had taken a punch to the gut, he stared eyes wide at the stage floor which had bits of glass on it.     

He really wanted to cry but he had no tears. At the moment, he stood still at the center of the stage, letting the fans scream unscrupulously, he was speechless, not singing, holding the microphone tightly in his hands.     

At this time, even the staff couldn't stand it anymore. They were full of swear words as they watched the ongoing mayhem, their words passed through the wireless headphones into Yang Kun's ear.     

Yang Kun was in tears because he knew that this was destined to be a failed concert, and he had fallen down the same path as Wang Jingwen. From now on, his reputation would be destroyed and he would never be able to recover!     

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