Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Happy Birthday Yuyan!

Happy Birthday Yuyan!

0Lu Qiang could say nothing further as he felt guilty about upsetting her on this special day because he was somewhat responsible for it. Lu Qiang knew that Jiang Yang didn't show up to celebrate his sister's birthday because he wanted to allow him to spend some time alone with Jiang Yuyan.      

"Do you want to go back?" Lu Qiang asked though he didn't wish to do so.     

Jiang Yuyan shook her head, "As we are already here, stay here for a while."     

Jiang Yuyan believed if she had agreed to go back, it would hurt Lu Qiang as he might think she didn't trust him.     

This time she didn't want to hurt him. It was not like she didn't want to be with him, it's just that she was afraid of something like that night might happen, and she will hurt him again. She knew he liked her and he was doing his best to please her on her birthday.     

Getting up from the sofa, Lu Qiang offering her his hand as he instructed, "Come with me."     

Jiang Yuyan lifted her head and looked at him surprisingly, but accepted his hand, and got up from the sofa.     

Holding her hand, Lu Qiang took her upstairs, where she saw a vast gallery decorated with so many beautiful flowers petals and candles. The gallery was open with a starry sky above, and it looked enchanting and beautiful.     

The candles were everywhere, which brightened every corner of that gallery as the rose petals covered the entire floor, giving it a look of red velvet.     

In the center of the gallery, there was a round glass table with two chairs to sit. On the table, there was a beautiful candle holder with a few candles burning.     

Lu Qiang looked at her, who stood frozen in her place while staring at this beautiful and unexpected sight holding his hand.      

"Let's go," Lu Qiang instructed, and she nodded, knowing he had prepared everything for her. She was surprised, but at the same time, she felt pleased, too, as the sad expressions on her face a while ago, disappeared instantly.     

Lu Qiang took her to the table in the center of the gallery, holding her hand as they stepped over the velvety red floor made by rose petals.      

Jiang Yuyan observed her each step on those red petals, feeling happy and special and smiling pleasantly. For a moment she felt like being in a fairy tale.     

She was a naive girl who never felt such special moments in her life and never dreamed about it. Lu Qiang was happy seeing her smiling and gave out a sigh of relief as he thought she might not like it.     

Their date was not a typical date when two people are madly in love with each other and could do anything they want. In this case, these two were unsure about each other's exact feelings and always had to be careful, thinking not to do anything to hurt each other.     

When they reached the table, Lu Qiang let go of her hand. Pulling out one chair for her, he helped her sit comfortably and sat on the other chair opposite her.     

Jiang Yuyan was silent as she looked here and there, not knowing what to say while Lu Qiang looked at her and asked, "You must be hungry."     

Jiang Yuyan nodded but said, "Not that much."     

Just then, the butler arrived with one servant following him who carried cake and wine with him. The butler arranged the cake, wine bottle, and two glasses on the table and left.     

Jiang Yuyan looked at Lu Qiang, feeling nervous around him. She felt like she was on a date but couldn't understand how all this just happened.      

Before coming to his place, she just expected it to be the usual birthday celebration, but all these things directed towards her being on the first date of her life.     

Jiang Yuyan blushed with the thought of being on a date with the man she liked. Realizing what she felt, she tried avoiding eye contact with Lu Qiang as she didn't want him to know what she was thinking.     

Lu Qiang believed she understood what was happening and what he had planned. He didn't want to hold back himself and went with a flow as he asked Jiang Yuyan to blow the candle on a cake. She did it and cut the cake.     

Lu Qiang picked one small piece of cake and offered her as he said, "Happy Birthday, Yuyan!"      

She accepted it, "Thank you."     

Soon dinner arrived, and the butler served it to them.     

"I hope you will eat properly today, unlike that day," Lu Qiang commented, and Jiang Yuyan understood he was talking about when the dinner they had the last time.     

"I will," she assured.     

Both enjoyed the dinner while talking about the things here and there, which made the tension disappear. In between the meal, Lu Qiang typed a message on his phone and sent it to someone.      

After dinner, the butler came again with a servant and cleaned the table while Jiang Yuyan and Lu Qiang walked towards the glass railing of the gallery.     

Both stood near the railing, observing the calm and peaceful vast starry sky along with the vast forest ahead below that starry sky. Jiang Yuyan closed her eyes to feel the breeze, as the loose hair strands on either side of her face moved with the gentle breeze.      

Lu Qiang raised his hand to tuck those loose hair strands behind her ears but stopped as just then, Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes and turned her face to look at him.      

Looking at his hand, she understood what he was doing. She smiled and turned to stand, facing him while looking into his eyes, asking him to do what he was doing.     

It surprised Lu Qiang, but he smiled back and tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ears while looking into her beautiful and starry eyes.     

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