Flowers Bloom from Battlefield



0In the carriage, Jun Hua stares at her hand. She might have just done the most foolish thing in her life, but she had to do it. If she did not, she wouldn't finish her act of revenge towards the emperor and she won't be able to protect the people under Jun family.     

"Mother… it's hard to get both of them."     

If she just wished for a good life, she could just abandon the thought of revenge and live her life like a good girl while the other matter can be handled by Jun Qing. On the other hand, if she wished to gain her revenge, there would be price to pay. She had lost her childhood time for a lot of things and now, she had to sacrifice her feeling.     

Jun Hua remembered what Kuina told her. Find someone she likes and chases after him. She thought that she had started to like him, but before she could inspect her feeling further, they need to separate. Both of them are going to be in two different kingdoms that are at each other throat. They are going to be enemies.     

Arriving home, Jun Hua noticed her grandfather is already cleaning things up.     

"Oh, Hua'er, how is the preparation?"     

" Grandpa, we will leave tomorrow."     

Jun Zhenxian face changed. "What about that brat Soujin? Have you told him…?"     

"I have, Grandpa. It is fine now," Jun Hua said with smile.     

Jun Zhenxian knew from Jun Hua's expression that it didn't end well. In the first place, it was because of their plan that he never chose any man for Jun Hua. The papers are only there for him to see the good candidate to bring to Jun family territory. But, he didn't think that his granddaughter would do it by herself at this important time.     

"We will return back when time is right."     

Jun Hua just smiled. It will be too late because he is far older than her. Won't he look for someone else? She didn't say anything and returned to her room.     

Preparing to clean up her things, she felt that it is even harder to leave. But, she cannot back down now. From the moment she stepped in the capital, it was the start of her revenge. She had only done it halfway, there are things she still needed to do.     

"I will wait for you too," Jun Hua whispered on her bed. It's not like she needed to get married so soon too, so it doesn't really matter for her if she indulge herself in this kind of 'foolish' decision. She closed her eyes and dived into the dreamland.     

Jun Zhenxian ordered the servants to prepare for the carriages. They are going to leave this place. He had already asked the emperor for permission and that emperor just somehow agreed with a little act here and there. Well, if he did not, he's prepared to make a big ruckus in the capital, though.     

He looked towards his granddaughter's room. Is he going to make his granddaughter suffer too? For their Jun family, his daughter had sacrificed her marriage and lived in agony for years. Now, for their future and revenge, his granddaughter had to suppress her feeling. Somehow, he felt that he had failed as both father and grandfather. He let the girls bear the burden where he should have been the one doing that.     

Shaking his head, Jun Zhenxian continued to cleaning up the things. He can't do much for them, but he is not going to let his granddaughter suffer the same fate as his daughter.     

The next day, the Jun family goes towards their territory. The emperor strangely let them go which puzzles many people, but no one dares to question the emperor. They could only wait in obedience at what the emperor does.     


Nanglong family residence     

Qin Shie stared at her son. "The Jun family is going to leave Ming Kingdom?"     

Soujin nodded. "Jun Min told that to me a few days before his death. They are going to declare war against Ming Kingdom's emperor."     

Nanglong Souka is stunned. He didn't expect his old friend to do something big again. Now that Jun Min is gone, he still dares to do something like that? What are they planning?     

Qin Shie worried about something else. "Then, what about that lass?"     

"She is going with the Jun family," Soujin said calmly. He no longer looked troubled, but his eyes are complicated. "I will bring her back after everything ends."     

Qin Shie wanted to persuade Soujin to look for another girl, but the young man didn't listen at all. In this field, she could only nag, but if she forced her son, the girl is the one who will be suffering. He doesn't want anyone to tell him what to do.     

Nanglong Souka is feeling headache. "You're really a troublesome kid, just go to the emperor and say your thoughts."     

What he meant was asking for marriage decree. But, Soujin was not going to force that girl into his hand. He would wait for her and his own revenge to finish first. He too had his own plan to do and this didn't include in his original plans.     

"Since the Jun family returned to their territory, why don't we go too?"     

Nanglong Souka almost spit out the tea he drinks, "You brat! Didn't you say that we would be going only after the season change?"     

"The plan has changed."     



The next day, the Nanglong family also returned to their territory. The emperor listened to it all while gritting his teeth.     

"Wu, they are running away!"     

"They don't," Strategist Wu said calmly. "Nanglong family is returning for preparation of war."     

"What war?"     

"Revenge War."     

After the war from before, it's possible for another war to happen which is why this era is called the war era. Among the big kingdoms, which one can take defeat calmly? None of them. They would definitely try to gain even more cities and areas from war. If they lose, they will plan the revenge to get back the land they lost before.     

The emperor face turned ashen. He should have expected it since this is the war era, but he is too busy to handle the matter in his kingdom and neglect the other things. Would the Ming Kingdom go to war again soon?     

Strategist Wu looked towards the map. His brows creased. "The only variable is Jun family. How do you think they will react against this situation?"     

"What do you mean?"     

Wu shook his head. He wanted to investigate the Jun Family further before this, but the chaos issued because of Jun Min is still too big. It must be just his feeling, but it can also be true. However, if his guess is true, Ming Kingdom would be placed in a dangerous situation.     

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