The 3 B's- Beauty , Brains and Bravery

Birth of ' Artist Zhi Bo ' !

Birth of ' Artist Zhi Bo ' !

0Ruo Cy and Rong Xinghe went to the cafe and ordered their prefered drinks.     

Rong Xinghe noticed that Ruo Cy was still a bit anxious , so , she initiated the conversation .     

" Brother told me that he had started dating a lady not too long ago. I was just a bit curious to know her . I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable . It is just that i wanted to know how serious you are for him . You have been dating him for months , how do you think he is ? "     

Ruo Cy thought about Zhi Bo and relaxed a little.     

She then said shyly , " Um...What do i say ? He is a very good person . I don't know how , but i feel quite warm when he is with me . And about how serious i am for him , well... i do see a future with him . "     

Rong Xinghe smiled at her .     

Damn ! This artist brother of hers actually charmed such an amazing woman !     

Impressive !     

Rong Xinghe then turned serious , " Since you like him and see a future with him , don't you want to know about his past ? It is a bit complicated . And i know for a fact , that he won't be able to tell you about it . "     

Ruo Cy : " Actually , i don't care about his past . I love the man he is now . I can wait if he needs time to open up about his past . It is just that i wonder sometimes , he is fine when he talks about Brother Xi , Zhi Al and you , but he gets quite uncomfortable when i mention his parents ... "     

Rong Xinghe : " That is because Bro Bo doesn't share a good relationship with his dad . "     

Ruo Cy : " Really ?!"     

Rong Xinghe : " Since , you are serious about him , you deserve to know about his past more than anyone . It is your entire life we are talking about here , after all.     

" Bro Bo was always an introvert since childhood . Unlike Bro Al , he hated parties . He loved to paint since he was five and he had amazing calligraphy skills as well .     

" He could've had a normal childhood but it wasn't his destiny .He was 17 when his mom suffered a mental illness called Schizophrenia. It is a disease in which a person loses the ability to think , feel and behave clearly. Due to her self-blame , she committed suicide . Brother Zhi Xi was 18 at that time and brother Zhi Al was 15 .     

" Bro Bo was very close to his mom and although he had bro Xi , bro Al and I by his side , he still couldn't come out of stress and depression . He started underperforming in studies.     

" And worst part was yet to come , when a child needed his father the most , his dad brought his mistress home . And it wasn't just that , he even declared that he would marry that woman ! He didn't cared even a bit about Bro Bo's and Bro Al's emotions at that time .     

" Bro Zhi Al was taken away by his maternal grandparents after the death ceremony , so , he had no idea what was happening . But , this left a huge impact on Bro Bo . He just couldn't bring himself to accept a new mother . A mother wasn't a toy who could be replaced, after all .     

" So , he took a drastic step to ease his pain . He took drugs .     

" Zhi Xi and I had no idea what he was doing . But after sometime , i observed , that he had became a lot more quiet than before. He also used to get irritated easily and always seemed zoned out. I told Brother Zhi Xi about it .     

" One night , after he slept , we sneaked into his room to see what was going on . It was then , that we found a packet of white powder in his bag. We got it checked in a laboratory , and the scientists told us that it was a drug called Methamphetamine .     

" I was just 11 at that time , so i didn't knew what drugs were but Bro Xi knew what it meant .     

" That was the first time , i had seen Bro Xi weaken up . He had always been strong , but when he saw his brother going through this pain , he couldn't handle himself . Even Bro Bo confessed that he wanted to get out of this addictive trap .     

" I then did research and registered Bro Bo in a Drug Rehabilitation Centre . It took him 2 years to get over that .     

" But he still had many problems to deal with. He had the choice to inherit the family business , but he always felt empty amongst those datas , and profits , and stocks.     

" I remember , once , he had asked me that why was drugs considered a bad option ."     

Ruo Cy had tears in her eyes by now .     

She never thought that this man whom she loved , had been through so much pain when he was young.     

Ruo Cy : ( Sobbing )"Then what did you say ? "     

Rong Xinghe smiled and handed a tissue to the girl to wipe her tears .     

Rong Xinghe : " I told him that drugs are a bad option because they make us gulp the pain we feel . That pain is never liberated from our hearts and becomes a poison which doesn't let us see other beautiful things in the world ."     

Ruo Cy : " Then what did he say ?"     

Rong Xinghe : " Then he asked me what could he do to liberate his pain ."     

Ruo Cy : " Then ? "     

Rong Xinghe smiled again when she saw the expectant eyes of the girl . These were the same eyes her brother saw her with , when he had asked this question back then .     

They both were actually compatible !     

Rong Xinghe : " The best way to liberate the pain is to show it , beautify it and tell your story to the world ! Not to keep it to yourself and letting it become poison.     

" And that was the Birth of Artist Zhi Bo ! "     

Ruo Cy was stunned when she heard that ,     

" You mean to say , Bo opted for career in Art because you said that would be best for him ?! "     

Rong Xinghe nodded , " Yes ! Brother needed clarity for his future and I knew him more than anyone . He was always a very intense person . This suited him the most.     

Look where he is now ! "     

Ruo Cy was amazed when she heard the complete story of the man she had liked .     

But more than Zhi Bo , she had gained respect for Rong Xinghe .     

She was just 13 when she had advised him about the profession that suited him the most .     

She must have had a high EQ from the time when she was a child.     

No wonder , Zhi Bo loved his sister so much !     

She had practically made him the person he was today !     

She was worth the love and respect she got !     

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