Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



0"Daddy?" Isla gazes out the window as I gently brush her hair, laughter and faint contemporary music coming from the backyard where our guests are mingling and celebrating my birthday. Just a couple of minutes ago, my daughter accidentally threw juice on her dress so we're changing into a new one and fixing her hair.      

I know she already has an interesting question for me. "Yes, Jellybean?"     

"Why is the sun called the sun?"     

I blow out of breath. My daughter turned three years old a couple weeks ago. She's at that stage where she questions everything. I want to give her all the answers, but how the hell am I supposed to do that? How do you answer all these things?     

"That's a really good question. Why don't we find out tomorrow in the library?"     

"Okay! You'll find it with me, Daddy?"     

"Of course." I smile.     

Look, I may not have all the answers, but I'm not going to make up some bullshit about it just to sound smart for her when I really don't know. I'd like her to remember that she can count on me by not pretending I know everything, rather seek out the answers with her. I want to make experiences with my daughter, so every few Sundays, we visit the library.      

She proceeds to her next question. "Why is my name Isla?"     

"Your mommy and I met on an island and it's extremely special to us. Your name is very pretty, don't you think?"     

"Uh-huh. It's Island but no 'nd'." She faces me and shows me her teeth when she sounds the syllable.     

I chuckle. Ever since she started talking, she never shut up. And she comes up with the most interesting things that keep us on our toes. Isla has my eyes, but everything else looks like Angela. Her cute little nose, lips, and hair—all from her mother.      

"Come on, let's go back outside and find your mom."     

"I want to hold your hand, Daddy," she says, already holding my fingers.      

We leave through the kitchen door and she spots Angela with our two-month-old baby boy in her arms. The joy I had when I learned our second baby was a boy was indescribable.     

"Daddy, why…why is baby brother name River?"     

I suppress my laughter with a smile. "Well… River means calmness and peace." I'm not telling my daughter the other reason that's strictly for me and Angela only.     

Isla nods, accepting my answer. "He is calm, isn't he? Not a cry baby like Baby Zoe." She's referring to Nina and William's baby. Angela and Nina are on a bench, gushing about their newborns. The two best friends gave birth on the same day, Zoe just a few minutes older than River.     

We walk towards where they are, my daughter shooting more "why" questions than a live reporter on TV. My birthday was actually last Wednesday and we had dinner with our families in our home. My side of the family was only here for the night to celebrate and they flew out the next morning.     

We decided to have our friends over today and have a laid-back Saturday—pool, beers, and barbeques. The Sus, Chos, Kims, and Parks are all scattered in the yard, our children friends with each other. The summer sun is beating down from the sky but the trees around our property give us plenty of shade.     

The small hand around my fingers slips off and I look down just as she asks, "Daddy, can I play with Ashton?"     

Daniel and Samantha's son walks by us, heading towards a quiet corner of the yard where the treehouse is. He's looking more and more like Daniel by the day. "Sure, sweetie. Just don't climb the tree, okay? And stay where I can see you."     

"Okay, daddy!" She runs off after the boy and my chest squeezes when she beams at him, reaching for his hand. "Let's play Ashton!"      

Goddamnit. I'm watching you, boy. I sigh as I continue to walk over to where my wife is.     

William sees me approach and he nods. I place a hand on Angela's shoulder and lean down to plant a kiss on my son's forehead, and then my wife's. River is cocooned in a blanket like a little nugget. He's too young for us to see who he takes after, but his eyes are dark like Angela's.      

I grab two bottles of beer from the icebox on the nearby table and hand one to William. The four of us engage in random topics about our friends and our children. I have my hand on Angela's shoulder the entire time because I always have to touch her, giving her light squeezes to relieve some of the knots while glancing over at Isla and Ashton from time to time.      

"Oh! You know what we should do?" Nina suddenly quips, "We should make a pact!"     

"A pact?" William and I question at the same time.     

"Yeah! Our babies can get married when they're old enough. They'll be best friends growing up. It'll be perfect!"     

Angela laughs as she looks up at me. She doesn't protest, just finding her friend funny. I don't know how I feel about that.     

William, however, has something to say. "Hold up. A marriage pact? Ha! You've got to be joking, love."     

Nina narrows her eyes at him. "What? It's cute!"     

"It's not fucking cute. My daughter is not marrying River. End of discussion."     

I'm the one narrowing my eyes at him now. "What's wrong with my son?"     

William looks at me like the reason is obvious, gesturing his hand towards my beautiful boy as he says, "Uh…the fact that he has a penis?"     

That makes me chuckle as I chug back the beer, shaking my head. Then I reach down to run my thumb on River's hair. "Don't listen to him. You're perfect."     

Nina laughs too as she tells her husband, "You have a penis and you turned out okay-ish."     

"Whatever." William scowls. "My daughter isn't going to marry until she's forty." Then he turns to me. "You should understand, you have Isla."     

I glance over to Isla who's possibly asking a million questions to Ashton. William didn't have to say it. I'm already dreading the day when a boy takes my daughter away. "I'll break their hands if they touch my daughter."     

Oliver's wife, Olivia, comes over and takes River. She loves kids and is good with them, and I take advantage of that right away.     

"I wanna show you something," I tell Angela as I'm pulling her away from the group. Olivia gives me a knowing smirk, but I ignore that and usher my wife towards the house. I nod at Rick to keep an eye on the kids for a while. We only have a few minutes.     

"Where are we going?" Angela giggles though she knows what's up. She's been giving me signals the whole afternoon and if we don't get away, I might combust outside.     

As soon as we pass the threshold of the kitchen, I lock the door behind me and push her against the wall, my mouth crashing down on hers. She quickly responds, wrapping her arms around my neck and then climbing on me. I touch her everywhere I can reach, caressing and kneading. Angela's body changed after giving birth, her tits are bigger and hips slightly wider. And I fucking love it.     

I plunge my tongue down her throat as I couldn't get enough of her and she moans. We've only started having sex again a couple of weeks ago and I'm still making up for the six weeks that she had to heal that I've acquired blue fucking balls.     

Trailing kisses on her neck, I push the hem of her dress up her waist and find her wet beneath her panties. "Please…" she gasps when I rub my fingers along her slick slit.     

She doesn't have to ask twice. I make quick work on my pants, pull my cock out free, slide her underwear to the side, and thrust into her. I've been painfully hard this afternoon after seeing her across the yard with her come-fuck-me eyes.     

With Isla being three and River needing to be breastfed every minute, Angela and I barely have a moment to breathe and have time for each other. So whenever any of our friends or families offer to watch them for us, we take it.     

And damn if we don't have fun sneaking out for quickies like this.     

"Fuck, Angel. You're so warm." I grunt as I impale her to the wall, and her silent moans increase a few octaves. She meets my thrusts with her rhythmic grinding and we move in perfect sync.     

"Oh…Gael…I'm so close. Don't stop."     

I won't fucking stop even if this house will crumble.     

We don't last. She's about to cry out and I cover her mouth with mine, muffling her moans as her pussy squeezes my cock. She tips over the edge and my balls tighten. I slam inside her once, twice, and I feel like my soul leaves my body as I erupt inside of her. A delicious flush of pure ecstasy and bliss goes on and on as we ride out our orgasms while clinging onto each other.     

Once we've calmed, we're trembling in pleasure as I help her down to her feet and we gather our bearings. I kiss her again, and she's as eager as me.     

"Wow. That was…" she breathes.     

"I know."     

Every time, it's different. Every time, it's phenomenal.     

Angela chuckles. She leans her head against my chest and hugs me, a sigh leaving her lips. "Thanks, I really needed that."     

"Anytime, Angel." I kiss her forehead.     

We stay quiet for a couple of minutes just holding each other. It's a much needed reprieve after the crazy week we had. "You wanna hear something funny that Isla said earlier?"     

"What did she ask this time?"     

"She asked where we got hers and River's names. And then she wonders if the next baby will be named Sky."     

Angela erupted in laughter, shaking her head. "Oh no. I love our babies and would give my life to them, but I don't think I can handle one more. Just the thought of it makes my vagina close up."     

I chuckle, placing another kiss on her head. While having more would be amazing, I'd never want to make my wife suffer. "We should head back."     

She lets out a sigh and then she checks herself on the mirror by the door. "That name would be nice for a third one though."     

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