The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Waiting for the DNA result.

Waiting for the DNA result.

0Alexa was exhausted by the time the dinner was over, never in her whole life had she ever encountered people like First Lady Dianne and Jane Si. She couldn't wait to get back to her room so she could think of how she was going to deal with them in the future. Alexa knew that they would never let her be, and they would make her life a living hell as long as she stayed at the White House within their eyesight: it was time to think of a plan and implement it ASAP.     

Alexa knew she only had one solution to her dilemma, and she would wait for the DNA results to make sure she is who she and everyone thinks she is, then she would go as far away from them as she could. Life as the first daughter was not on her agenda, and she would rather be just a plain Jane;     

Alexa had done a pretty good job and made it on her own. If somewhere along the line her father, the President, would like to pave the way, why not... But she would stay away from limelight if she could help it, that was her plan, and she was going to stick to it.     

Ria, Lucas, and Logan were all standing by waiting for Alexa as she came out of the dining room looking all haggard and about ready to pass out.     

"Golly, I never had such a night of my life, only to have suffered from the hand of the devil incarnated," Alexa complained to the trio as they walked back towards her room at a slow pace.     

Ria was going to say something but decided to hold her tongue, and she didn't want to upset Alexa more than how upset she already was, the poor girl looked like a walking corpse; as white as a ghost.     

Lucas and Logan felt awkward at the sight of Alexa, and they had just met her but, they already felt connected to her, maybe because she reminded them of their younger sister Lea and her best friend, Ann.     

The twins didn't say a word either and continued following her towards her room, but deep inside their minds, they would also do everything in their power to protect her at all costs.     

Slowly but surely, they made it to Alexa's room without delay, Lucas and Logan went back to their posts; standing guard at the door, while Ria opened the door for Alexa to enter.     

Alexa gave the twins half a smile as if to say thank you before going into the sanctuary of her room. Once she entered, Ria hurriedly closed the door and went to the bathroom to prepare a hot bath for Alexa so she could relax before going to bed.     

Alexa slumped herself into the sofa as soon as she entered her room, she was exhausted to the maximum. Her body almost couldn't handle it. Her brain seemed to stop working once she arrived in her room. She laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling; looking at it blankly.     

"Miss Grant, your bath is ready whenever you are! Miss Grant!" Ria shouted from the adjoining bathroom.     

A couple of minutes passed by but Alexa still hadn't shown up, Ria decided to check and see what was going on with her. What Ria saw when she peeked in the small parlor broke her heart. Alexa crawled up in a ball, sound asleep.     

'Poor girl, you did not know what you were going to into when you came here, did you? Don't worry; you're not alone in this huge house. We will make sure you feel at home.' Ria thought as she went into the bedroom to get a pillow and blanket to cover Alexa. A drop of tear fell from her eyes without her realizing what had happened...     


Meanwhile, in the President and First Lady's bedroom, the couple were arguing in regards to Alexa. The First Lady did not want the President to announce Alexa until she was ready. Her idea was to wait until they got the result from the DNA test and go from there.     

President Grant wanted to argue with First Lady Dianne and hold a press conference letting everyone in the whole world know that Alexa was his daughter. However, the First Lady had a point by wanting them to wait for the results first, as many people might question her paternity afterward. President Grant had no choice but to agree with what First Lady Dianne suggested...     

"Alright! We will wait for the result of the DNA test, as you suggested. However, once we know for sure that she's my daughter, I am going to call a press conference, no ifs or buts about it.     

Understood?" He said it sternly that First Lady Dianne dared not to argue and shut her mouth then went to prepare to go to bed.     

While First Lady Dianne was sitting in front of the vanity table, removing her makeup, she was thinking with a sly smile on her face. 'Let see if you would be able to announce it to the whole world when the time comes, let see about that!'     


Kingdom of Stonasia:     

Prince Alexander was in a foul mood, which made him pace back and forth, waiting for a phone call from his assistant. He had not heard from Pierre in the last couple of days, and he was about to embark on a trip to America to attend a lousy birthday party of the First Lady of the house.     

Suddenly his phone started playing a tune..."There goes my heart, beating..." He hurriedly pushed the slide bar on the screen, "Hello! You better have a piece of good news, or you might as well hang up!" He told Pierre who was still at the other side of the world doing his bidding.     

"Prince Alexander! Hello, I do have a piece of good news! It's about Miss Grant, and I know where she went..." Pierre excitedly announced.     

Prince Alexander couldn't believe what he was hearing, the contour of his face suddenly changed, and a wide grin propped up on his handsome face. "That's a real piece of good news indeed. Speak!"     

He growled as he ordered his assistant, he couldn't wait to hear the news. Finally, he would be able to see his future wife. If everything worked out the way he planned, he would just show his face at the party then leave right away.     

"Miss Alexa Grant left the Philippines with a private investigator headed for the United States of America to meet her father. Isn't it a coincidence because you are also on your way there?"     

Pierre happily informed his employer. 'I can finally return to Stonasia and relax while Prince Alexander takes care of the King's orders. Hahaha!' [At least that's what Pierre thought,]     

Pierre almost has a heart attack when Prince Alexander spoke; "Don't come back here, head straight to America and I'll meet you there. Arrange a meeting for us, no matter what. I do not care how you do it. You got it?" Then he hung up the phone without waiting for Pierre to reply.     

"WTF!!!" He shouted out loud before throwing his cell phone as far as he could...     


Ramon arrived at home looking all haggard and out of his mind from the long flight from the Philippines. He was seriously jetlagged. He had not been able to sleep for the last couple of days ever since Alexa left without saying goodbye. She did not even let him know where she was going.     

"Welcome, home! Oh, I'm so happy that you're back." Lucy Le Grande happily greeted Ramon as he walked into the house.     

"Hmmm..." Was all Ramon said as he continued walking towards his room without turning to look back at his mother who was really shocked at the way he replied to her.     

He didn't even know how he made it back home. That was why when his mother welcomed him home, he only replied with a curt nod and continued towards his room, and once inside, he shut the door and locked it behind him.     

His mother was still in shock with his attitude and was about to open his door... to scold him when she realized that he might leave again and decided against it and let him be for the time being.     

Her heart was aching for him, and it was because she had someone follow him while he was roaming in the Philippines chasing after his childhood sweetheart. She also knew that the girl was not interested in him, because if she were, she wouldn't have left without saying goodbye.     

Lucy Le Grande thought it was better since the girl was nobody and does not match up to him in any aspect.     

As soon as Ramon reached the sanctuary of his room, he dropped his whole body onto his bed and closed his eyes. But no matter how much he tried to sleep, his mind wouldn't let him.     

'Alexa!!! Where are you?' His mind kept on seeing her image, and it would not go away no matter how hard he tried. Ramon got up and went towards the bar inside his room, poured himself a hard liquor, and drunk it in one gulp. "Sigh!"     

He then poured another, then another, and another... soon, Ramon emptied the whole bottle and finally passed out on the floor with no more images of Alexa...     

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