Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Isn't he the new CEO of L & E corporations!!!

Isn't he the new CEO of L & E corporations!!!

0At night….     

Brina is sleeping when a drunken Chris started banging her door.     

After her encounter with Chris and her maternal family, Brina went to the orphanage as it is too near to her grandparents' house compared to her house. Like always she spent almost half of her salary to buy toys and food items for kids. She even bought three pairs of new clothes for kids who will be celebrating their birthday.     

This birthday isn't the day they are born but, the day they succeeded in fighting their chronic diseases.     

Brina almost spent her whole evening with kids and checking on the children who are in critical situation and has to go through a major surgery.     

When it is almost the sunset, Brina went to the training base where she trained with some of trainees in combat and martial arts. She exhausted herself to her saturation in order to control her temper which was triggered by Chris and her family.     

Later, her uncle Tom dropped her at her house and by the time Brina came to her flat it is almost night.     

She talked with Louis in the phone for ten minutes and then took a hot shower before going to sleep in her bathrobe itself.     

And when she heard someone knocking her door, she let out a curse as she reluctantly opened the door.     

Chris who is drunk to his neck, forcefully barged in and held her wrist tightly. He pulled her closer to him and Brina instantly wrinkled her nose in disgust.     

He is reeking alcohol.     

"Chris, you better go out, this instant!!" she warned him. She can easily knock him unconscious or kick him out of the door, but she simply doesn't want to display her physical strength. This would obviously reveal that she is trained in combat.     

More importantly she is worried that Harry would probably kill Chris once he will get to know that he manhandled his little sister. Not that she cares about Chris here, but she doesn't want unnecessary attention focussing on her.     

"Brina, I am the right person to you and you will not find any one other person who might care for you as much as I do" he said, his words unclear due to excess drinking.     

"Chris, don't you dare to cross your boundaries. I am warning you now itself and don't bla-" Brina stopped when they heard the third voice in the house.     

"Baby, who is that" a sleepy voice came from Brina's bedroom door.     

Chris and Brina turned around and as soon as Chris saw who that person is, he grunted his teeth.     

Meanwhile, Brina looked at the person in shock.     

How did he come inside?? That too using her bedroom balcony door??     

Standing in front of them is Louis who is shirtless and wearing a night pant. His hair is dishevelled and he looked too sleepy as if he just walked out from his bed.     

'This guy!! How could he be so handsome' Brina thought as her eyes lingered on his perfectly contoured face and well worked abs.     

Meanwhile, Chris looked at Brina and Louis.     

He is wearing a pant and nothing else while Brina is in her bathrobe. Beneath it, there might be nothing.     

And what is he doing in Brina's house that too at midnight??     

Their attire is inappropriate too….as if, as if they just had sex and slept naked.     

Chris felt his heart twist and churn.     

He knew her from almost two years and Brina didn't even allow him to touch her cheeks.     

There was a situation once, Tanya met an accident. Brina was crying and he tried to comfort her but she didn't even allowed him to wipe away the tears let alone comfort her.     

But now….     

Seeing them like this….     

It is too obvious that they are in live in together relationship. And had been to very intimate phase of their relationship.     

Meanwhile, Louis felt his blood boil when he saw Chris holding his girlfriend forcefully. He felt like to strangle Chris to death or throw him to his pet sharks. They would enjoy human meat after many years.     

But, Louis knew that he can't do this to Chris. At least not now, but if this bastard cross the line once again Louis swore to see his end.     

Louis took a one long stride and he is already standing infront of Brina and dazed Chris.     

Brina sent him a flying kiss and Louis couldn't do but roll his eyes as he chuckled. He could see that Brina isn't scared.     

And, he felt her sense of humour too hilarious.     

But, he also understood that Brina is sending him an indirect message not to take any extreme actions.     

Right now, his face is red with anger and his aura is too dangerous and chilly. He is emanating dark aura akin to king of hell.     

Even before Chris could come back to reality, Louis gently yanked away Chris's hand from Brina's wrist.     

He is careful not to hurt Brina. And after Brina is free from Chris's hold, Louis kicked Chris directly in his abdomen.     

Louis is a trained fighter too. So, with the force he used, Chris couldn't stand a chance to that impulse.     

He crumbled and fell down on the floor with groaning in pain.     

"You fine, baby" Louis asked as he hugged her tightly.     

Brina tip toed, burying her face in his crook and due to her height, he couldn't help but hold her in his arms.     

"You always come out of thin air, do you have super powers, Mr. Boyfriend" Brina whispered against his neck.     

Louis chuckled and caressed her hair. Their position is so intimate.     

They are hugging each other too tight and he is holding her in his arms to match their heights. One of his hand holding her waist as he lifted her body against his.     

She has her face buried in his neck and he had his other hand holding her head.     

Chris looked at them and he couldn't stomach their intimacy. Seeing Brina act like a cute girlfriend made Chris boil in anger.     

When Louis chuckled, caressing her hair, Chris could not do anything but wish very badly that it should have been him.     

And, at the same time Ben Cooper, the former boss of Brina who is also the fiancé of Tanya hurried inside.     

He is cousin of Chris and when the security at the residences called him and informed about Chris's condition, Ben quickly reached.     

And, when he saw Brina and Louis, he froze.     

Isn't…. isn't he the new CEO of L & E corporations!!!     

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