The President's Lover is a Fighter

Bonus Chapter: Meet Andrea's Parents

Bonus Chapter: Meet Andrea's Parents

1Traveling two hours outside the city, Andrea and Anton visited the grave of their parents for the first time in a public cemetery. Li Wen also came with them to meet her mother.     

While it was a trip that the siblings planned for themselves, Lu Fang came with them wanting to meet his wife's parents. Since it was meant to be a short trip, Yanmei and Xia Ting remained in their home country.      

Li Wen had very little memories of her mother. She was five years old when her mother decided to leave her father. Back then, she never understood why her mother left. Neither did her father knew.     

It was only when Andrea came looking for her did she learn of her mother's true identity and the reason for her unusual intelligence.     

Apparently, her mother was a lab rat from an old organization called the Project Zero, and she chose to leave her first family to protect her. Their mother did not want anyone to discover of Li Wen's existence.      

Li Wen had it hard during her teens. After her father re-married, she had to leave outside her father's protection since she was not wanted. She even resorted to changing her last name to Li when she was at the right age, just to rid herself of her step-mother's pestering and accusations.      

Looking at the public cemetery where graves were practically next to each other, with very little distance in between tombs. Li Wen said to her siblings, "We should move them to a more comfortable home. We want our children to look up to them as the persons who gave our talents and gave us life."     

"While you might have hated your life as a child, the main root of our mother's worry was really the fact that they were prisoners, to begin with. I'm sure they both struggled with their decisions in life."     

"Here they are, Ai Mi Li and Anton Galiger Hill," Anton pointed out.      

Anton looked at the grave and he too felt saddened by how dirty it looked and how abandoned it was. He turned to Andrea and said, "I suppose, they deserve a better place of rest. We were here, Andy, when they were buried, but just for a short period. After the government took us, we never had the chance to come back anymore."     

"We - we were quickly adopted - quickly separated."     

Andrea turned her back to find her husband. Lu Fang was slowly making his way to their side, "Babe, come here and introduce yourself." Pointing at the two tombs next to each other, she said, "These are our biological parents. I showed you the pictures, remember?"     

Both Anton and Andrea had very little memorials of their parents, but fortunately, they each had a few pieces of pictures.      

In front of the graves, Anton, Li Wen, and Andrea, plus Lu Fang introduced themselves. After minutes of awkward silence, Anton said, "Mother and father... When you died, Andy and I were put off for adoption by the In government, sold to the highest bidder."     

"Back then - back then, I blamed you for our misfortune and how we lived, continuously running for our lives. Especially you, father," said Anton. "But now, being with my foster family and meeting my own wife, I concluded... Maybe it was not so bad at all."     

"Still, despite being separated, Andy and I bumped into each other," Anton added.      

Anton began to think back of how he met Andy by accident in Korea during a mission given to her by the Davies' lair. Andy would have gone past her as she fled the men who were chasing her, except he had been secretly keeping tabs on her for years.      

In fact, the Yeongs had tried to negotiate with the Davies to take Andrea after Anton's request. This request was naturally not entertained by Nancy, especially with Andrea's contribution to the success of their mercenary business at a young age.      

Anton took a bullet for Andrea as he helped her escape that very day of their encounter. They were separated for many years, yet fate still brought them together as siblings. It was the start of Andrea's making connections with her brother.      

"Yes, Yeong. It was hard at first, but we pulled through - we really did," Andrea added. She turned to Li Wen and held her hand before adding, "Li Wen did fine too for herself."     

"Our parents may have left us, but it made us stronger," said Li Wen. "I think it was a good idea that we came here. At least, your father and our mother now know that we are doing well - that we made it despite having to fend for ourselves."     

While the siblings told about their struggles and how they pulled through, Lu Fang had this much to say, "Father-in-law and Mother-in-law, thank you for giving me a beautiful wife who gave me so many children. Thank you for a supporting sister-in-law who gave me a complimentary high-technology security system in my company in exchange for Andrea's hand in marriage."     

Li Wen chuckled while Anton turned to her and complained, "Why did Lu Fang get it for free whereas I paid full price?! I did not even get a discount?!"     

"Oh, please. You are richer, and I wanted someone to marry Andy," said Li Wen before she continued to laugh at Lu Fang.      

"Lastly, thank you for a brother-in-law who is more protective of my daughter in Korea than I. Me and Andy practically saved hundreds of thousands of dollars over security cost for your granddaughter, Alexis, and her family," Lu Fang told.      

"Oh, no. I'm billing you next year, Lu Fang, with seven years of interest! There is no family in business!" Anton announced angrily.      

After their visit, the siblings first made sure to move their parent's grave to a better location, the same private cemetery where Alfred Davies was buried. Only then did Anton and Li Wen returned to their respective countries.      

Andrea and Lu Fang, on the other hand, lingered in the UK for another week before going to Italy where they were to visit Hanxi and his family.      

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