Fox Life

Epilogue (7)

Epilogue (7)

0The next day, Iris refused to get out of bed. Her body was sore and aching, much worse than she had imagined. Then again, who had pulled her on the tongue to accept the suggestion to do it again.     

Color rushed to her face at the memory of what had happened in the darkness of the room, and she hid under the covers. When Kyro entered the room, all he saw was a big bulge on the bed.     

He put the tray on the bedside table and gently shook the mass underneath. "Iris?"     

She popped her head out so only her eyes could be seen and glared at him. "What?"     

A tantalizing smell drifted over, and she glanced to the side where she'd heard him place a tray. On it, a cup of cocoa stood along with a creamy bun.     

Forgetting all other thoughts, Iris lunged for the delicious goodness. She could imagine the amused look on Kyro's face at her actions, but forgave him because the cocoa was really good. With a sigh of pleasure at the warm, slightly sweet taste, she leaned back against the headboard, eyes closed.     

There was a sound then, and she looked over to see Lucy marching over the bed. He seemed quite annoyed to have spent the night outside the bedroom and came to lie on her stomach. It would've been cute if he was a small kitten, but he was a giant, monstrous, evil giant.     

Iris could barely breathe. "Is this revenge?" she asked in a wheeze. Not even the cocoa could help her when faced with the ire of a majestic beast.     

In answer, Lucy meowed and flicked his tail.     

"I think you should let him be," Kyro said, watching them from the side in good humor.     

"Yeah?" Iris glared at him. It wasn't he who had five kilograms of cat on his stomach and chest, making even breathing a challenge. "Like master like servant, both of you are despicable!"     

Maybe because she didn't specify which of the two was the master, Kyro reached over to grab what remained of her cocoa, some half a cup. "I made a mistake then. Despicable people don't bring breakfast to bed to their spouses, do they?"     

Iris pulled the cup to her chest and leaned over it like a certain creature over its ring. "No! You're the best, best of the best! Greatest man there ever was! Don't take my cocoa away!"     

"You could have left that last sentence out…" Kyro grimaced, then smiled and pulled away. He lifted the tray for her to pick up the bun and stood up to leave.     

When he returned in a few minutes, she was finished eating and was stroking Lucy's back. The king of the apartment was heavy, but the rapid flutter of his heart was a reminder to Iris just how precious he was. It would be a crime to move him away. Thus, she sacrificed herself and made him even happier by petting him.     

His purr was music to her ears.     

"We've been invited to join everyone in the villa again. Marge didn't know when we were returning from UK, so she hadn't sent the invitation earlier."     

"By everyone you mean your friends, right?" Iris asked, lifting her eyes from the satisfied cat.     

Kyro nodded. "Yeah, Marge with Jimmy, Ted with Emily, and most likely Gale with someone. Not sure if he's coming alone, with Lily, or even bringing Elise."     

There was only one important piece of information in that little speech. "Elise? So they actually made up?" Joy spread through her at her friend's success.     

"I guess? Elise actually went and suggested they date. Brave soul, but lucky as well. After some consideration, Gale agreed."     

"You don't sound enthusiastic about it."     

"That's because I'm not," Kyro said with a shrug. "I don't envy that girl the work she'll have to do to turn Gale into husband material."     

Iris grinned at him. "What about me then? Do you pity me as well?"     

After that, a huge war ensued in the household. Lucy couldn't stand the immaturity of his food givers, starting a pillow fight in the middle of the day, and left the room. It would be better to take a nap on the sofa. At least there no one would be jumping around and getting in his way. He missed the days when his food providers had at least some discipline. It seemed like he'd have to retrain them again.     


"What do you mean I should come with you?" Elise asked while crossing her arms. "I don't know any of those people! And I'm not prepared! These clothes are for milling around the company, not going to a friend gathering!"     

"What's the big deal? We can stop by a shop for you to get something new. And you know Iris, don't you? There's no way Kyro is not bringing her along."     

Gale was acting like what he was saying was perfectly normal, but Elise didn't find anything normal in it. She had asked him out and he agreed, but how was it okay for her to be thrust into his friends' gathering the day after? It just wasn't done! Too soon!     

"You're not getting the point," she said through gritted teeth as they reached the elevator. People were staring at them, as they always did since the day they announced their fake relationship, so she didn't want to make a scene. "It's too early."     

"It's the best time. I don't want to waste half a year only to find out that you don't like my friends and leave. Better get it over with right away," Gale said, immovable.     

Elise really wished she could open his head and see what was happening inside it. Why was he always thinking so differently than expected? His logic was immaculate, if only for the fact that he didn't take into consideration her feelings about the matter.     

It was an important step in any relationship to be introduced to the other's friends, and she didn't want to botch it. Yet how could she not if she was just thrust into their mid out of nowhere? They would certainly hate her intrusion into their private party and come to despise her in time.     

When the elevator reached the underground parking lot, Gale pulled Elise against the wall outside. He was half a head taller than her, and she could feel his strength as he stood there caging her.     

"I can see you overthinking it—stop. Kyro threw Iris into the group and it went fine, and you're much more interesting than her," he said against her ear.     

His closeness didn't do anything good for Elise's heart. She tried to control her breathing, but it came in short gasps, her chest raising up and down like she'd just ran a marathon. "B-but…" She didn't know what she had been about to say.     

"What?" he asked with a laugh, picking up a lock of her hair to twirl between his fingers. His eyes reflected the light of the lamp nearby and sparkled like two gems.     

'Bastard.' He knew the effect he had on women, her included, and he was abusing it. What else could she call him then?     

As she thought that, the arrow down of the elevator lit up—someone was coming down.     

"We need to leave," Elise hissed, trying to free herself, but Gale didn't budge.     

He only smiled while playing with her lock of hair. "Agree to come with me, then I will." As he said that, he trailed soft kisses down her jawbone.     

A deep flush rose from her neck to her cheeks, painting her crimson. Why did she have to decide to date a devil? He had no sense of propriety at all!     

There was the sound of the elevator descending, and Elise panicked. "Fine, fine, I'll come!" she almost shouted out while pushing Gale away with all her strength. He let her succeed this time, and the elevator opened to see only their leaving backs.     

"See? It wasn't that hard," Gale whispered, leaning over.     

Elise glared back at him. "Bastard," she mouthed, and he chuckled, not insulted in the least. It was a clear sign that he really had no shame.     

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