Villain Lady

The Underground Prison

The Underground Prison

0When it was dinner time, Wei Liuying excused herself and ate on her own while Gao Ling accompanied Prince Ji Sheng. She didn't want to be the third wheel again because she hadn't mastered the method to disappear into the wall. Afterwards, she could finally rest on her own without the need to be worried that Gao Ling would bother her again.     


The next day, they were departing back to Prince Ji Sheng's City. It was impossible to stay in this place for a long time because it would make the other city more vulnerable. The only reason they came here was because General Gao asking for reinforcement.     

"What do you think of Ling'er?" Prince Ji Sheng asked when they have started walking.     

"She's an interesting young lady."     

"Is that all?"     

"…What do you want me to say, Your Highness?" Wei Liuying didn't think that it was correct of her to say anything bad about Gao Ling. Besides, she truly liked Gao Ling for her straightforwardness and also ability to switch her act so quickly.     

It was no wonder that even though she was within the army, no bad rumors were flying around.     

"Do you think she'll be a good princess?"     


Thinking about how Gao Ling could switch her gear so quickly, Wei Liuying nodded. It was important for a princess to act according to the situation. Even though Gao Ling was a mischievous young lady, she still knew how to act properly when it was necessary. With that skill alone, it would be able to help her a lot to be able to survive.     


Prince Ji Sheng smiled faintly when he heard that. He had been worrying about that because of Gao Ling's blunt personality. But it seemed that he was worried for nothing.     

"Didn't Your Highness sends people to watch over?"     

"… I don't know what you're talking about."     

Wei Liuying resisted the urge to laugh when she saw Prince Ji Sheng averted his eyes. He didn't want to admit that he actually sent people to watch Gao Ling from the darkness because he was worried about her. Besides, it wouldn't do good for her reputation if people knew about it.      

These princes were actually very similar to each other. They were very protective of their respective partner because they didn't want them to get hurt. Though, they were not allowed to reveal it to the public.     

Those who knew also understood that they had to keep their mouth shut if they wished to stay alive. The two princes would never let them slight their princess, even if the princess was still only their future princess.      

Prince Ji Sheng stayed silent for a moment before he spoke again. This time, he was talking about serious matter, "My city is attacked the night we left."     

"Did Strategist Yang already guess it?"     

"More or less. There's barely any casualties, so we have been trying to repair the damage after they had left," Prince Ji Sheng replied. "They're moving too late."     


If they attacked during the time when Prince Ji Sheng was away, there was high chance that they might succeed. However, they just had to make their moves after Prince Ji Sheng had returned back to the frontline and finished the deal with Xiong Tribe.     

The preparation that Yang Xian prepared before the departure of Prince Ji Sheng and Yang Xian to the capital city was enough to hold them back for a set period of time. That way, the border was relatively safe.     

Though, there might be some dangerous situation.     

It might sound ridiculous that the existence of one person could change the tide of battle, but Wei Liuying had seen for herself how even one person could make difference. With the high position like Prince Ji Sheng, just his existence alone would boost the morale of his soldiers.     

As for Yang Xian…. There was no need to say that he would surely make sure that the enemies paid dearly for attacking them by creating the most wicked scheme and tactic that he could think of.     

If not because of his cunningness and brutality, there was no way his name would be known with how much Prince Ji Sheng was famous in this place.     

"Their messenger is late," Wei Liuying said after a while.     

"The news from the capital city will not arrive at the border so quickly. Besides, it's not like I always participate in all battles," Prince Ji Sheng replied unhurriedly. The people he left to protect the city kept on giving impression that Ji Sheng was still there while in truth, he was at the Capital City.     

Even though they could not move their men around the area recklessly, this provided enough time for them to stall their enemies.     

Three months could be either long or short.     

And in the battlefield, it was a long time. They had to make sure that the enemies never breached into their territory during this period of time.     

"It's still winter when you return back to the Capital City, but they're no longer attacking."     

"Winter was over, so I pushed them back and focused on defense," Prince Ji Sheng replied. "Xian told me that it's the best method to fool the tribes since I'm going away for a long period of time."     

Wei Liuying nodded. Without Prince Ji Sheng, it would be hard for them to continue their strike continuously. They have to make sure that they could defend the city properly and no longer expanding so much. It was good that the time coincides perfectly, so Yang Xian could arrange the plan to stall them as long as possible.     

If the plan was leaked out, there was high chance that their border would be pushed back. Thankfully, it was not leaked out until the time they returned back to the border and protected the place well.     

"We'll hear the detail of the battle from Xian when we return back."     

"Yes, General Sheng."     

"Also, you'll continue to learn from Xian about how things work on the north."     

"Yes, General Sheng."     

"One more thing, you're not allowed to participate at the front of the battle until you work on your physical ability."     

"…Yes, General Sheng."     

Right now, Wei Liuying felt like burying her face on the ground. Having Prince Ji Sheng pointed out so blatantly to her face that she needed to train more felt a bit hurt. Though, she knew that compared to those people who pursued martial arts wholeheartedly, she would obviously fell short.     

Well, she liked to stay at the back too.     

For a moment, Wei Liuying recalled the time when Yang Xian brought her to the forest and showed her that view. It was clearly at the top too, yet not many people paid attention to that place because it was inconspicuous.     

At the battlefield, sometimes, that was the role of a strategist. They would stay behind the leader and probably would not be known unless they were very exceptional.     

Wei Liuying shook her head lightly, Pushing all of the thoughts from her mind. There was no need for her to think so much.      

Since they were going at a slower pace than before, it took them a considerable amount of time to be able to reach Prince Ji Sheng's City. Wei Liuying took the chance to memorize the route and also the layout of the place while comparing it to the map she had seen before. There was some difference as sand easily moved from one place to another.     

"We're back."     

Wei Liuying alighted down the horse and noticed Yang Xian coming to their direction. His face gloomy.     

"You're late, General Sheng."     

"I stayed behind to have a chat with General Gao. Is there anything important happened when I'm away?" Prince Ji Sheng asked in a cool tone.     

Yang Xian sighed. "Tribe Huo attacked not long ago. They're making use of the fact that you're not here and sent reinforcement to General Gao. It seems that there are some moles that we need to take care."     

"Have you found them?"     

"Yes. They're in underground prison."     

Hearing the phrase 'underground prison,' Wei Liuying recalled her uncle once more. Back then, he was also placed in a place like that because they wanted to put him in the death's row punishment. Now that she thought about it, there must be a similar place to that prison in Ji Sheng's City.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. "Shall we extract information?"     

"I already ordered the men to do it. If you wish to visit by yourself, I'll make the preparation, General Sheng."     

"Do it."     

"Yes, General Sheng."     

"Uhm," Wei Liuying called out from the side. "Strategist Yang, is it possible for me to visit the underground prison with all of you?"     

"That's not the place for children."     

"I'll be an adult soon," Wei Liuying protested. Women were considered as an adult when they were 16 years old. She might be only 14 years old, but she was not that small too.     

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