Villain Lady



0'Heh, did I become muddleheaded?'     

Commander Zhao felt that he was getting out of hand. How could this little boy who barely knew anything and have few experience could possibly be compared to their great leaders? He felt that his mind was playing a joke with him.     

Yet, there was that bugging feeling.     

Feeling that he was truly seeing someone who was on par with those two, but still on the progress.     

"In that case, I'll try to trust you this time, Liu Ying."     

"Many thanks, Commander Zhao!"     

Wei Liuying cupped her hand for a split second before focusing her attention back to her horse. They were going at high speed, so it wouldn't do her any good to lose focus in the slightest bit. If she didn't want to die, it would be better if she could hurry and made sure that she was doing everything properly.     

"Archers, follow Apprentice Strategist Liu and the rest follow me!"     

"Yes, Commander!"     

The soldiers were split and Wei Liuying quickly directed them to the small hill near the city. When she had been studying the terrain, she realized that the right side of the city had a small hill that was close with them. It would be a perfect position for the archers to begin their shoot.     

"Stop here!" Wei Liuying gave her order. Her eyes were looking at the group of attackers who were swarming in front of the city's gate. Many were trying to enter the city by climbing the wall. However, the result hasn't been too good as the soldiers there were trained to prevent them from entering.     

"We'll be targeting the soldiers at the bottom," Wei Liuying said and arranged them to take position. Even though her heart was anxious, she showed none of it on her face. "Take position!"     

Wei Liuying averted her gaze and noticed that Commander Zhao was on the way.     


Dzing! Dzing!     

300 arrows were shot to the front of the city. Many didn't hit the target, but would it even matter? Their aim was to scatter the opponents while taking the most of their lives.     

"Reload! Take aim! Shoot!"     

Wei Liuying repeated the same command and watched the soldiers' reaction. They were slower than what she thought. However, she still continued to give them the order until Commander Zhao's soldiers reached the area.     

Some of the bandits have begun to run away to the left side, but Commander Zhao managed to stop them by arranging his soldiers to intercept them. They would not let anyone escape from here.     

"Is there anyone who can shoot 300 meters?" Wei Liuying asked. The distance to the edge of the city was around 200 to 300 meters, which was almost the furthest distance one could possibly reach with their bow.     

Seeing that no one responded, Wei Liuying stretched her hand. "Let me borrow a bow and arrow."     

"Yes, Apprentice Strategist Liu."     

Taking the bow, Wei Liuying frowned slightly. It was a bit heavier than what she used back then… oh right, she was still using the smaller version because Wei Hong Zheng was categorized as a boy. The one the soldiers used were definitely much bigger and heavier because they have to reach farther.     

Well, she could shoot for 200 meters back then. This time, she might be able to shoot even further.     

Taking aim, Wei Liuying tried to pull it back as much as possible. She aimed to the people who were running away from the left side.     


The man fell on the ground with the arrow stuck on his back. Wei Liuying didn't stop and took another arrow to aim once more. She shot the arrows a few more times to kill some of the people who managed to run away. Beads of sweat began to gather on her forehead.     

It was hard to shoot from this distance with this bow.     

"Go and regroup with Commander Zhao."     


"Leave five people here."     

"Yes, Apprentice Strategist Liu."     

By now, their tone was filled with respect. When they first accepted Wei Liuying here, they were only doing that because of order. Now that they had seen Wei Liuying's capabilities, they knew for sure that she was truly capable.     

However, Wei Liuying was too focused to realize this difference. She had to make sure that she would not hit any ally with her attack.      


"Tell me, how Commander Zhao usually give strategy?"     

"Commander Zhao likes to fight head on, so his strategy is usually go straight to the center and break through any obstacles there."     

Wei Liuying's lips twitched when she heard that. Even though brute force could do wonder at times, there was a limit of what human's physical abilities could do. She peered to the side and realized that Commander Zhao's men were mostly bulky men. It was no wonder that his strategy usually relied on their physical attack.     

Well, it was good if they have good physique, but if they don't, it would be hell.     


"This is the last one. Let's go and regroup with Commander Zhao."     

"Yes, Apprentice Strategist Liu."     

Wei Liuying handed the bow back. Carrying that heavy bow with her would surely slow her down even though she was riding a horse. The group rushed down and regrouped with Commander Zhao. By this time, the men there have been mostly eliminated and only a few were left alive for interrogation by Commander Zhao.     

"Apprentice Strategist Liu," Commander Zhao called respectfully. The result was much better than what he calculated. "Would you like to be the one to extract information from them?"     

"I already know that they're one of the tribes on the North," Wei Liuying responded calmly. "Based on their clothes, is this Nu Tribe?"     

"Yes, we suspect so too. However, I'll need to ask them to know more about the tribe."     

"Then I'll not bother you with your interrogation, Commander Zhao."     

Wei Liuying didn't like torturing people. She would rather leave the task to someone else if it was unnecessary. She just wanted to stay behind and possibly clean up the area now that the battle was over.     

"Alright. We'll enter the city now. I'll send messenger to Prince Ji Sheng's City to let them know about our situation."     

"That will be for the best."     

Whenever there was an attack, they have to make report to Ji Sheng. There were always messengers ready in each city to be sent back to the city. The city would also open their gate to welcome the soldiers who helped. The citizen was awfully happy that they were safe from the attack.     

Living at the border was not easy as they have to be prepared for war at any time.      

"We can stay in the city for tonight. Would you like to come with us?"     

"No. I rather not."     

Wei Liuying had heard from the soldiers' talking that they were intent on visiting the brothel. She's a woman herself, so why would she want to head there? It would be better for her if she walked around the city to see the defense.     

Even after the persuading soldiers tried to talk to her, she didn't change her mind and walked around aimlessly. It was still evening and the messengers finally returned back along with a group of soldiers behind him.     

"Apprentice Strategist Liu, there's a message from Strategist Yang."     

"Thank you."     

Wei Liuying took the letter and opened the cover. There was only one bamboo strip inside with a coded sentence.     

The moon gives guidance for the bird to fly back.     

'That Strategist must be worried that there will be people opening the seal when delivering the letter.'     

Wei Liuying could see that the seal was still in a good condition, so she was not that worried. Besides, Yang Xian often talked with riddles so as to make sure that no one knew the content.     

"Prepare horse for me."     

"Ah? I understand, Apprentice Strategist Liu."     

Wei Liuying kept the letter away and sighed. Can't that Strategist Yang give her clear order to return rather than talking about the moon? No wonder people always say that Strategist Yang was very eccentric, his message must have looked like he was composing poem rather than giving order.     

It didn't take long for the horse to be ready and Wei Liuying bid her farewell to Commander Zhao. Even though Commander Zhao disliked having Wei Liuying leave when it was almost night time, he would not disobey Yang Xian's order.     

"I'll be going now."     

Riding the horse, Wei Liuying dashed through the plains along with the messengers. He was told to return back as soon as he received the reply that he needed.     


The chilly wind brushed past her clothes. Wei Liuying could feel the wind even clearly as the sky darkened and stars began to appear. Looking up, she could see numerous stars filling the sky and showed beautiful formation.     

It was a view that she would never see back in her city.     

'It's completely different here at the North,' Wei Liuying thought to herself. 'It's beautiful.'     

"Apprentice Strategist Liu, we'll arrive in Prince Ji Sheng's City not long from now."     

Wei Liuying nodded. "Is there no formal name for the city, yet?" She felt a bit uncomfortable having to call it using Prince Ji Sheng's name over and over.     

"There's none yet. We'll need to wait for the Emperor's approval, so we have been calling it Prince Ji Sheng's City," the messenger replied.     

"I see."     

Even naming need the Emperor's permission? The Emperor must be a very busy person.     

Little did she know that this matter was already pushed back because the Emperor was too busy pampering his concubines.      

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