Villain Lady



0Or Wei Hong would kill them without hesitation.     

The fake Wei Liuying's fate was the most miserable. Even though Wei Xiao Hua had arranged her to stay with them, the tribes reached her room faster and finished her faster than the rest. There was nothing the soldiers could do.     

And Wei Xiao Hua herself didn't want to keep that annoying woman around anymore. While it was fun for some time, it was already time to end the play.     

"First Miss, Third Miss Wei is still trapped inside, and we can't get close," one of the guards reported as he led Wei Xiao Hua out.     

Wei Xiao Hua waved her hand. "Just let her be. We can report this as Wei Liuying's death to Father. That way, it'll seem as if Wei Family had lost something from this attack and wished for compensation from the northern tribes."     

"Yes, Miss."     

Even though that was what Wei Xiao Hua said, she knew that the tribe who was responsible for the attack would be wiped out. As for how they would be wiped out, it would be because of Strategist Liu who was quick witted and smart. One way or another, he managed to make use of a small number of people who were there to protect them and eliminate the tribe.     

This kind of achievement was what made him an important figure after Yang Xian. It was simply unfortunate that Strategist Liu would turn despondent due to his wounds and also the loss of Gao Ling and Shi Lu Wen.     

Wei Xiao Hua didn't know what their real relationship was.     

She's also not interested in it.     

In any case, she felt that the fate for Strategist Liu was simply too bad. There was truly nothing that the young man could do to prevent the tragedy because he had already done all he could only to become the sole survivor because the tribe men thought he had died.     

What a twist.     

Strategist Liu wished Gao Ling and Shi Lu Wen would be safe. Even at the cost of his life, which was why he sacrificed a lot in the battle.     

But in the end, the one who survived was Strategist Liu.     

He suffered burns and many wounds on his body, but he still survived in the end. Well, he was bedridden for an entire month if Wei Xiao Hua was not wrong since the details of the aftermath didn't focus on Prince Ji Sheng's side.     

'If only I know who Strategist Liu is, I would like to pull him to my side.'     

Wei Xiao Hua lamented the fact that the author hid the time when Prince Ji Sheng and Yang Xian find Strategist Liu. She only knew that during the time of Princess Ji Xiaoli's birthday, they would have already found a strategist and gave out the name during the party. However, there was nothing about Strategist Liu's background nor backstory.     

The author skipped it all.     

'If only the author is here, I'll directly ask.'     

(A/N: but I won't answer)     

She only knew very little about Strategist Liu. Besides, the real Wei Xiao Hua never interacted with Strategist Liu in the novel. The two of them never crossed path with each other and only passed by in this temple for a short period of time.     

"Miss, are you sick?" the men sent to protect her was worried when they saw Wei Xiao Hua walked unsteadily.     

Wei Xiao Hua shook her head. "I'm just a bit sleepy."     

"We'll reach the location for your carriage, Miss. Just a bit longer."     


"We have arrived, Miss."     

Hearing that, Wei Xiao Hua raised her head and nodded faintly. She could see the carriages were already prepared by Prince Ji Shu's men. Now, all that she needed to do was to sleep peacefully in the carriage. When she woke up, she would have to play an act of a pitiful young lady.     

Being the heroine was sure really fun.     

Though, Wei Xiao Hua did miss her previous life. She really enjoyed her time in this place too despite the harsh battle that she had to undergo many times due to the fact that the main character's path was always so thorny.     

Wei Xiao Hua stretched her body and thought internally. Since she couldn't know anything about Strategist Liu, it was good that the latter would lose his will to live in this place. It would be for the best.     

Looking outside the carriage, Wei Xiao Hua thought about what had happened in the temple and the future that awaited her. With this incident, Prince Ji Sheng's factions fell by large margin. While the truth was that Prince Ji Sheng never had a chance to get the throne, Prince Ji Shu didn't like other princes have too much power.     

The military power that Prince Ji Sheng had was seen as a threat by Prince Ji Shu.     

'What happens after this is…'     

Recalling the novel, Wei Xiao Hua's face turned dark. If she was not wrong, she would have to face the concubines schemes again. Wei Hong would lose his child because of some concubines and Wei Xiao Hua had to help cleaning up the mess.     

It was really annoying.     

Knowing that she had to follow the novel in order to make sure that there was nothing wrong again, Wei Xiao Hua felt really tired. She wished that the author could make the protagonist's life easier because this was simply too much.     

Having such a family was truly tiring.     

Why couldn't the parents love their children properly and make sure that they were doing their work as parents properly?     


"What is it?" Wei Xiao Hua asked and glanced out. She could see Lou was outside her carriage's window.     

"His Highness wish to meet you."     

"Ji Shu is?" Wei Xiao Hua's eyes lit up. She did know that he would come here because he couldn't stand the thought of putting Wei Xiao Hua in danger from the novel. However, she didn't know the exact time when Prince Ji Shu came to visit her.     

Luo nodded. "Yes. Please follow me."     

The only person who was allowed to call Prince Ji Shu's name so freely and openly would be Wei Xiao Hua. In fact, Prince Ji Shu was the one who asked Wei Xiao Hua to call him with his name rather than using honorific.     


Wei Xiao Hua climbed down the carriage and entered the forest under Lou's lead. Her eyes scanned her surroundings before she could see Prince Ji Shu standing beside a large tree. His figure under the dawn's light looked so handsome. If only she had camera with her, Wei Xiao Hua wished to take picture of this prince and kept the picture close to her all the time.     

"Ji Shu!"     

"Xiao Hua." Prince Ji Shu stepped forward and hugged Wei Xiao Hua tightly. He caressed her head and checked her condition. Upon seeing that she was fine, he felt glad that his men did their work properly.     

If they allowed Wei Xiao Hua to get hurt, he would not mind putting them into hell training again.      

"What are you doing here?" Wei Xiao Hua asked and poked Prince Ji Shu's stomach. "Aren't you busy with the court?"     

"It's fine, I can make time for you," Prince Ji Shu replied with a smile.     

Wei Xiao Hua pursed her lips. "That's what you said, but if His Majesty angry at you because you miss the morning court when there's a large incident, he'll be angry."     

Prince Ji Shu laughed. "I told him that I'm visiting my mother who's not feeling well."     

Hearing that, Wei Xiao Hua's face changed a bit. Prince Ji Shu's mother was not the Empress but only one of the many Imperial concubines that the Emperor had. However, she was also the most favored Imperial concubines amongst many others, which was why there were many people who thought that Prince Ji Shu would be the one to inherit the throne later.     

Prince Ji Tian was already conferred as the crown prince but there was no telling whether the Emperor would eventually change his decision or not.     

Besides, if Prince Ji Shu wanted it, he was capable to command a lot of soldiers and raise flag of rebellions.     

"That means we're going to visit your mother?" Wei Xiao Hua asked.     

Prince Ji Shu asked. "Yes. Try to get along with her, alright."     

"I will."     

Burying her head in Prince Ji Shu's embrace, Wei Xiao Hua thought about the novel's description regarding Prince Ji Shu's mother. In the original novel, the real Wei Xiao Hua was close with Prince Ji Shu's mother because they were both equally ruthless and unforgiving. For their goal, they didn't care how many lives were lost.     

'Again… I'll have to act.'     

Heaving a sight, Wei Xiao Hua chose to put the thoughts to the back and nestled in Prince Ji Shu's embrace. She didn't know since when, but the safest place in her opinion was within Prince Ji Shu's arm.      


Meanwhile, in the temple.     

Just as they were about to charge, suddenly they could hear the howling of wolves around them.     


The sound sent chills on the back of their body. The men were unable to move when their horses began to panic as wolves appeared from the destroyed forest. Dust filled with ash spread around as the wolves rushed to their location.     

Gao Ling nearly fainted when she saw everything.     

After tribes, they now have to face the wolves.     

However, something out of her expectation occurred right before her eyes. Neither one of them would have expected the wolves to make their moves like this.     

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