Villain Lady

Changing Bandages

Changing Bandages

0Wei Liuying was stunned. She looked at Yang Xian in disbelief. "is that true?"     


"In that case, we'll be able to get away without much damage from this case," Wei Liuying said with a grin on her face. "I'm sure someone will get in trouble because of this matter in the future."     

"You don't know that it's no longer part of Prince Ji Sheng's area?"     

"No. I thought that the area where they came through is still within his territory, which is why I'm worried."     

Well, there was never any clear distinction about the areas for the generals at the north. However, Yang Xian knew that the specific location that the advisor mentioned was far from the location where Prince Ji Sheng was.     

In fact, it was much closer to the other general at the east.     

"This will make things easier." Wei Liuying smiled happily.      

Yang Xian shook his head. He was sure that Wei Liuying was thinking the same as him. They would put the blame to the one who was truly responsible plus adding some others from their enemies. That way, they would be washed the responsibility away from themselves and stayed away from the capital city as fast as possible.     

Wei Liuying tapped the bed lightly. "Is there any news from the Capital City?"     

"Prince Ji Shao Yang tried to escape and got killed by the guards just yesterday," Yang Xian replied. "They're disposing his body away."     

"Not buried and no ceremony?"     


Wei Liuying felt chills on her back. It was common for them to bury the body of a deceased person rather than throwing it away. Without any proper burial, it was as if they regarded the second prince with so much loathing to the point that they didn't give him peace even after his death.      

It was a taboo based on their tradition to even talk about deaths. Even more so, having someone killed and not buried.     

She felt as if Prince Ji Shao Yang had become the most hated person in Han Shi Kingdom.      

Yang Xian sighed. "The Emperor believed that Prince Ji Shao Yang is the one behind the incident."     


"Unlikely, yes. It's impossible for Prince Ji Shao Yang to target Prince Ji Sheng because they barely have any interaction. However, in the face of the throne, everyone is seen as competitor who can possibly threaten them," Yang Xian said without any emotion on his face. He understood that in the face of power and glory, everyone simply tried to obtain it no matter what.     

They wouldn't care for the method they used as long as they can achieve their goal.     

Wei Liuying sighed. "You should tell me the situation more clearly."     

"I will after you change your bandage. It hadn't been changed ever since Lu Wen left for Dong Shan City, right?"     

Looking at her bandage, Wei Liuying furrowed her brows. It was impossible for her to change the bandages by herself because of the position. Because of that, she hadn't changed it again.     

"Is there any female servants?"     



"I'll help you change."     

Wei Liuying looked at Yang Xian with a deadpan expression. She shook her head. "I'm not going to let you be the one to do it."     

"Why not?"     

"You're a man."     

"You're just a little kid, so it's fine."     

"I'm not a kid," Wei Liuying protested. She would turn 15 years old soon enough. She glared at Yang Xian. "You're the one who's a kid."     

Yang Xian smirked. "Well, since I'm also a kid like you, it should be fine, right?"     

Yang Xian had only turned 19 years old not long ago if Wei Liuying was not wrong. Yang Xian himself was not too clear about his birthday since he hadn't celebrated it for years. Besides, without his family, who would keep tab of his birthday when he was just a little brat who could barely remember those?     

It was not important for his survival, so he didn't care too much.     

"Even if you're a kid, you're still a man, Strategist Yang."     

"Don't worry, a kid hadn't grown up yet."     

That statement didn't sound wrong, but Wei Liuying couldn't fully trust Yang Xian in this matter. He was already 19 years old, which was close to the adult's age for men. Besides, she knew that there were many young men who liked to go to the brothel even before they were of age.     

"Would you like to be reported, Strategist Yang?"     

"For what?"     

"Molesting a young girl."     

Yang Xian rolled his eyes. "I'm only changing your bandage. Besides, there's none at your chest, right?"     

Somehow, Wei Liuying had the urge to punch Yang Xian as hard as possible. The wounds were either on her shoulder or her arms and legs. However, it would still require her to take off her robe because of the one at her shoulder.     

"You have foul mouth, Strategist Yang."     

"This is not the first time I'm being told that. Do you want to change the bandage by yourself?"     

Wei Liuying's face darkened. Her wounds were located at her back. Even if she could locate it by relying on her pain senses, it would be hard for her to bandage it all perfectly on her own.     

Yang Xian smirked when he saw Wei Liuying's expression. "Turn around and take off your robe. I'll only change your bandage and nothing else."     

Wei Liuying passed another glance at Yang Xian, but she did as he said. Turning her body around, she took off her outer robe slowly and then pushed her inner robe to the side to reveal her bandaged back to Yang Xian.     

Even though she couldn't see him doing his work, she could feel his fingers touching the bandage and slowly unraveled it. Compared to when Shi Lu Wen helped her, Wei Liuying felt more conscious about her body. It felt weird for her.     

Looking at the scar on Wei Liuying's shoulder, Yang Xian lightly touched it.     

"Is it hurt?"     

"Not that much anymore," Wei Liuying replied.     

Yang Xian took the bandage and began to wrap it. When it had to circle Wei Liuying's body, he would ask for her assistance to circle it. He looked at the wounds for a moment before he started to talk again.     

"Do you regret it?"     


"Coming here and become my apprentice then face so many dangers."     

Face so many dangers?     

Wei Liuying snickered.      

"I'm serious, Liu Ying."     

"And I'm also serious. Your question just simply too stupid, which is unlike you, Strategist Yang. Do you think that by staying in that rotten residence, I'll be happier? Besides, the most I can do by myself is to roam around as a beggar on a street while bothering Manager Xin to help me," Wei Liuying said replied unhurriedly.     

From the moment her escape plan had to be used for her uncle, she had long known that it was impossible for her to leave. She had to assume a different identity and probably lived hard in the capital city. Roaming around with no clear destination, there was no telling what would happen to her.     

Yang Xian didn't ask anything more and finished changing the bandage and placed the herbs. He knew that Wei Liuying had truly accepted being part of their group.     

There was no need for him to ask more question to her.     

"We'll depart in three days. I hope that you're ready."     

"I'll be ready if you teach me more about the power structure."     

Yang Xian sighed. "I'll teach you tomorrow, now you should sleep."     


For the next three days, Wei Liuying started to come out of her tent and roam around the area. With the wolves accompanying her, no one dared to get close to her in case the wolves attacked. After all, they knew that the wolves were not exactly friendly creatures.     

Yang Xian also fulfilled his promise and told her about the power structure of the officials. Since Prince Ji Shao Yang was deposed during the power struggle, it was clear that his follower would have to move sides. So far, the power balance would be like 30 percent Prince Ji Tian, 30 percent Prince Ji Shu, 35 percent neutral, and 5 percent Prince Ji Sheng.     

The supporters for Prince Ji Sheng was very pitiful, but it was quite a rational figure considering how the Emperor didn't favor Ji Sheng. Besides, the crown prince was already clear, yet the two princes were still aiming for the throne.     

Yang Xian also told Wei Liuying another thing.     

'If Prince Ji Shu still wants to become the Emperor when Prince Ji Tian had ascended the throne because he's the crown prince, he will have no other choice but to do it through blades.'     

Or in other words:     


Wei Liuying didn't know what will happen, but she had to be prepared for the worse. Their group departed on the third day, just like what Yang Xian told her.      

"We can't bring the wolves with us unless you want them to be killed," Yang Xian said while pointing to the wolves. "What are you going to do with them?"     

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