Villain Lady

Informing (2)

Informing (2)

0The soldiers hurriedly packed their belongings. Prince Ji Sheng led half of them to go to Prince Ji Sheng's City while Yang Xian led the rest, who were wounded to Dong Shan City along with the commander there. Wei Liuying refused to be carried by him again, so she followed by riding on the same horse with Yang Xian.     

While on the journey, Wei Liuying listened in to what Yang Xian had to say to the commanders.     

They also sent letter to the capital city to inform about the events. Of course, what Wei Liuying did was changed to Princess Ji Xiaoli. It was to the extent that they also spread the news on their way back. This way, no one would be able to contain the news anymore and people would know what the princess had done.     

"The story will get more ridiculous as it passed by from people to people." Wei Liuying looked at a distance. She pursed her lips. "Do you think that people will believe it by that time?"     

Yang Xian shrugged. He was riding on the horse beside Wei Liuying's carriage. Due to her wounds, Prince Ji Sheng arranged for Wei Liuying to travel inside the carriage. They were also not in a hurry as Prince Ji Sheng and Lady Gao Ling would be handling the frontline while they would take the injured to Dong Shan City first.     

"Even if they didn't believe it, they had no other choice but to believe. How do you think we manage to stop them from having reinforcement otherwise?" Yang Xian replied unhurriedly. His eyes were looking at Wei Liuying calmly as his lips curled up to form a smile. "Or do you think that the story is a lie?"     

It's a lie.     

Because the one who stood up was Wei Liuying but such matter shouldn't be known to other people.     

Wei Liuying looked at the sky. "Uncle said that when people died, they'll be watching us from the sky until it's their time to leave. Do you think that those two are watching at our action from the sky?"     


"Because I want to know whether Princess Ji Xiaoli will like this news spread about her. At the very least, her life is not thrown away just like that." Wei Liuying's eyes stared into the distance.     

Yang Xian didn't know. He never even thought about that. "If you're speaking like that, it would sound as if you're carrying the burden of every life you take."     

"Isn't it always like that?" Wei Liuying smiled mockingly. "With my hands, I have taken the lives of so many people, preventing them from enjoying the beauty of life any longer. It'll never change and I know that the fact that I have killed them will never be able to be erased."     

Yang Xian paused for a moment. He stretched his hand to the carriage and patted Wei Liuying's head. "Yeah. It's just the burden of your position."     

"Our position. Aren't you the same?" Wei Liuying blinked her eyes.     


"Yes." Yang Xian retracted his hands. They would have to live with the fact that they had killed a lot of people for the sake of their kingdom or their survival. It could be burdensome but they were not alone.     

"I'm sure she'll accept your arrangement with a smile."     

"Hmm?" Wei Liuying glanced at Yang Xian then she retracted her gaze back to the carriage and closed the curtain once more.      

The two of them were silence for some time until they reached Dong Shan City. Yang Xian spoke out, "We've arrived in Dong Shan City. Do you want to visit Lu Wen?"     

"Yes. I won't take long."     

Yang Xian rubbed his chin. "Technically, you're also wounded, so it's fine if you stay in Dong Shan City with the rest of the soldiers."     

"And not participating in the war?" Wei Liuying turned her head and glared. "I'm not going to rest while waiting for the war to end, Strategist Yang. I'll be right back."     


Yang Xian watched as Wei Liuying walked towards Shi Lu Wen's house. His dark eyes flickered slightly. He then noticed that his soldiers were looking at him. He waved his hand. "If you're so bored, I don't mind arranging some additional drills after the war is over for all of you."     

With that sentence, the soldiers scampered to leave. It was not only Prince Ji Sheng who supervised the training but also Yang Xian. They didn't want to offend him in case they would be dragged to have a hellish training when they return back later.     

Wei Liuying walked to the garden and noticed that Shi Lu Wen was there, watering the plants as usual.     

"Miss Lu Wen?"     

"Yes?" Shi Lu Wen turned her head and looked at Wei Liuying. Upon seeing her face, a smile was formed naturally, showing cute dimples on her cheek. "Liuying! I didn't expect to see you here."     

"I come to visit," Wei Liuying responded with a forced smile.     

"What is it?"     

"I have bad news for you."     

Shi Lu Wen's expression fell. She looked at Wei Liuying and then to soldiers who were at a considerable distance. There were many of them who were wounded and all. She clenched her fist and then looked at Wei Liuying once more.     

"I'm all ear."     

Wei Liuying looked at Shi Lu Wen and slowly explained what happened at the north and beyond the border. She tried to make sure that she explained everything carefully, including the mistake that she made for not realizing Shi Mo's real plan. There was nothing that she hid from Shi Lu Wen.     

It took some time before Wei Liuying finished. She looked at Shi Lu Wen then bowed down. "I'm sorry."     

Shi Lu Wen didn't reply. Her large eyes were looking at Wei Liuying as tears started to form and fall.     

"I'm sorry…" Wei Liuying couldn't do anything but to repeat the same sentence.     

Silence fell between them as Shi Lu Wen cried.      

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