The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster



0You're forgiven.... a long time ago.     

He heard them loud and clear. Ah, he doesn't deserve it but they gave it anyway. How lucky is he to be surrounded by the same people he tried to destroy.     

Is this what they call love? He thought. He couldn't lift his eyes any longer. He got tired already. Too bad, he won't be seeing them again, especially Mira. The first one to pave a way for him to redeem himself.     

But he is wearing a smile on his face. A satisfied one.     

'' Uncle Silver, thank you for watching over Mira.'' He heard a woman whispered in his ears. '' Thank you for saving them.'' He could sense the sincerity in her voice. Ah, it's definitely Aisha. He wanted to say something but he couldn't command his mouth to speak a word.     

Is he fading? Guess he is, since he couldn't even feel his body anymore. But he can still hear the little girl crying desperately.     

''Thank you so much Miracle, for coming into my life. You became my light and guide. Thank you.'' He wanted to say it out loud but he simply can't. The very moment that he had a while ago was just a blessing from God. He knew he don't deserve a favor from him but guess he is a loving God after all. A God of second chance. Then he smiled within.     

'' I'm contented Lord... and I'm ready.'' He thought. Ah, his ears... it's becoming deaf.     

It's as if his ears are trying to shut themselves. As seconds passes, his hearing ability is decreasing... little by little.     

'' Silver! Uncle!'' His ears was able to pick up a familiar tone dashing towards him. Wait... is it... Stacy?     

'' Silver.. please, wake up! I haven't thank you yet for all the things you've done for me... uncle...'' Stacy yelled while tears flooded her eyes.     

The people in the room where silently crying as well since they could see that the man is already unresponsive.     

'' Uncle.... Uncle!'' He tried waking him up but to no avail. '' Uncle I'm very sorry... I'm so late.'' She helplessly knelt down as she cries her heart out.     

Then Silver breath his last.     


His lifeline... it's totally gone. Then wailing and groaning echoed inside the room. Even the people in the ward felt their grief, so they silently whispered a prayer of comfort for his family.     


"There's a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heavens:     

A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to uproot.     

A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build.     

A time to weep and a time to laugh, A time to mourn and a time to dance.     

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.     

A time to search and a time to give up, A time to keep and a time to throw away.     

A time to tear and a time to mend, A time to be silent and a time to speak.     

A time to love and a time to hate, A time for war and a time for peace.     

I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.''     

The preacher finally ended his sermon then prayed for the dead's family members. Then after a bit of preparation, they finally laid Silver's coffin to res. It's a total goodbye!     

After the final benediction, the people started to leave the place. One by one until the Mikasa family is the only people left in the cemetery.     

Rio, Cherry, Stacy and Aisha were the only ones left since Ethan has to carry Mira back to the car. She actually fell asleep during the benediction. Guess she was too tired from crying during the five day funeral services.     

They were standing in front of his grave silently. No one dares to say a word. Guess they were all busy saying their final words to him silently.     

'' I didn't have the chance to tell how thankful I am to you for giving me the chance to live longer than what I have expected. Without your help, I might not have the freedom to be with the people I care most to this day. I'm sorry. If only I came to see you a little bit early then... we should have spent more time together.'' Stacy wiped the tear that had trickled from her eyes.     

Cherry heaved a sigh as well... even if Silver did awful things to her, but the mere fact that he saved her from drowning is enough to say she owes her life to him.     

'' I didn't thank you properly for saving me before.'' She uttered within her. '' this second life that you gave me, I will treasure it until my last breath. I'll make sure to live a purposeful life to give justice for this gift you have given me. Thank you Silver. Despites everything, your still the reason why I have my complete family right now. Thank you.'' She smiled.     

Of course, Aisha has a lot of reason to thank him too. Being Miracle's best friend before had greatly helped the child cope up with the bullies she had been enduring before. At her young age, its a miracle that she didn't take those circumstances negatively. Silver's encouragements seems to have a great effect on her.     

And saving Eli and Mira from Zoren is more than enough for her to forgive and forget all his evil deeds in the past. She doesn't hate him anymore, in fact, her perspective towards him changed from being a villain to a great hero.     

So she whispered a little prayer. And with a grateful heart, she gave him her sincerest smile.     

Meanwhile, Rio was staring intently at Silver's grave.     

'' You have endured so much. I hope you have forgiven me for all of my shortcomings. If only I have paid more attention to you before, then like other brothers, we might have had a happy childhood too. I'm sorry, i didn't do my job as your brother. I should have known it better than anyone else... I should have seen it first.'' He clenched his chest. It pained him to think of the lost times that he should have used to treat Silver nicely.     

'' But still, thank you for causing everything to happen. If you didn't helped Stacy with her heart condition, if you didn't save Cherry from drowning in the ocean... if you didn't order your man to watch over our granddaughter... if you didn't do such things, then I wouldn't have a complete family right now. Thank you.''     

Unknown to them, they all heaved a sigh of gratefullness.     


They were all heading back to where their cars are parked.     

Johnny had been waiting for Stacy while watching for Robi who fell asleep while Ethan was waiting for Aisha.     

They have reached their own cars but they were all startled when someone suddenly showed up.     

He is not a threat to their safety, that's a fact. Though he looks like a lawyer.     

'' Who are you?'' Rio asked when everyone stopped from their tracks. Ethan and Robi got off the car as well.     

'' Hi, I'm sorry for the sudden interruption but I'm Mr. Silver Gray's private lawyer.'' Then he showed them his business card.     

''Mr. Sullivan.'' Cherry read his name aloud. The man only smiled to acknowledge her.     

'' What can we do for you?'' Cherry added.     

'' I believe you are Miss Miracle's guardian.'' He was asking Aisha but he couldn't point out who since there are two of them!     

'' I am.'' Aisha came forward. '' Is there a problem?''     

The lawyer beamed meaningfully, then he took a paper inside his case and handed it to her.     

'' I came to bring you goodnews.'' The man stated while they read the content of it.     

After a minute, Aisha instantly held her mouth in awe. Her eyes widened in disbelief.     

Wait, what? Her jaw dropped unbelievingly as well as the others who got a gimpse of the content.     

Oh please, someone tell me that I have read it wrong!     

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