Help...My Wife is a Spy

Help...My Wife is a Spy (Ending)

Help...My Wife is a Spy (Ending)

3Back in the main living area, there was a spiral staircase behind the elevator that Halia didn't notice earlier. She looked up and said in surprise, "Is there another floor?"     

Jackson grinned and nodded his head as he pulled his wife up.     

When they reached the second floor, Halia was surprised to find that they were inside a small circular glass room with lounges that faced outside and a little bar with wine and drinks. Outside the windows, they were surrounded by a beautiful courtyard, filled with plants and flowers. It was like they had been transported to a secret garden in the countryside, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city below. Jackson led her out into the courtyard and down a small path, lined with sunflowers. As they reached the end of the path, Halia heard a familiar little bark. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and a little brown poodle came bounding towards her. "Coco?!" Halia exclaimed. She immediately bent down to pick up the dog.     

As she stood back up, she noticed the beautiful infinity pool in front of her, and not too far away, she saw a grandfather sitting underneath a plum blossom tree with his granddaughter. It was her father and Laurie. "What are you doing up here?" she asked in surprise as she approached her father and daughter. Father Feng glanced at his daughter and smiled. "Nappy change," he laughed, "and Laurie was feeling a little shy around all the strangers so Jackson told me to bring her up here for a bit."     

Father Feng handed the little girl back to her mother and sighed in satisfaction, "Your husband really spoiled you this time."     

Halia nodded her head in agreement before she noticed another path that seemed to lead to somewhere. "Where does that go?" she asked Jackson.     

Jackson smiled and gestured for her to follow him as he led her down the path which circled to the other end of the building. As the path opened up, Halia gasped in amazement. Rows of grapevines covered the roof of the building. At that moment, Halia remembered what Jackson had said about his dream home. Back in Guiyang City, he had said, "I want to be able to smell breakfast cooking from the bedroom, I want to hear my wife's footsteps as she walks around the house, I want to look out the window and see her playing with the dog in the garden. I want a small vineyard so I can make my own wine and I want a deck where we can sit back and enjoy it."     

"Is this a vineyard?" she asked in surprise.     

Jackson nodded his head. He had lived in France for many years and he even spent some time on a vineyard, so this was like a little piece of his second home.      

"Do you like it?" Jackson asked.     

Without any hesitation, Halia nodded her head. "I love it! I love everything about this place! It's perfect!"     

From the castle exterior, to the headquarters in the basement, to their penthouse home, this place was perfect. Most importantly, not only was it close to work for her, it was also close to work for Jackson, who could run the casino from the comfort of his own home.     

Halia held onto her daughter and felt a rush of emotions. She felt like the luckiest woman on earth. "Thank you," she said sincerely to her husband.      

Jackson wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter and smiled with satisfaction, "I'm glad that you like it."     

As the family of three stood there on the rooftop, enjoying their new home, Halia suddenly felt a slight vibration on her thigh. Jackson felt it too and slowly moved away. Seriousness immediately swept across both their faces.     

Halia didn't have her normal phone with her; she had no pockets on her dress to carry it in. Plus, her handbag was down in the ballroom. But...she did have her private encrypted phone attached to her thigh. This phone was specially designed by Interpol so it could never be traced nor spied on, and only a few selected people had the number to this phone: Trisha and her BTAs. Halia had regular meetings with both, so they were specifically told to never ring the phone unless there was an emergency. At that very moment, Trisha, Orca, Hummingbird, and Wolf were all in the basement headquarters; they couldn't possibly be calling her. So, there was only one possibility: something had happened to Sasquatch.     

Halia placed Laurie into Jackson's arms and quickly picked up her phone.     

"Captain, I captured someone that appears to know Odin's real identity!" Sasquatch exclaimed over the phone. "Supposedly, he has a cabin in Iceland!"     

Halia's eyes lit up when she heard this. Iceland? That was exactly around the area where they were tracking the fifth Super Soldier. Could Odin be in Iceland? This was massive news!     

She quickly hung up the phone and looked apologetically at her husband, "I need to notify my BTAs of something extremely important. I'll meet you back at the ballroom."     

Jackson looked at his wife and nodded with understanding. He had been in her position before and he understood the nature of the job. "Take your time. I'll entertain the guests," he whispered.     

Halia was grateful for his understanding. She placed a kiss on her husband and daughter's foreheads, pulled off her high-heeled shoes, and ran back inside to catch the elevator back down to the headquarters.     

As Jackson watched his wife run inside, Father Feng approached with curiosity, "Where is she going?"     

Jackson laughed dotingly, "Working..."     

Although it wasn't the right time to be working, Jackson was not mad. His wife had an extremely important job that literally saved lives, so he understood. All he could do was lift his daughter in his arms and chuckle helplessly.     

Father Feng laughed and shook his head. He also understood that he couldn't be mad at his daughter.     

Laurie looked at her father like she understood what was happening and said in a comforting voice, "Papa..."     

With a smile, Jackson looked into his daughter's eyes and sighed dotingly, " wife is a spy!"     

- THE END -     

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