Help...My Wife is a Spy

First Kiss

First Kiss

0Danson, Emerson, and Marissa had just finished 10th grade and they were in the middle of their winter vacation. Danson spent this time thinking about his feelings towards Marissa. He had never felt this way about a girl before and it confused him. Had he really fallen in love with her? He didn't even know how love was supposed to feel like. Did he only feel this way because he couldn't have her?      

The winter vacation came at the worst time. Separation only made his feelings grow stronger. He couldn't see the girl that he saw at school every single day and it was like torture.     

In the end, he was determined to resolve his feelings as soon as possible. So, he decided to do what he always did. He would date her for a week. After a week, he would break up with her. That was what he did with all his past girlfriends and he moved on easily.     

However, the way he felt towards Marissa was different to the feelings he got from all his previous girlfriends. Would this really work?     

Either way, he had to give it a try. So, he invited Marissa to dinner.     

Marissa agreed without a second thought. After all, they had been friends for quite some time by that point and she had gotten used to eating with him. There was nothing out of the ordinary with his invite.     

But, when she arrived, she realized he had booked a table at a fancy restaurant on the top floor of one of the fanciest hotels in Hong Kong. He even bought her a dress and some flowers.     

That was the first time she ever stepped foot into such an expensive restaurant and the first time she wore such an expensive dress.     

The entire time, all she could think about was how much the meal and dress cost. If she saved the money, how much closer would she be to the procedures that she wanted?     

She admired Danson. If only she had as much money as he did.     

However, her mind was so focused on money, not for a second did she suspect why Danson had brought her there.     

So, she was shocked when Danson suddenly turned to her towards the end of their meal and asked, "Do you still remember the day I saved you from Tanya?"     

Marissa nodded her head.     

"She said you liked me. Was that true?" Danson added.     

Marissa froze, "Why are you asking me this?"     

Danson stretched out his arm and grabbed onto Marissa's hand, "Because, I'm hoping it's true."     

Marissa quickly pulled her hand away, "Don't joke around, Danson. It's not funny."     

"I'm not joking," Danson said with seriousness. "I've found myself subconsciously thinking about you all the time and I've never felt this way about another girl before. I don't understand these feelings and I need to confirm it or it will drive me crazy. Just date me for one week. I've never dated anyone for more than a week. After one week, we can return to being friends and pretend nothing happened."      

Marissa only had Emerson on her mind, so this suggestion sounded ridiculous to her.     

"I can't accept your feelings," Marissa replied.      

"Why?" Danson asked with disappointment.     

Marissa paused. She couldn't tell him that she liked his best friend, so she replied, "I take relationships seriously. I can't accept your one week rule."     

Danson frowned.     

At that moment, he pulled out a necklace, "I bought this with the pocket money that my father gave me. Think of it as compensation for your time. Just give me one week. Let me release these vented up feelings and move on. It's not like I'm asking for you to be with me forever."     

Marissa looked at the necklace and her eyes twinkled. How much was this necklace worth? If she sold it, she would be one step closer to her ideal look, and one step closer to winning Emerson's heart.     

Danson stood up and walked around behind Marissa while she was deep in thought. As he put the necklace around her neck, Marissa did not resist, all she saw was the twinkling of the diamonds on the necklace. She would have to work months to afford something like this, yet it was just Danson's pocket money. One week of time in exchange for months worth of hard work - it was too good to turn down.     

While Marissa was still thinking, Danson secured the necklace around her neck and smiled. Since she didn't resist, he assumed she accepted him, so he whispered beside her ear, "I'll take that as a yes."     

Marissa ran her hand across the necklace and gasped in surprise. Since it was already around her neck, she couldn't bear to remove it. That would be stupid, right? So, she made a decision.     

With a nod...she agreed.     

After all, one week wasn't a long time, it wasn't like something was actually going to happen between them. She had no feelings for him and he wasn't certain about his feelings. The furthest they would get would be holding hands, right? Furthermore, they were in the midst of their winter vacation, it wasn't like they were dating at school. No one would ever find out about them if they didn't want them to.     

Marissa touched the necklace again and smiled. That was right, just like Danson said, it was just one week, not forever.     

"Can you promise me one thing?" she suddenly said.     

Danson nodded his head cautiously as the scent of the girl's hair wafted into his nose, sending tingles down his spine, "If it's within my capabilities, I will do it for you."     

"Can you keep our relationship a secret?" Marissa said quietly. "Since it's just for a week, there's no point announcing it to the world. Let's just keep it between you and me. That way, we can still be friends when we break up and things won't be awkward."     

Most importantly, she didn't want Emerson to know that she dated his best friend. Even if it was just one week, no boy ever wanted to date their best friend's ex.     

Danson pulled Marissa out of her chair and turned her to face him. Her eyes twinkled under the romantic lighting and her lips trembled nervously as she looked at him. He subconsciously took a step forward, forcing her to lean back on the table behind her. "What happens during the winter vacation, stays during the winter vacation. No one will ever find out about it," he said with a smirk as he nodded and leaned forward a little.     

Marissa looked at the boy in surprise as he moved in closer and closer. She had never dated a boy before, but Danson had dated many girls and she had heard that he loved kissing. In fact, he was supposedly a good kisser. Marissa panicked when she thought about this. Did he want to kiss her? Already?      

She quickly covered her mouth with her hand and said, "I've never kissed a boy before."     

She wanted to save her first kiss for Emerson.     

Danson chuckled. The girl was so cute, it only made him want to kiss her more. She was his girlfriend and they only had one week; there was no time for taking things slow. So, he grabbed her hand and moved it away from her lips, then before she could react, he dived forward and pressed his lips firmly against hers.     

Marissa's eyes flew wide open with shock. She wanted to push him away, but he pinned her hands firmly to the table and continued to kiss her. Danson enjoyed kissing girls; their lips were soft and sweet like marshmallows. It was the best dessert after a meal. But, there was something more to this kiss with Marissa. There was electricity in the air that kept drawing him in for more. Marissa felt this electricity too and found herself subconsciously closing her eyes.      

As she relaxed her body she convinced herself that it wasn't a real kiss...that it was merely payment for the expensive necklace around her neck...that she was just practicing for Emerson. But, she only thought this so she wouldn't feel guilty...     

Guilty for actually enjoying it.     

After all, Danson was very handsome too. If Emerson didn't exist, she would have probably been attracted to Danson instead.     

Marissa thought back on this memory as she stepped into the elevator with Danson. It was a little over 11 years ago, but she still remembered it clearly. That was their first kiss...but it wasn't their last...     

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