Help...My Wife is a Spy

Finally Caught Up

Finally Caught Up

0Oliver watched as Trisha's fingers danced across the keyboard.     

"What are you doing now?" he asked curiously.     

"Finding the number plate of the taxi. That way, I can try to trace it," Trisha replied.     

Oliver watched as one camera footage popped up after another. Shop cameras, security cameras, CCTV cameras, road cameras...Trisha could get access to all of them.     

"There he is! The same taxi is driving down this turned right here...oh, there it is again..." Trisha said as she focused on the taxi's every move. This was her forte and she was going to show everyone what she was capable of.     

Oliver snuck a glance at Trisha. As much as he wanted to focus on the screen, he couldn't help but find that his gaze was drawn to this woman. She wasn't beautiful in traditional standards, but there was something extremely attractive about her. Her hair was short - just up to her chin - she had a beautiful smile and she had an air of sass.     

"There! That's where they got out of the taxi!" Trisha yelled in excitement as she turned to look at Oliver.     

Trisha's eyes met Oliver's and she realized he was already staring at her.     

Trisha turned away awkwardly. Had he been staring at her the entire time? Or did he just so happen to look at her a moment before she turned her head?     

Trisha cleared her throat and pointed to the laptop screen. "The taxi dropped them off outside this apartment block, we should go there and investigate," she said.     

Oliver nodded his head in agreement as he adjusted the glasses that framed his bluish-grey eyes and called Jackson to tell him what they had discovered.     

"We found the location where the taxi dropped off Jaclyn and the woman she was with. It was outside an apartment block," Oliver explained. "We saw them walk inside and haven't seen them come back out. I think we may have located your sister."     

Jackson sighed in relief. After chasing his sister halfway around the world, it seemed, they had finally caught up to her.     

"Great, we've discovered that the woman with Jaclyn is Elias Muller's sister, Mia Muller. Halia searched for the woman's Facebook account and found a clear picture of her. We are walking back to you guys right now," Jackson replied.     

The four reunited and swapped information before they boarded a taxi towards the apartment block that Trisha located.     

As soon as they got out of the taxi, Trisha took the photo of Mia to the security guard that was watching the building and presented her Interpol badge. "We are looking for someone. Have you seen this woman?" she asked.     

The security guard looked at the woman's badge nervously. He then glanced at the photo in her hands and nodded his head. "Yes, she came in not too long ago with another guest," the man replied. "Is something wrong?"     

Jackson approached and immediately asked the man which apartment Mia went to.     

The man flipped open his logbook and replied, "She's in apartment 504..."     

Before the man could say anything else, Jackson and the others rushed into the elevator and headed straight for the 5th floor.     

"Oliver, keep a safe distance. We will handle this," Trisha warned as they reached the door of apartment 504.     

Oliver frowned. He wanted to help, but he understood that he wasn't trained and could get hurt or even get in the way, so he regretfully stepped back.     

Jackson then knocked on the door.     

At first, no one answered, so he tried again.     

A moment later, a topless young man opened the door. "Hi, how can I help you?" the man asked in German.     

3 Chinese people were standing at his door: were they trying to sell him something?     

Jackson stared confidently at the man and replied, "I'm looking for Mia Muller."     

Halia and Trisha peered nosily into the apartment and saw that there was a knocked over coffee table and a tipped vase on the floor.     

The man noticed the two women trying to look into his apartment, so he quickly stepped in front of them and cleared his throat. Did these people understand privacy?     

The topless man squinted his eye with suspicion and called towards a bedroom, "Mia, someone's looking for you."     

"OK," a voice replied.     

The sound of a bedroom door opening and closing could be heard coming from inside as the trio looked at each other with anticipation.     

A moment later, a tall, brown-haired woman approached the doorway, her dark blue eyes staring at the trio with confusion. "I don't think I know these people," she said. "Who are you?"     

"We are looking for Jaclyn Wu," Jackson said straightforwardly as soon as he recognized that the woman matched the photo they had. They definitely had the right person.     

"Jaclyn?" the woman asked. Her eyes darted awkwardly and she replied, "I don't know any Jaclyn."     

Jackson knew the woman was lying. "We saw you running out of the hotel next to your brother's club just an hour ago. Where is she?"     

Mia looked at the intimidating man. He had a cold vibe that reminded her of a gangster boss. Did this man know her brother? Was he sent by her brother to retrieve Jaclyn?     

"I don't know what you're talking about. Go away or I will call the police," she threatened as she tried to close the door. She couldn't hand Jaclyn back to her brother.     

Jackson quickly held onto the door and reached for his badge. But before he identified himself, he heard a scream coming from inside. "Let me go!" a weak voice wailed.     

Halia's eyes opened wide. Even though she had only met Jaclyn once, she recognized her voice. Jaclyn had a squeaky high-pitched voice, almost like a chipmunk. "It's Jaclyn," Halia said as she rushed in through the doorway. Why did she sound like she was in anguish? What did these people do to her? Were they too late?     

Mia and John immediately tried to grab onto Halia to stop her, but Halia easily avoided them with a flip. She then spun Mia around, kicked John away, restrained their arms behind their backs and pinned them to the floor.     

Trisha looked at Halia in surprise. She thought her black belt in karate was already impressive, but it seemed Halia was not only a higher level than her, but she was also skilled in other forms of martial arts.     

"Go look for your sister. I'll hold onto these guys," Halia said as she looked at her fiance.     

Jackson smiled proudly at Halia and rushed inside to search the bedrooms...     

At that moment, Mia realized what Halia said. "Sister? Is Jaclyn that man's sister?" she asked.     

"Yes!" Halia replied. "He's also an Interpol agent. The two of you are under arrest..."     

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