Help...My Wife is a Spy

Things Never Go As Planned

Things Never Go As Planned

0Over near the wharf, Sean stopped his car and watched as Alexander stepped out. He was posing as Alexander's driver today, but they were actually working together for the first time. How was this combined effort between Interpol and SPU going to work out?     

Without looking back, Alexander headed towards the end of a pier. Waiting at the end of the pier was a tall, skinny, dark shadow. A few street lamps lined the pier to prevent anyone from falling off at night, but the light at the very end had stopped working and the man was only lit by the dim moonlight. Sean squinted his eyes from the car, but there was no way he could see who the man was.     

With a sigh, he took a quick glance at the hill nearby. Perched on top of the hill was a temple, and from where he was parked, Sean could see some smoke billowing out from the top. It seemed, Jackson and Halia's 'ghost wedding' was going underway. He smiled to himself and watched as Alexander continued down the pier. How he wished he could join in the fun at the temple instead.     

Not too far away, he saw a couple of inconspicuously parked cars. Jackson had already arranged for a small team to assist Sean and Alexander and some of the men were hiding in these cars.     

If everything went as planned, they would be able to arrest Trojan and interrogate him about the other corrupt police officers. The dream would be to take down their entire organization!     

Alexander reached Trojan's side and stuck out his hand. "We finally meet," he said with a smirk.     

Trojan looked at the blond-haired, blue-eyed Frenchman. "Yes, I heard you wanted to do business with me. What kind of business were you referring to," the man asked.     

Trojan was built and intimidating, like an army general. The creases on his forehead were proof of his age and the scars on his arms were proof of his experience. This man definitely held an important position in the police, but who exactly was he?     

Alexander adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. Attached to his tie was a bug that would be recording their conversation, so he was a little nervous. However, he knew he was supposed to be a ruthless drug trafficker. So, he held back his nervousness and said, "I was thinking of shipping some treats over to Macau via your ports, but to do that, I need to 'get rid' of my competition. I was wondering if you could help me with that."     

Trojan looked at the man with suspicion, "How did you hear about me and how much have you heard?"     

"I heard about you from Gogh. As I'm aware, you hired him to 'get rid' of someone in France. I know it was not your fault that he died. After all, he was all the way in France and you couldn't really help him. But, Macau and Hong Kong are different; this is your territory. I've heard that you are the person to talk to here," Alexander replied.     

"Was Gogh the only person you spoke to about me?" Trojan asked.     

Alexander looked at the man uncomfortably. Why was he asking this?     

"Of course, your identity is a huge secret," he replied.     

Trojan furrowed his brows, he did not believe this man.     

"I don't know a person named Gogh and I don't know what you mean by 'get rid' of someone. I think you might have the wrong person," Trojan said as he began to walk away.     

Alexander panicked. Why was this man suddenly walking away? He needed a confession from the man, something that could be used as evidence to arrest him, but the man hadn't revealed a thing.     

At that moment, he remembered Mother Wu had worked with him. "What about Emma Wu? I know you worked with her too. You successfully 'got rid' of someone for her recently!"      

Trojan immediately turned around.     

The truth was, he had worked with Gogh, but he had never spoken to the man in person, nor had they ever met. Their communication had always been through a middle-man; a contact in France. So, there was no way that Alexander could have tracked him this far based on the words of Gogh alone. Perhaps, Gogh figured his client was from Macau or Hong Kong due to the target he was given, but he couldn't have known his name or any other details about him.     

Mother Wu, on the other hand, was different. She was an old client of his; someone he had worked with for many years. Not many people knew his real identity, but she certainly did. It was a way of ensuring that they never ratted each other out.     

If this man found him through Mother Wu, then that was a different story.     

"How much do you know?" Trojan asked.     

"I know the entire kidnapping was fake..." Alexander replied.     

Trojan raised an eyebrow. No one knew the kidnapping was fake except for him, the kidnappers and Mother Wu. Perhaps, this man really was recommended to him. Mother Wu knew he was in desperate need for new clients; maybe that's why she sent this man his way.     

"How much money are you willing to offer and when do you need it done by?" he asked.     

"I can give you 50 million Hong Kong dollars. His name is Herman Du, I want him dead within 2 days. Kill him without any suspicions; make it look like an accident. Perhaps, a car accident of some sort..." Alexander replied, finally sneaking in the words 'dead' and 'kill'. If the man agreed to this, then he was done for.     

"I need you to pay me in full first. If I happen to fail, I will refund you 50%," Trojan said with caution.     

"Sure, I can do that. So, do we have a deal? Will you kill Herman Du for me?" Alexander confirmed.     

"Yes, it's a deal,"  Trojan replied as he stuck out his hand. How could he say no to 50 million Hong Kong dollars?     

Alexander smirked. This was much easier than he expected. As soon as the two men shook hands, Alexander grabbed the man firmly, pulled out a pair of handcuffs and latched it straight onto his own wrist and Trojan's, binding them to each other so the man couldn't escape.      

Trojan's eyes opened wide in shock. "What's this?" he asked.     

"You are under arrest for murder, bribery, and corruption. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. But, I'm sure you already know this, officer," Alexander said as he watched Sean and the other officers rush out of their cars with their guns.     

But, just as he thought everything was going as planned, a gun suddenly fired out of nowhere straight into Trojan's chest. The loud bang broke the silence on the wharf as Trojan tumbled back with the impact, falling into the water behind and dragging Alexander, who was handcuffed to him, down to the bottom of the Pearl River with him...     

Up at the temple, Amelie glanced at Jackson. Was she hearing things? Did she hear a gunshot?     

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