Help...My Wife is a Spy

Close Your Eyes

Close Your Eyes

0Emerson stood up awkwardly as he looked at his brother. "Are you getting married, Jackson?"     

Jackson smiled at his brother and nodded his head. "I think it's time I settle down."     

"But, you haven't recovered your memory yet and you don't have a job," Emerson said worriedly. "Are you sure you're ready?"     

"Why not? My mother supposedly left me some shares in the casino, so maybe it's time I come help with the family business. After all, the casino originally belonged to my mother," Jackson said.     

Emerson looked at Jackson in surprise. No one ever told him that the casino belonged to Jackson's mother.     

At that moment, Father Wu jumped forward and yelled, "I won't allow it. I am the majority shareholder and I don't want a gangster anywhere near my casino!"     

Mother Wu immediately patted her husband on the back, "Calm down, Jack. Your son's right. The casino originally belonged to his mother. All the elders in the casino industry know about that. You will be criticized if you don't give Jackson a role."     

The old man grumbled and rubbed his head. "When will those old fools acknowledge that the casino is now mine and not Laura's? I will do what I want. Scram, you useless son, I don't want to see you," he yelled at Jackson as he pointed to the door.     

Jackson smirked as he looked at his father. Didn't this man have any shame? He practically stole the casino from his mother, yet he had the audacity to kick her son out. If he found out that he was actually the majority shareholder, what a face slap that would be!     

But, it wasn't time to reveal that yet. So, Jackson grabbed Amelie's hand and walked out of the restaurant.     

Halia's heart broke as she watched Jackson leave. How could his own father treat him like that?     

Emerson felt the fire that was burning up in his father's eyes and quickly put the ring in his hands away. The mood had been ruined. How could he possibly propose at a time like this? Besides, his brother was right. He couldn't skip the queue and get married first. Otherwise, there would be no end to the gossip in the socialite circles if he did.     

As he lowered his head in disappointment, he noticed the bracelet on Halia's wrist. That was right! Halia already had someone in her heart. How did he get so carried away in the moment and forget about that? Especially when he had just apologized to Halia for acting out of line the previous night.     

He glanced at Halia and noticed the discomfort in her eyes. Not only did his parents misunderstand that they were a couple, Halia's father had also flown all the way to Macau because of the same misunderstanding. Yet, he spurred the misunderstanding further by proposing and not denying their relationship.     

As they walked out of the restaurant, Emerson approached Halia's side and whispered, "I'm sorry."     

But, even though Halia was usually understanding towards him, she turned to him this time and said, "No, I'm the one that's sorry; I don't think we should see each other anymore. I thought we could just be friends, but I was too naive. I'm going to tell my father the truth after we get back to the hotel; that we never dated and that I already have someone else in my heart. I hope you can do the same with your parents," she said as she walked away.     

Emerson placed his hand in his pocket and felt the ring that was inside. What had he done? The love of his life was walking away...and there was nothing he could do.     

At that moment, someone was watching from the shadows. This person had witnessed the entire scene between Emerson and Halia and was furious. Her long manicured fingers curled into fists as she picked up her phone. "Help me investigate Haili Feng..." she said.     


Over at Disneyland, Natalie had just picked up the photo they took with Mickey and was walking out of the gift shop to look for Sean and Pumpkin. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at the photo. It had been a long time since a man warmed her heart so much.      

While she was collecting the photo, Sean and Pumpkin had gone to get some cotton candy and they had just reached the front of the line as she walked out.     

Sean picked up the little boy so the cashier could hand him the cotton candy and he smiled from ear-to-ear.     

Natalie couldn't believe how well they got along.     

As Natalie approached, Pumpkin raised the cotton candy in his hand and said, "Mommy take a bite!"     

Natalie smiled at the adorable child and leaned forward to taste some of the cotton candy. But, just as she went to get a mouthful, the little boy lowered it again, causing Natalie to bite into thin air and lose her footing. She tripped forward a little and fell into Sean's arms with a giggle.      

"You cheeky monkey," she laughed as she subconsciously held onto Sean's arms and scrunched her nose at her playful son.     

But, just as she was about to draw her arms away, she felt the man pull her forward.     

Natalie looked at Sean in surprise. What was he doing?     

As she stared into his eyes with confusion, there was a strong ambiguous vibe in the atmosphere.      

"Pumpkin, close your eyes for a bit," Sean instructed with his deep charming voice.     

Natalie's heart raced when she heard this. Why was he telling her son to cover his eyes? And why wasn't he letting go of her?     

The little boy closed his eyes excitedly. "Do you have a surprise?" he asked.     

As soon as Pumpkin wasn't looking, Sean leaned forward and pressed his lips passionately against Natalie's. "I've been wanting to kiss you all day," he whispered. He then took a deep breath and kissed down again.     

"Can I open my eyes now?" Pumpkin asked.     

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