Help...My Wife is a Spy

Adultery Is A Crime Too

Adultery Is A Crime Too

0(Warning R18+: this chapter contains sexual content that may make some people uncomfortable.)      

After Halia sent Sean a message to investigate Everett Pang earlier that day, Sean spent the entire day following the man. It wasn't hard to follow him since he stayed at the casino all day and the place was busy enough for Sean to slip a bug onto the man without him noticing. But, every so often, he found his mind wandering off to the kiss he shared with Natalie and the conversation they had the previous day.     

Just last night, when he asked her whether she liked him, the woman told him straightforwardly that she did and it made him happy yet scared. Of course, he liked her too, otherwise, he wouldn't have kissed her. But, unlike his impulsive actions with Halia, he was thinking logically this time. He had already loved and lost before. Would he ever be able to truly love again?     

Natalie knew all about Sara, so she knew what the man was thinking.     

"Sean, I know you are a logical man. That's what I like about you. But, before you decide whether you like me too, there are still a lot of things you need to know about me. I don't expect you to jump into a relationship with me straight away; it would only make me question whether you are using me as a rebound. So, don't think too much, just let things happen naturally," Natalie said, hoping that her confession didn't scare the man away.     

Sean was surprised by how understanding she was. Perhaps, this was the difference between a young woman and a more mature one.     

Sure, Sean had some great times with Sara when she was alive. But, Sara was much younger than him and they often argued over childish things like jealousy and who loved who the most.      

Natalie was different. She was patient, trusting and realistic.     

"I know how you feel. I've experienced a death in the past too, and I've done some stupid things because of it. So, don't feel pressured. Let's take things slow" Natalie reassured.      

Sean listened carefully to the woman's voice and heard a slight tremble. He was in his early 30's and Natalie was in her late 20's. At their age, it wasn't uncommon to have experienced a death or two. But, the tremble in her voice told him there was more to it. Was she referring to a family member? Or a friend?     

He realized, at that moment, that he had been so focused on his own grief that he never asked Natalie about her life. Even though they spoke every single day, she was always the one that comforted him.     

"Do you want to tell me your story? I just realized that I've never asked you about your life," Sean said.     

But, instead of answering him, the woman threw back a question, "Are you free tomorrow night?"      

Sean listened with curiosity to Natalie's question. "Uh, sure," he replied.     

"Let's chat about it over dinner. There's someone that I would like you to meet," Natalie said mysteriously.      

Sean agreed and they quickly hung up. But, that conversation continued to replay in his mind and was replaying at that very moment while he was following Everett Pang.     

While Sean was deep in thought, he secretly watched the man and listened in on his conversations. This old man was a greasy old geezer that flirted with women and talked about perverted things with men. But, even though Sean didn't like what he heard, he was a professional, so he didn't give up.     

After an entire day of dirty talking, night time arrived and Everett Pang finally finished work for the day. Sean continued to watch the man. He was exhausted, but he still didn't find anything suspicious. Was Halia right about Everett Pang? She wouldn't have told him to investigate him if she wasn't confident about it, right?      

However, just as Sean was about to finish for the day as well and head off to dinner with Natalie, he suddenly noticed one of the dealers acting suspiciously around Everett.     

Everett made eye contact with the woman and the two of them headed into an office down one of the corridors of the casino.     

Sean followed quietly behind and watched as the chubby man closed the office door with a sly look on his face. Was he finally doing something illegal? After the door closed, Sean listened carefully to the bug he planted, hoping to hear what was going on inside.     

But, as he listened, all he heard was a slight thumping noise and moans of pleasure. Sean blushed a little and swallowed when he realized what was happening. Even though it wasn't the type of crime that he expected to catch the man committing, adultery was considered a crime in some countries too, right?     

The sounds made Sean a little uncomfortable. What had Halia gotten him into?     

Sean took a deep breath and continued listening.     

He was a professional; he had to remain calm.     

Roughly ten minutes in, Sean began to feel a little hot and bothered. The adulterous pair was not stopping, and his body was beginning to naturally react.     

Sure, he was a professional, but he was still a man...     

Sean glanced down at his watch; it was almost time to meet Natalie. Should he just leave?     

At that moment, a loud tapping noise echoed from around the corner of the corridor. It was the sound of high-heeled shoes on the marble floors of the casino; someone was approaching. Sean immediately lifted his head in surprise and found a different hiding spot.      

As the tapping noise got louder, a woman appeared in Sean's sight.      

Without hesitation, she walked straight up to the office that Everett was in and opened the door. Sean peered inside and caught a glimpse of the young naked dealer straddling the naked Everett on top of his office desk. It seemed, they had been interrupted just as they were reaching their climax.     

"Mrs. Pang," the naked woman gasped as she quickly jumped off and tried to cover herself.     

Mrs. Pang turned around indifferently and closed the office door...     

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