Help...My Wife is a Spy

Enemies Meet Again

Enemies Meet Again

0Sean kissed Natalie gently. On the surface, he was calm and reserved, but in bed, he was wild and passionate. However, today was different. Natalie was carrying their child and he had to be careful. So, he had to restrain himself.     

As he slowly kissed his fiancee, he ran his hand across her stomach and felt his heart melt. He couldn't believe he was actually becoming a father. He was going to make love to her to show her how grateful he was.     

But, just as the couple was getting fully immersed in the intimate moment, Sean's phone suddenly beeped.     

He had received a voice message.     

Normally, he would ignore it at a time like this; he couldn't ruin the mood. But, he noticed that the message was from Halia. Could it be something important? Was she in trouble? Did she need help?     

He looked at Natalie apologetically and went to pick up the phone. "It's Halia," he said, "I have to check it."     

Natalie nodded her head and waited anxiously for Sean to pick it up. She knew Sean was Halia's handler, so she was worried about her best friend too.     

But, when Sean pressed the play button on the voice message, all they heard was, "You're dead Sean!"     

Sean glanced at Natalie with slight embarrassment. He had grown so close to Halia that they were now friends rather than simple colleagues, so it was apparent that he had lost some authority around her.     

Natalie covered her mouth and held back her laughter as another voice message popped up.     

"I told you not to call me Mars Wu! Emerson's teasing me right now and I almost slipped up around Marissa Qian! Lucky she didn't recognize me," Halia complained.     

Natalie burst into laughter and asked, "When did you become so cheeky? Mars Wu! Mrs. Wu! That's genius!"     

Sean laughed as well, "It must be your influence."     

Judging by Halia's voice, she was just complaining and not in actual danger, so he breathed a sigh of relief.     

He then picked up his phone and sent back a message, "Has your identity been compromised? Is everything going fine?"     

On the other end, Halia was sitting next to Emerson in the back seat of his car. A privacy screen was up to block the driver from hearing and seeing them so she decided it was the best time to update Sean on what she was doing, "I'm fine, apart from Emerson, no one's noticed yet. He is taking me to a party at Roy's place. I am going as Haili Feng. Hopefully, I'll get the chance to search his place for some evidence. I will update you again later."     

"Stay safe," Sean replied.     

After hearing Halia's update, Sean put down his phone and turned back to his fiancee. He estimated that Halia would get back to him in 1-2 hours, so he said with desire still burning in his eyes, "I guess I gotta speed things up before we get rudely interrupted again." He then pulled Natalie into his arms and did what he had been dreaming about since Macau.     


Outside Roy's apartment building, Marissa adjusted her dress nervously. She had overheard that Emerson was coming to Roy's afterparty - a rare occasion - so she decided to go as well. As she waited for his arrival excitedly, she planned out what she was going to say to him and the conversations they would have that night. He never attended private parties, especially not ones that were hosted by try-hards and wannabes, but he actually agreed to come today, so she had to take advantage of it. But, she couldn't help but wonder, what was the exception?     

Either way, this was an opportunity she was not going to pass by. She was stopping him at the entrance and staking claim on him as soon as he arrived. This wasn't a charity event or work banquet, this was a private party where only the young and influential were invited. These parties usually got quite wild and hook-ups were normal, so she couldn't let any other woman get close to him; he belonged to her.     

But, while Marissa was standing there, a voice suddenly said behind her, "My father's only been dead for less than 6 months and you're already out partying..."     

Marissa recognized the voice without turning around.     

It was Danson Qian.     

"What are you doing here?" she asked.     

"I was invited, just like you, so I came to see how my stepmother parties," Danson replied.     

"You don't normally attend events and parties like this. Did you come to spy on me?" Marissa accused as she turned around.     

A slight smirk appeared on Danson's face but he did not respond as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.     

Marissa sighed with frustration, "Why aren't you going inside?"     

She was waiting for Emerson and this guy was getting in the way.     

"Can't you see that I just lit a cigarette? I need to finish this first," Danson replied indifferently.     

"Then smoke over there," Marissa pointed around the corner, "I don't like the smell of smoke."     

Danson moved closer to Marissa and pointed to a sign, "Can't you see that this is the designated smoking area? If you don't like the smell of smoke, then you should go in first. Why are you standing around here?"     

Marissa rolled her eyes in frustration.     

At that moment, she spotted Emerson's car arriving from the distance.     

Her eyes immediately lit up with excitement, ignoring the man beside her like he didn't exist.     

She quickly stood upright and puffed her hair a little to give it a bit of volume. This was the moment she was waiting for: Emerson was here. Tonight, she was grabbing onto the man and not letting him go.     

But, as the car pulled up, she suddenly noticed another shadow in the back seat.     

Marissa frowned as she tried her best to identify the person through the dark tinted windows. Did Emerson bring a friend?     

After the car came to a stop, the driver got out and went to open the back door. Marissa stepped closer to make sure she was the first person Emerson saw when he got out.     

But, to her surprise, as soon as the door opened, a long slender leg wearing a red high-heeled shoe stepped out. It was a woman; her black halter dress looked sexy on her healthy body and her long wavy brown hair swayed softly from side-to-side.     

The woman looked at Marissa and smiled. "Hi, it's nice to see you again."     

Marissa looked at the woman with confusion. She had met a Halia a few times, but she never really looked at her in detail. She only identified her by her long black hair and her presence around Emerson, so it was hard to recognize her in this new look even though there was a sense of familiarity.     

Emerson stepped out behind Halia and quickly reminded Marissa, "Have you forgotten Haili already?"     

Marissa's eyes opened wide with realization, "Haili Feng from Fengtai Corporation?"     

The last time she saw this woman, Emerson had declared that she was his future girlfriend...     

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