Help...My Wife is a Spy

The Direct Woman

The Direct Woman

0Halia held onto the briefcase and walked out of the restaurant with Marissa by her side.     

Meanwhile, behind them, the rest of the family rolled their eyes.     

"I knew she was a gold digger from the start. Look at her! My brother hasn't even been gone for half a year and she's already throwing herself all over another man," Douglas Qian complained.     

"I heard she was already having an affair with Emerson Wu when father was still alive," Danson Qian said indifferently as he stepped out of the restaurant and watched Marissa get into her car with Halia. He then lit a cigarette and leaned back against the wall, "She's always liked Emerson Wu. Everyone else is just a means for her to get to him..."     

"Do you have any proof?" Douglas' wife quickly asked. "Perhaps, if we can prove it, there may be a way to disqualify her from receiving any inheritance."     

"I'm not sure if that's possible. Besides...I have no proof..." Danson said as he took a puff of his cigarette.      

After he watched Marissa's car disappear around the corner, he turned and left.     

As he boarded his own car, Danson signaled for the driver to start moving. He then pulled out his phone, clicked on his gallery and opened a particular folder labeled, 'Sasa'.     

Inside the folder were old photos of Danson and a girl. The photos were from high school and the two looked very affectionate in them. There were photos of them holding hands, hugging, and even kissing. It seemed, this was his girlfriend in high school. Danson looked at the girl and revealed a bitter smile. The girl wasn't very good looking, but he loved her with all his heart.     

"I miss you," he whispered under his breath as he looked through the gallery with a softness in his eyes.     

However, this softness quickly disappeared.     

After he closed the gallery, he searched through his phone for a video and narrowed his eyes in a slightly evil manner. When he finally found it, he took a puff of his cigarette and pressed play. The video was dimly lit, but the faces in the video were clear.      

The sounds of a woman moaning with pleasure soon sounded from his phone and filled the quiet car.     

Danson took another puff of his cigarette indifferently and continued watching.     

The driver heard the sounds and glanced curiously at the young man through his rearview mirror.     

Was he...streaming porn?!     

Seeing the immersed look on Danson's face, the driver sighed quietly and shook his head. Young people these days had no shame. How could he be watching something like that in the car?     

Danson noticed the driver's gaze and revealed a smirk. "Do you want to watch as well?" he offered as he held up his phone.     

The driver quickly shook his head and placed his eyes back on the road with fear. Danson was known for being a rude, ruthless, and arrogant troublemaker. In fact, he practically fired a driver every month. If he wasn't careful, he would lose his job.     

Danson saw the driver tremble a little with fear and smirked again. He then pressed the side of his phone and turned the volume up...     


Marissa and Halia soon arrived outside a fancy 5-star hotel. "Let's chat inside. The rooms here are really comfortable," the woman said suggestively.     

Halia held onto Roy's briefcase and nodded her head. She was planning to go over the documents briefly and hurry home to take some photos of it. All the receipts were in her hands; there was bound to be something of use.     

But, to her surprise, Marissa was a lot more direct around men than she expected.      

As soon as they stepped into the hotel suite that Marissa hired, the woman hooked her arms around Halia's neck and said seductively, "I saw the way you looked at me earlier. Do you think I'm beautiful?"     

Halia swallowed awkwardly. This woman was obviously seducing her. What did men usually say in these situations? She had to reject her and direct her back to the business at hand without offending her. "Yes, Miss Qian, you''re like an angel. I'm sure your husband loved you very much."     

"An angel?" Marissa smirked as she stepped in closer. "That's the first time I've heard anyone say that about me."     

"My husband said I was a bad girl...especially in bed..."     

Marissa then grabbed the briefcase out of Halia's hand and started walking away with a flirtatious giggle.     

Halia stretched out her hand to grab the briefcase back but missed.     

"Miss Qian, let's quickly go over the documents and leave. I know you're a busy person. I still have some things to do after this as well," Halia said with a slight plea as she chased after the woman.     

She followed Marissa into one of the bedrooms and found the woman seated seductively on the bed.     

Halia furrowed her brows. Did this woman have no shame?      

"Come on, Miss Qian, this isn't appropriate. Can I please have my briefcase back?" Halia said as she stretched out her hand.     

Marissa laughed with amusement. "Come and get it," she said as she placed the briefcase on her lap.     

Halia sighed and stepped forward to grab the briefcase, but Marissa suddenly tugged on her tie, causing her to stumble and fall on top of her.     

If Halia was a real man, this would be a highly ambiguous position.     

Marissa bit her lip and brushed the briefcase onto the floor. "Stop acting innocent. You know why I brought you here. I don't care about those documents..."     

After saying this, she hooked her arms around Halia's neck and started pulling her down. As Halia got closer, the woman closed her eyes and pouted her lips.     

Halia panicked. What was she to do?      

Left with no choice, Halia raised her hand, looked at the woman's neck, and threw a quick accurate punch to her jaw. She knew exactly where to aim to knock the woman out without applying too much force and injuring her.     

As expected, the woman fell temporarily unconscious.     

Halia immediately jumped off the bed, grabbed the briefcase and made a phone call, "Hello, ambulance, someone suddenly fainted..."     

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