Help...My Wife is a Spy



0Over at the hotel penthouse, the classical melody echoed across the living room. Mother Wu had only turned on a dim light in the kitchen when she went to get water, so the open-planned kitchen opened out to the dark living room.     

In the corner of the living room, there was a little doorway that led to a hallway where the bedrooms were. Since this was the biggest suite in the hotel, it had three bedrooms. Mother Wu and Father Wu were using the master bedroom right at the back. With the door closed, it was just far enough to not hear a single thing that was happening in the kitchen nor the music from the clock. Moreover, Father Wu had a habit of sleeping with earplugs in - it was something he often promoted to Father Feng - so the man was sleeping like a log at that moment.      

On the other hand, directly downstairs, Emerson was rolling around sleeplessly as he stared at the ceiling above. He was too old to share a suite with his parents, so he did not stay with them. But, the emptiness and silence only made his mind wander.      

Halia was gone and her ghost was married to his brother. Ever since her death was announced, he had not had a proper night's sleep. After all, she was the love of his life. Even though she had never reciprocated his feelings, his love for her was genuine and he felt regretful that he never got the chance to properly cherish and love her. Even after her death, he failed to make her his wife. So, he was upset at himself...and upset at his mother...     

He understood his mother well. Even though she loved him and always wanted the best for him, she wasn't as kind and mild-mannered as people thought she was. In fact, as a child, he clearly remembered the way his mother beat him with a feather duster when he strayed even a tiny bit off the path she had set. Of course, she did this behind closed doors and no one knew about it; not even his father.     

This time, she had prevented him from marrying the woman of his dreams. He couldn't understand his mother's decision. It was just a simple ritual. He just wanted to give Halia a place to belong. Why was his mother so narrow-minded? Halia was already gone, why couldn't she be more understanding and think of someone else for once?     

But, at that moment, in the kitchen above, Mother Wu was about to realize that Halia wasn't gone at all. In fact, she was in the penthouse with her at that very moment.     

As Mother Wu's heart raced a million miles a second, she turned her attention back to where she had seen something white flicker past before she was distracted by the clock.     

"Who's there?" she asked with a trembling voice.     

She didn't believe in ghosts, but an intruder was just as frightening.     

However, her heart quickly calmed down when she noticed the balcony door was slightly open and the white curtains were blowing gently from the breeze outside. That must have been what she saw. Mother Wu breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head as she laughed at her silly imagination. The creepy fortune teller and the wedding ritual must have played with her mind a little.     

But, just as she thought that, she suddenly felt a puff of cold air on the back of her neck. The air immediately sent chills down her spine. If she was facing the balcony, then where did this puff of cold air behind her come from?     

She quickly grabbed her neck in a panic and turned around.     

Her face turned pale...     

A woman in a white dress, with long black hair covering her face, was standing right behind her! Mother Wu recognized the white dress and the long black hair. This was the same woman she saw at the temple earlier - the woman that looked like Halia!     

Mother Wu turned around at the speed of light and darted for the bedroom. This couldn't be real! She had to wake Father Wu up so he could prove that she was being delusional.     

But, just as she stepped into the hallway that led to the bedrooms, she saw the woman again! She was standing at the end of the hallway - right outside the master bedroom's door!      

Mother Wu let out a shrill scream. The first time she saw the woman at the temple, she disappeared, so she thought she was imagining things.      

When she saw her again in the kitchen a moment ago, she thought she was being delusional.     

But, this time, the woman was standing clearly in front of her. There was no denying it. And the speed at which she got from the kitchen to the hallway was not humanly possible.     

Even though the woman's long black hair was covering her face, Mother Wu knew who the woman was and she began to panic. Especially when the woman began to walk towards her. Was she actually being haunted?     

Underneath the long black hair, Amelie tried her best not to giggle. This wig covered her face, but she could still see the terrified look on the woman's face and it was hilarious.     

Mother Wu quickly turned around and ran back into the living room. But, she was shocked to find the woman was already waiting for her on the couch. This time, her beautiful pale face was staring right at her!     

There was no denying it.      

It was Halia.     

Mother Wu collapsed on the floor, it was obviously impossible to escape this woman.     

"You're not real!" Mother Wu cried in fear. "Go away!"     

Halia stood up and stared straight into the woman's eyes. The blood from her chest rolled down her white dress and dripped onto the floor.      

"Mother-in-law, you told me to come home..." Halia said as she began to walk towards the woman.     

Mother Wu quickly covered her eyes, "Go away! Leave me alone! You're not real! You're dead."     

Mother Wu huddled up into a ball as she tried to comprehend the situation. Ghosts weren't real, but how could she explain that Halia was standing right in front of her? Halia was definitely dead, she had ordered for her to be killed and her death was already confirmed.     

A few minutes later, Mother Wu noticed the penthouse had fallen silent. Was the woman gone?     

Slowly, she unraveled herself and opened her eyes again. But, she froze when she realized she was staring straight into the face of the woman she had killed. Halia was squatting right in front of her and they were only 30cms apart.     

"You're dead! I killed you myself! You can't be real! Ghosts don't exist!" the woman screamed. "If ghosts exist then why haven't I been haunted before? Why have I never seen Laura or Francis? You can't fool me! You are just a figment of my imagination!"     

Halia looked at the woman with curiosity, "Laura and Francis?"      

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