Help...My Wife is a Spy

She Owes Me Dinner

She Owes Me Dinner

0Halia, Jackson, Natalie, and Sean stayed at a resort on the Northern end of the famous White Beach. This area was known as Station 1. White beach ran for almost the entire stretch of Boracay and was a length of 4km, divided into 3 areas known as, Station 1, 2, and 3. The area around Station 1 had the finest stretch of white sand on the entire island, it was quieter than the other 2 stations and most of the luxurious resorts were situated around this area.     

As Natalie was pregnant, the group decided it would be more convenient to hire a driver to drive them up and down between the three stations, as well as to other popular tourist spots and quieter beaches on the island.     

There were many activities along the beach, including, snorkeling, paddle boarding, parasailing, and even mermaid swimming! And just off the beach, there were popular spots for cliff diving, kayaking, and snorkeling.     

Of course, Natalie couldn't do most of those activities, but the group didn't mind. China and Hong Kong did not have beaches as beautiful as Boracay, nor did they have the beautiful blue skies and fresh tropical air, so it was already enough for them to relax on the beach, drink some cocktails/mocktails, and soak in some sun.      

For lunch, the driver took them to a famous Filipino restaurant where they were served a huge lunch spread of classic meats, seafood, and vegetable on top of a bed of garlic rice. It was laid out beautifully on banana leaves and there were bowls of fresh lemon water.     

"This is what we call a boodle fight. It originated from the military where food was traditionally laid out in the middle of a mess hall and all the soldiers helped themselves to the food with their hands. You can wash your hands in the lemon water before you start to eat."     

The two couples looked at each other as they sat down at the table. They never ate with their hands in China nor Hong Kong. Even when Jackson was in France, he always used utensils. So, they didn't know where to start but they were excited to give it a try.     

Halia was the first to dunk her hands into the bowl of lemon water in front of her. With a smile, she dried her hands, grabbed a piece of charcoal-grilled pork, and popped it into her mouth.     

Her eyes immediately lit up. The meat was juicy and tender, and the fragrance from the charcoal was addictive. She grabbed a piece of pineapple to balance the flavors before aiming for the garlic rice. She was a bit clumsy, so the rice fell between her fingers onto her lap. Luckily, Jackson saw it coming and placed a napkin on her nap before she started eating.     

The driver looked at them and smiled. "You should mold the rice between your fingers a little, so it's not so scattered. You then cup it slightly on top of your fingers and brush it into your mouth with your thumb. Give it another try."     

Halia chuckled and tried again. This time, she got a good mouthful of rice and smiled with satisfaction. "I could eat like this every day!" she said as she stretched out her hand to get more food.     

When the others saw this, they quickly joined in.     

It didn't take long before all the food was cleared off the table.     

After lunch, the driver took them to a popular shopping mall. Because of the good exchange rate, shopping was very affordable, and they ended up buying a bit more than they expected. Especially Natalie, who bought a whole heap of clothes for Pumpkin and her unborn baby.     

"You don't even know what gender our child is yet," Sean chuckled dotingly as he looked at the bags of baby clothes.     

"But the clothes are so cute and cheap. Even if our child doesn't use them, I'm sure Halia and Jackson could use them some day..." Natalie smirked as she glanced at Halia.     

Halia blushed a little. Her friend always found an opportunity to tease her.     

Jackson smiled with approval and grabbed the bags from Natalie's hands, "Since you're thinking on behalf of our future children too, I shall help you carry these bags."     

Halia looked at her husband helplessly as Natalie laughed.      

After they returned to the car with the shopping they had done, the driver helped them lock everything inside and smiled, "I see you did a lot of shopping. Is it time for dessert?"     

Natalie immediately nodded her head. She had been craving dessert since lunch.     

The driver laughed and gestured for the four friends to follow him. After a short walk through the streets of Boracay, they stopped outside a busy restaurant. "This place serves the best Halo Halo on the island," the driver said.     

"Halo Halo?" Natalie asked.     

"It is a shaved ice dessert with beans, fruit, evaporated milk, and a scoop of ice cream. Here, they serve it with ube ice cream. It is delicious and makes for a great photo," the driver explained.     

Natalie clapped her hands in excitement and started running into the restaurant before anyone could react.     

Sean quickly followed after his wife and Halia and Jackson followed behind as well.     

By the time they caught up to Natalie, she was already ordering from a waiter, "2 Halo Halo, please."     

"Oh, we don't need two. I'll just have a little bit of yours," Sean said as he sat down beside the woman.     

"Who said it's for you? One is for me, and one is for your child," Natalie smiled as she rubbed her belly. She then waited eagerly for the dessert to arrive, "I can't wait!"     


Over in Hong Kong, another person was waiting eagerly.      

"I'm curious, Mr. Wu, who is that woman to you? You seem to care about her a lot," Albert asked as he looked at Emerson     

The taxi driver was waiting to get his money back, but why was this man waiting here as well?     

From what he gathered, the mansion that he picked the woman up at the previous night, belonged to this man. Why did such a wealthy man care so much about a mere cleaner?     

His imagination began to run wild again.     

Emerson lifted his head and answered calmly, "She's someone that owes me dinner..."     

Albert looked at the man with confusion.     

That was not the answer he expected.     

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