Help...My Wife is a Spy

See You Later

See You Later

0From a young age, Mimi's dream had always been to become famous. Because of this dream, she spent 10 long years as a trainee, living in cheap accommodation, and eating cheap meals just to survive. Then, 5 years ago, her agency finally approached her and asked her to debut as a member of Macaron. At that time, she was ecstatic. She was one step closer to achieving her dream. But, after their debut, the imbalance in popularity quickly became apparent and she discovered she was the least noticeable member of the group.      

During this time, she made a lot of mistakes and often whined and complained about unfairness, but never had she done something as serious as hurting the other members of the group for her own benefit like she did that day. It was no surprise that Sue couldn't help but throw a slap across her face.     

Mimi held onto her cheek in shock.      

"This is a serious breach of your contract. You have put the entire group and the agency's interests at risk. I will have to report this incident to the agency and they will decide what will happen to you," Sue explained.     

When Mimi heard this, she immediately grabbed onto Sue's arm in fear, "Please don't tell the agency. What if they kick me out of the group? I will have nothing left."     

Sue sneered, "You should have thought about that before you decided to place laxatives in Avaleigh's drink."     

Mimi immediately glared at Avaleigh. This was all her fault. If she didn't steal the limelight and she didn't seduce Emerson, she wouldn't have taken such measures and got caught.     

At that moment, Ray, Olivia, and Nana finished their performance and joined the others in the backstage for a short intermission. As soon as they approached, Chu whispered all the details to them and they looked at Mimi in shock.     

Ray was the closest to Mimi so she immediately walked over to Sue and tried to soothe her anger, "I know Mimi made a huge mistake this time, but if you report this to the agency, there's a possibility they may kick her out. Losing a member won't be beneficial to any of us."     

Sue glared at Mimi. Even though she was furious, she agreed with Ray's analysis; losing a member was never good. It usually resulted in scandals and the eventual breakdown of a group. Macaron were at the peak of their career, they couldn't afford something like that. So, she grunted with disappointment and said, "You're lucky that Ray is speaking up for you. I'll give you one chance, you better act appropriately from now on. If I catch you stepping out of line again, I will tell the agency what you've done. If worse comes to worst, I will hold auditions to find you a replacement. I'm sure plenty of people would want the opportunity you've got!" She then stormed out of the room to calm herself down.     

Mimi frowned as she watched Sue leave and stared at the empty laxative bottle that had been left behind. She clenched her fists in anger and glared at Avaleigh and Emerson. She had been too careless this time. She didn't expect anyone to realize what she had done. How did Emerson know?     

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Emerson patted Avaleigh on the back as she finished the bottle of water that he bought for her. "Do you feel better?" he asked gently.     

Avaleigh looked at the man and nodded her head.     

"Thank you for exposing Mimi. If you weren't here, I would have been framed for sneaking in food. How did you know that she put laxatives in my drink?" she asked.     

"I've met a woman like her before and I've seen the same trick in the past. Jealousy can drive a person crazy," Emerson replied.     

"Jealousy? We've always been at odds, but she's never done something like this before. What could have triggered her this time?" Avaleigh furrowed her brows as she tried to think of the answer.     

Emerson looked at the woman apologetically and said, "It may have been because of me."     

"You?" Avaleigh looked at the man with a puzzled expression.     

"She likes me..." Emerson said.     

Avaleigh nodded her head, "Yes, she's made that pretty clear. But, what does that have to do with me?"     

Emerson glanced around to check that no one was looking and slowly leaned in towards Avaleigh's ear, "I think she noticed that I like you..."     

Avaleigh felt the man's breath brush against her ear and heart began to race. At that moment, she remembered the question she wanted to ask earlier. She had wanted to know why he tried to kiss her. Was this the answer? Did he like her?     

"Did she misunderstand?" Avaleigh checked nervously.     

Emerson moved away and stared dotingly into Avaleigh's eyes. Without answering her question right away, he said, "Don't worry, I won't let her touch a single hair on your body from now on."     

"From now on?" Avaleigh asked in confusion.     

"Yes...because no one can touch my woman..." Emerson replied domineeringly.     

Avaleigh felt her entire body turn to jelly when she heard this. She even dropped the empty water bottle in her hand onto the floor. His woman?      

Filled with nervousness, she quickly stood up to grab the bottle and said awkwardly, "I need to return to the stage for the rest of the concert...I'll...I'll see you later..."     

Even though she had plenty of fans and admirers, this was the first time a man confessed to her like this, and she didn't know how to respond.     

With a shy smile, she turned around and scurried behind a curtain to get changed.     

As she walked off, Emerson smiled to himself. Avaleigh had subconsciously accepted his feelings. Rather than rejecting him or denying that she was his woman, she said she would see him later. His heart lit up when he realized what this meant. With a smile, he left the backstage and made a phone call, "What's good for replenishing the body after a stomach ache?"     

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