Help...My Wife is a Spy

Dinner Is Served

Dinner Is Served

0Mimi boarded the van that her other members were already seated inside and smiled proudly as they looked at her with curiosity. She could tell by the look in their eyes that there was slight jealousy. But, she didn't realize that the jealousy wasn't towards her; they were actually jealous of Avaleigh. They saw Avaleigh's scandal photos and recognized the man. Plus, they saw how he talked to her gently, the way he looked at her, and how he placed his arm on her shoulder domineeringly. They didn't understand everything the man said at the press conference, but they could tell that he was an influential person who easily settled Avaleigh's scandal and it seemed like the media trusted him. Plus, he was really handsome.     

"Who exactly was that man and what did he say at the press conference, Ava?" Chu asked with admiration in her eyes.     

"He's temporarily filling in for Danson Qian as the CEO of Magnolia PR. We met on the metro the other day and he tripped and fell on me. I didn't know who he was at that time. In fact, I thought he was Danson Qian until he explained who he was at the press conference just now. Thanks to him, everything was clarified," Avaleigh replied.     

"What does he normally do then? Why did everyone believe him so easily?" Chu continued to ask.     

Avaleigh shrugged her shoulders.     

Mimi scoffed, "Didn't you hear what Avaleigh said? They met by accident. She didn't even know his name until the press conference just now."     

Chu glared at Mimi, "You make it sound like you know who he is..."     

"I know him better than you think," Mimi smirked.     

Ray immediately shuffled up to Mimi and asked, "I saw you talking to him just now. The two of you looked close. What's his real identity?"     

Mimi pointed her nose in a snooty manner and whispered, "You will find out when he becomes my boyfriend."     

Ray covered her mouth in surprise, "Boyfriend? You better not let Sue hear you or you're dead!"     

Avaleigh overheard the conversation between the two girls and glanced at Mimi in surprise. What a shameless thing to say. But, then again, if Mimi threw herself onto the man, he wouldn't reject her, would he?     

Mimi saw Avaleigh's reaction and simply laughed.     

Soon, the van arrived back at the hotel and the girls got out.     

"Return to your rooms and get some rest. The big day is tomorrow. I will be here to pick you all up at 6am for one final rehearsal before the concert at 8pm. Make sure not to leave your rooms. The hotel will deliver you your dinner soon. Don't let me catch you sneaking any food," Sue instructed as she shooed the girls inside.     

Avaleigh quickly stepped into the elevator and caught it up to the 10th floor. She then headed straight to her room and stepped inside to rest.     

But, just as she walked inside, there was a knock on the door. "Miss Song, I have a delivery for you," a voice called from outside.     

Avaleigh raised her brows in surprise and went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, she saw a man standing outside with a bag of food. "This is for you," he said.     

Avaleigh received the bags thankfully and returned to the room. "That was quick," she thought to herself. Sue said dinner was coming soon, but she didn't expect it to arrive as soon as she stepped into the room.     

She quickly opened up the food and rubbed her stomach. The food looked good. What had gotten into Sue? She didn't usually prepare good food for them. She simply cared about nutrition and never cared about taste, but the food today didn't just look good, it smelled delicious.     

Perhaps, it was because she was too hungry. After all, she hadn't eaten since breakfast.     

Or perhaps, it was because this was food from her hometown. She hadn't eaten Hong Kong style food for a long time.     

Inside the bag were three boxes: hand-pulled chicken with cucumber salad, steamed fish, and poached pears in osmanthus and ginger. Three dishes that she hadn't had for a long time.     

She immediately grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started digging into the food.     

"Oh Sue, you are an angel," she exclaimed as she ate. After all these years of working with Sue, this was the first time Sue got her such delicious food. Was she finally starting to understand her tastes?     

Best of all, this food was highly nutritious and under her calorie count.     

In the blink of an eye, Avaleigh finished all three boxes of food and smiled with satisfaction.     

But, just as she finished, there was another knock on the door. "Room service," a voice called from outside.     

Avaleigh walked over in confusion. Room service? What else did Sue order for her? She was already full; the most full she had been in months.     

Avaleigh opened the door and a hotel staff stood in the doorway with a trolley. On top of the trolley was a plate covered by a lid. "Miss Song, this is your dinner for today," the young man said as he lifted the lid to reveal a caesar salad underneath.     

"Dinner?" Avaleigh asked in surprise.     

Didn't she already have dinner?     

Even though she was confused, she accepted the plate and took it back into her room. She then messaged Sue, "I think you ordered too much food for me today."      

Within a couple of minutes, Sue replied, "I'm glad the caesar salad made you full. It's rare to not hear you complain. Now, hurry and get some sleep."     

Avaleigh stared at the caesar salad, then looked at the three empty boxes of food from earlier and frowned. It seemed, Sue had only ordered the caesar salad. So, where did the other food come from?     

At that moment, her phone rang.      

It was an unknown number.     

At first, she wanted to ignore it, but she suddenly had a feeling that she should pick it up, so she did.     

"Hi, Miss Song, is your stomach still grumbling?" a familiar voice asked on the other end.     

Avaleigh's eyes opened wide in surprise. She recognized this voice, she had just been speaking to this man earlier. "President Wu?" she asked.     

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