Help...My Wife is a Spy

A Grandson

A Grandson

0Jackson listened proudly as his fiancee explained everything that happened that day, including how she attended the charity event as Mars, then attended Roy's party as Haili Feng, and how she snuck into Roy's bedroom and found crucial evidence.     

"I knew you'd be able to do it," he said dotingly as he patted the woman on the head.     

"You knew?" Halia asked confusedly.     

"Emerson messaged and told me to help you, but I knew you'd be able to handle it on your own," Jackson explained.     

Emerson again? Someone seemed like a bit of a snitch.     

Halia smiled, "Thank you for believing in me."     

Fortunately, Jackson had faith in her abilities.     

"Of course. My fiancee is a highly capable SPU agent. That's how you stood out from the crowd and grabbed my attention. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're meticulous. I don't think I need to work another day in my life," he said proudly.     

"If you're not working again, then what are you doing?" Halia frowned. It sounded like she was getting the shorter end of the stick.     

"I will be a good house husband. I will take care of our kids and teach them well," Jackson replied.     

Halia blushed a little and quickly changed the subject, "Ahem, I'm sure I got Roy this time with this evidence. But, I have one last thing to do before the case is closed so I will have to return to the office again tomorrow."     

"What is it?" Jackson smiled dotingly when he saw his fiancee blush.     

"I need to check if Morton is aware of what Roy's been doing and whether he's involved," Halia explained.     

"How do you plan on doing that?"      

"After Roy is arrested, Morton is bound to destroy evidence if there is any. Or, he may act strange around his clients. He seems to trust me a lot, so I'm sure I'll be able to find something if he's actually done something wrong."     

Jackson nodded. "Since you have work tomorrow, I guess you should go to bed then."     

After saying this, Jackson wrapped his arms around his fiancee and pulled her into bed with him.     

"I haven't showered yet," Halia complained as she tried to get back up.     

"You can shower after we do some pre-bed training," Jackson smirked.     

"Training?" Halia blushed.     

"How are we going to make kids without some training?" Jackson chuckled as he kissed down on her lips.      

After 3 weeks, his woman was finally back in his arms. How could he let go of this opportunity?     


Meanwhile, inside a hotel suite on the other side of town, two other people were getting ready to go to sleep.     

"You know he'll never choose you, right?" Danson said with ridicule as he grabbed a glass of water and took a sip.     

Marissa glared at the man with her slightly drunken gaze and headed straight for the refrigerator. "It's none of your business," she murmured.     

As she brushed past Danson, she could smell the familiar scent of his cologne mixed with cigarettes and alcohol. "Hurry and have a shower. You smell disgusting," she said as she held her nose.     

Danson smirked and took a sniff of himself. Then, with one smooth movement, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it aside.     

Just as Marissa turned around from the refrigerator, she found herself almost running into the man's firm, muscular chest. They were so close, she could practically smell the testosterone seeping from his body. It wasn't the first time the man had flaunted his fit body in front of her. After all, they had lived under the same roof as stepmother and stepson for the last 4 years. But, in her slightly drunken state, he looked extra attractive.     

She had spent the last 4 years with an old man. He treated her well and entrusted her with his company, but there was no passion nor attraction between them. In fact, they never even slept together. He was merely a stepping stone for her to move up in status so she could be on the same level as Emerson. She wanted to attend the events he went to and hang around the same social circles as him. Most importantly, by managing his PR, she had a reason to keep an eye on him and meet with him alone.     

So, this young and handsome man definitely made her feel a little hot and bothered. But, she had to remind herself that she hated him; she had hated him for the last 10 years.     

Back when she first decided to be with Donald Qian, she knew he didn't have long to live. His only son was partying all day long and not taking the family business seriously, and he was a divorcee with no one to take care of him, so she offered him what he needed: someone to care for him when he was ill and someone to manage his business. fate had it...she also gave him an heir...     

An heir in the form of...     

...a grandson.     

A grandson she had hidden from the world for the last 10 years...     

When Marissa first discovered that Donald Qian's son was Danson, she also thought it was ridiculously coincidental. But, she quickly saw it as an opportunity for her to secure her future after the old man's death. So, she brought her son to see Donald in secret.     

When Donald first found out he was a grandfather, he had his doubts, of course. To confirm that Marissa was telling him the truth, he immediately did a DNA test to confirm it. And when the results came back positive, he was ecstatic. He never expected to have a grandson before he died. As a lonely divorcee with a useless son, this was the happiest news he could receive.     

But, Marissa did not want to reunite with Danson nor did she want him to know that she had a son. In fact, she threatened the old man and told him she would report his son for rape if he ever found out. Instead, she suggested that they continue with the marriage and told him to let her inherit the Qian Family's company and money after he died. That way, she could pass it onto her son; his grandson.     

After much consideration, Donald ended up agreeing. That was how she managed to get so much of his inheritance.     

At that time, Marissa thought it was a flawless plan. She would have status and money after the old man died and she would be single again and free to pursue a relationship with whomever she wanted.     

Unfortunately...the one person she wanted the most...was the person she couldn't have...     

...Emerson Wu...     

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