Help...My Wife is a Spy



3"Do you think my daughter will forgive me if this succeeds?" Herman Song asked as he drove with Halia in the back seat of his car.     

Earlier on, Halia and Jackson had convinced him to cooperate. If he helped them lure the corrupt officer out and they captured him, they would help him plead for a shorter sentence and they would help him reunite with his daughter.     

"Your daughter might end up being my sister-in-law very soon. Technically, we are family," Jackson said back at the hotel.     

"If you don't go back to your old ways after you get released this time, I'm sure she will forgive you. The fact that she was even worried about you shows that she still thinks of you as her father. I just hope Sean manages to save your ex-wife in time," Halia replied honestly.     

The car fell silent for a while as Herman Song drove. Every now and then, he checked his rearview mirror to make sure he hadn't lost his backup. Behind him, a few cars followed inconspicuously. Leading the way was Jackson, followed by Kwon and his men.     

Jackson had met Kwon when he was still a part of the gangs, but after his boss was taken down during a drug deal, he went to jail and came out a changed man. Of course, he wasn't the only one that decided to change his ways. He and a few other ex-gangster friends came up with a plan, did a few years of tough manual labor, combined their savings, and ended up opening a bar in Itaewon where they recruited other ex-convicts to work for them. The bar was appropriately named, 'Second Life Bar'; the only bar in Itaewon that was free from drugs, crime, and gang influence. If Kwon and his partners wanted to, they could recruit enough men to start their own gang and that gang would be more frightening than any gang that currently existed. Thus, no one dared to touch them.     

So, when Jackson asked for Kwon's help to capture a corrupt officer linked to an international crime ring, he immediately rounded up his men and agreed.     

Soon, Herman's car stopped outside an old abandoned warehouse and the cars following him stopped a little distance away where they couldn't be seen.     

"Are you ready?" Herman asked.     

Halia looked at the man with determination and nodded her head.     

Herman was quite surprised by the woman's bravery. If his daughter was this brave as well, he would be so proud of her.     

Before Halia left the hotel earlier, Jackson had already tied her hands behind her back with some rope in a way that she could easily break free, so all Herman had to do was cover her mouth with some tape to make his capture look convincing.     

"Do you have anything else to say before I cover your mouth and we head in?" he asked.     

"Stay safe," Halia said. "Even if you're willing to change, you need to stay alive."     

Herman nodded his head with confidence and covered Halia's mouth. Halia then closed her eyes and pretended she had fainted as Herman carried her into the warehouse.     

Soon, she heard a voice say, "Good job on bringing her here alive."     

Herman gently placed Halia against some wooden pallets and said, "You must be Eagle. Have you got my money ready?"     

A tall, muscly man stood opposite Herman. He was wearing a black coat with a black shirt, paired with some jeans, and on his face, he wore a mask. It seemed, his idea of a disguise was very similar to Herman's.     

He picked up a bag that was sitting on the floor next to him and threw it at Herman, "Everything's in here. Take it and go."      

Herman quickly unzipped the bag and flipped through the stacks of cash inside with greedy eyes. If he ran away with this bag now, he could live off this money for a while. Was he really handing himself in? With a smile, he grabbed the bag and left the warehouse.     

After he was gone, Eagle walked up to Halia and had a proper look at her. As he knelt down beside her, he lifted her chin and analyzed her face. "Aren't you too beautiful to be special police?" he smirked.     

After he was confident that the woman was the right person and she posed no threat, he stood up and made a phone call, "Boginya, I have her. What do you want me to do?"     

Halia listened as the man spoke on the phone. Boginya? Who was Boginya?     

"Yes, yes, yes. OK. I'll call you back," the man said. She then heard him walk away for a bit.     

Halia listened with curiosity. It sounded like he was taking orders from this Bonginya. What did this person want with her?      

She opened one eye slowly to check that the man was gone and started untying the rope around her hands. As she did so, she looked around and saw a few figures sneak into the warehouse. Amongst them was Jackson. He looked at her and revealed a comforting smile.     

Just as she smiled back, she heard some footsteps approach and quickly closed her eyes again. Eagle was back.     

As she leaned against the wooden pallets, all she could rely on were her other senses to figure out what was happening, but she knew Jackson was watching over her so she was not worried.     

She listened intently and heard the man approach. What was this man planning to do with her?     

She sniffed a little and could smell the strong scent of cigars coming from the man's body as he got closer.     

Then, without a warning, she suddenly felt a strong splash of water against her face and body. She subconsciously opened her eyes and coughed from the water that entered her nose.     

Eagle looked at her and laughed as he held onto an empty bucket. "Our sleeping beauty is finally awake. Someone wants to speak to you..." he said.     

Halia blinked her eyes and almost reached out her hand to wipe her face, but quickly remembered her hands were supposed to be tied, so she quickly jumped into acting mode. "Who are you? What am I doing here?" she asked. These were the questions that people always asked when they were kidnapped, right?     

The man snickered, "I am Eagle... The Organization sent me..."     

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