Help...My Wife is a Spy



0Avaleigh pouted at Emerson and said, "I like having my eggs a little raw. Why did you take it away from me?"     

Emerson furrowed his brows, "Cleo called me yesterday and said you had a bit of an upset stomach while you were filming in Shanghai. She said you were filming a food episode and you may have eaten something that was a little bad and got minor food poisoning. The other members of the cast also felt a little unwell. So, no raw eggs for you until you recover."     

Avaleigh scrunched up her nose. Since her food poisoning wasn't that bad, she thought she could hide if from Emerson. Who knew, Cleo would betray her...     

But, then again, she still had no idea that Emerson owned the entertainment agency she was signed to, so it was Cleo's responsibility to report all issues to Emerson.     

She reluctantly shoved the fully cooked egg into her mouth and waved for the waiter. "Let's pay and go shopping before you head off to work," she mumbled. They had agreed to buy a gift for Jackson and Halia's baby, so she needed to allocate as much time as possible to that.     

But, as soon as she stood up, her stomach began to churn. Emerson was right, she hadn't fully recovered yet. Looking a little embarrassed, she excused herself and ran off to the toilet.     

A short moment later, she returned looking a little pale and Emerson wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. "Are you sure you still want to go shopping?" he asked.     

Avaleigh nodded her head stubbornly.     

With a doting look in his eyes, Emerson rubbed her stomach and led her out of the cafe.     

Meanwhile, the paparazzi watched with suspicion in his eyes as he grabbed his camera and ran out after the couple.     

The couple turned the corner and entered a department store nearby as the paparazzi followed behind. It was early in the morning and the department store had just opened, so there were barely any people around. As soon as they walked in, Avaleigh looked at the directory and started dragging Emerson towards a particular department.     

The paparazzi followed with curiosity and discovered that Avaleigh had dragged Emerson to the baby section! His eyes immediately lit up. Bingo! "She must be pregnant!" he whispered to himself. This was huge news! He could already imagine the headlines: 'Innocent ex-idol pregnant before marriage!'     

He quickly grabbed his camera and started snapping photos excitedly. "I'm going to get a fortune for these photos," he laughed greedily.     

Avaleigh had no idea that someone was taking photos of her. After all, she had nothing to hide, so there was no reason for her to be wary. She grabbed a little pink tutu and asked, "Do we know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"     

Emerson shook his head, "My brother and Halia want to keep it a surprise. They said they would be equally happy no matter if it's a boy or a girl."     

Avaleigh frowned, "That makes it difficult to shop for them. I guess we'll have to buy neutral items."     

She then started to look at some white and beige jumpsuits for newborns.     

Emerson nodded as he watched his girlfriend shop with excitement. Women always seemed to get excited by the thought of babies, even when the child wasn't their own, but men were different. Sure, they would love their own child, but other people's kids did not excite them in the same way. So, Emerson simply pulled out his credit card, handed it to the sales assistant, and said, "Whatever she picks out, put it on my card."     

The sales assistant held onto the card nervously and nodded her head. Emerson had handed her an American Express black card! She had heard of this card before, but this was the first time she was actually holding one in her hands. This card was available by invite only and was the most prestigious credit card in the world! Who was this man? Why did he have this card?     

Not too far away, the paparazzi also noticed this card and his mouth opened wide in shock. "I've definitely hit the jackpot," he snickered.     


Meanwhile, over at the maximum-security prison, Trisha walked in with a stern look on her face. Due to Boginya's attempted escape, she was now moved to an isolated cell underground that had to go through multiple security checks; an area that was usually reserved for highly dangerous criminals that could not be allowed to socialize with other prisoners.     

Normally, when a prisoner had visitors, the guards would take them out of their cell to a monitored room where they could talk. But, clearly, this was not feasible for Boginya because a previous visitor had somehow smuggled weapons in for her. So, one could only visit her at her cell now and they had to sit a fair distance back.     

As Trisha sat down, she felt a bit like Clarice Starling visiting Hannibal Lecter in 'Silence of The Lambs'. And just like Hannibal Lecter, she still had a certain confidence and charm to her even though she was dressed in a prisoner's uniform.     

"Agent Hua, what brings you down here?" she asked with a thick Russian accent.     

"Amun," Trisha said straightforwardly. "Can you tell me about him?"     

Boginya laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about."     

"The woman that made you the fake passports in China, she had scars on her hand that were made by Amun, right?" Trisha probed.     

Boginya did not respond. She tilted her head to one side and started brushing her long blonde hair and checking her nails. Even though she was in her forties, she was still a very attractive woman.      

"It's a shame that you will be stuck down here forever where no one can see you. It must be hard to be down here with nothing but your own thoughts, eating the same food every day, wearing the same clothes, and seeing the same four walls," Trisha sighed.     

"I'm sure that anyone else in your position would not be able to handle it. If I was you, I would be exchanging information for better conditions. After all, I can't reap the benefits of The Organization from down here anyway..." Trisha said casually.     

However, Boginya continued to ignore her. She had sworn loyalty to the other two founders, so she couldn't betray them.     

But, Trisha suddenly said something that made her a little uncomfortable. "I heard The Organization always kills those that get caught, especially if they reveal something. I wonder what Amun would think if we reveal that we know about him? Would he think that you gave us his name...? Perhaps, we should give it a try..."     

Boginya sneered, "Don't forget. You're the one that put me into maximum security. How will anyone kill me down here? I'm in the safest place on earth!"     

Trisha shook her head and replied, "I can always take you out of maximum security..."     

Trisha watched as Boginya's eyebrows twitched a little. Boginya was stubborn but Trisha was confident that she would be able to eventually make her talk. So, she did not wait around. She smirked, patiently turned around, and left Boginya to think about the situation on her own.     

As soon as the door closed behind Trisha, Boginya clenched her fists and threw her hairbrush on the floor. No! Amun would never doubt her like that! He would never send someone to kill her...     

...would he?     

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