Help...My Wife is a Spy

The Penthouse

The Penthouse

0While everyone waited for the first course to be served, Avaleigh stood up with Emerson and walked over to one of the guest tables. Sitting next to Danson and Marissa was a face they had been seeing a lot lately, Natasha.      

Ever since a year ago, when their misunderstanding was cleared, not only did Avaleigh and Natasha become good friends, Avaleigh also ended up scouting Natasha for AE Entertainment. Natasha subsequently signed a contract with AE Entertainment and Avaleigh found her a reliable manager - who now became her boyfriend.     

Due to her experience in the industry and her ability to spot real talent, Avaleigh slowly moved behind the scenes, and Emerson naturally handed AE Entertainment to her. Every week, she still appeared once on 'Let's Go!', but apart from that, she did not take on any other jobs as an artiste.     

Avaleigh and Emerson led Natasha, her boyfriend, Danson, Marissa, and Steven outside to where the reporters were waiting. As a condition for keeping this entire event, as well as the casino, a secret, they had promised them an exclusive story, so they were stepping out to answer their questions.     

Ever since Avaleigh's incident a year ago, the entire industry had changed and the reporters were now very cooperative and respectful. When they saw them walk out, they simply lifted their cameras and microphones and listened intently.     

"Hello everyone," Emerson smiled. "Once again, I would like to thank all of you on behalf of the Wu Family, for helping make this surprise a success. We had a lovely wedding ceremony inside the ballroom of the casino where the couple renewed their vows and are currently being congratulated by family and friends. We have professional photographers documenting the entire event inside the ballroom and Steven will share the details with you after tonight. Of course, we don't want you to return empty-handed. As you all know, no photos of the completed casino have been documented and the interiors have been a mystery. After this, we will have some people show you around so you can have a look for yourself. Take special note of the floor-to-ceiling murals in the hallways. They were inspired by Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, which was the overall inspiration for the casino."     

Emerson finished talking and looked at Avaleigh, "I also have another piece of news to share with all of you. As you all have noticed over the past year, I have slowly stepped out of the limelight and moved behind the scenes to manage AE Entertainment. I didn't realize I would enjoy it so much, but after working with Natasha and a few other artistes, I discovered a passion for helping others achieve their dreams. I've found a lot of satisfaction in nurturing fresh talent and developing ways to maintain a comfortable work-life balance for them. Thus, Emerson and I have officially decided that I will be stepping into the role of General Manager of AE Entertainment. This has been made effective starting from today."     

Avaleigh smiled and the reporters scribbled down notes excitedly.     

Danson then stepped forward and said, "Now that AE Entertainment is operating smoothly and is in good hands, I would also like to announce that I will be stepping down from my role at AE Entertainment and returning to help at Magnolia PR. But this doesn't mean that we won't be working together anymore. On the contrary, Magnolia PR has signed an official partnership contract with AE and we will be managing all their PR from now on with the help of Steven Zhe, who we are officially hiring as our new Director of Communications."     

All the reporters cheered. This seemed to be the best outcome for everyone.     

Avaleigh then grabbed Natasha's hand and said, "As the new GM of AE Entertainment, the first thing I'll be doing is announcing that I have secured a new ongoing contract for Natasha."     

Natasha looked at Avaleigh in surprise. She didn't know about this yet.     

"The producers of 'Let's Go!' have been discussing for a while the possibility of adding another female cast member to the show. After much deliberation, they have decided to ask Natasha to join us!" Avaleigh said.     

Natasha opened her eyes wide in surprise. "Are you serious?" she whispered.     

Avaleigh nodded her head.     

The reporters immediately turned to Natasha and asked, "How do you feel about this announcement, Natasha?"     

Natasha held back her tears and replied, "I am completely over the moon. A year ago, I had a huge misunderstanding and made a detrimental mistake by acting impulsively. Fortunately, I was able to redeem myself and gained a good friend as a result. At that time, I didn't expect Avaleigh to forgive me, let alone provide me with any assistance. But she not only signed me as an artiste of AE, she also stuck by my side through this entire year and helped me back on my feet. Now, she even got me my dream position. I don't know how I can ever thank her enough, but I will do my best not to disappoint her."     

The reporters took some photos of the seven influential entertainment industry figures in front of them and anticipated seeing what they'd achieve in the coming years.     

After that, Emerson called over some ushers that he had hired to show the reporters around the casino and they quickly split the reporters into small groups and showed them around.     

Not only did the casino have a gaming floor and ballroom, it also housed world-class restaurants, a theater, and a hotel.     

"Wow," one of the reporters exclaimed as she took some photos around the hotel lobby. "Will we get a chance to see any of the hotel suites?"     

The usher nodded her head and gestured towards the elevator, "I can show you our presidential suite."     

As they stepped into the elevator, the usher pressed the second-highest floor. The reporter looked at the usher with curiosity, "What's on the top floor?"     

"It's the penthouse," the usher replied.     

"The penthouse? Will we get a chance to see that as well?" the reporter asked with excitement.     

The usher smiled and politely shook her head, "The penthouse is not available to the public..."     

Seeing the confusion on the reporter's face, she explained, "It's the private residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wu..."     

Meanwhile, in the ballroom, Halia had no idea that Jackson had one more surprise waiting for her...     

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