The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C31 Greeting the wife's family

C31 Greeting the wife's family

0“Your…..grace? I wasn’t expecting you”    


“I wrapped up my work quickly to be able to come to see you, father-in-law”    


Both daughter and father were astonished by the polite smile that beautified the otherwise cold duke’s face. The man almost never smiled so it lit a fire of suspicion in them. The smile on the duke’s face twitched, making them both relax. Marquis Adamantine observed him from the couch across, especially the interaction between the couple.    


“I trained my daughter to be a good wife for your grace. Are you finding her conduct to be satisfactory?”    


“She’s very obedient and hardworking”    


“I hope your grace would find it in your heart to love my daughter as a wife. It might be difficult considering our circumstances but please do well to remember she’s my first daughter and my treasure”    


“I understand”    


“No good news yet?”    


“Unfortunately not but we’re working hard”    


The look in his eyes made Natalia rethink the construction formular for her candles, planning to make them stronger than they already were.    


“Well, is there anything else your grace would like to discuss with me?”    


“There is in fact one request I would like to make. Since my lord is already my father-in-law, I would like your help in my future endeavors. If the head is unstable, the body would suffer too, no? I would like my lord to help in correcting the head”    


“.......I would pretend I didn’t hear that”    


“There is a lot for my lord to gain, like the treasure trove that is the southwest. I’m sure you must be aware of how much it generates each year. The seat of the only grand duke of the empire can also go to you”    


“I’m just a frail old man nearing retirement. My influence on the other nobles is held together by my first daughter, who is now your wife and my financial power is all but in the hands of my first son. If you need their assistance, then you can feel free to ask them”    


“If that is the case, thank you for granting me audience, father-in-law. I promise to treat your daughter well”    


“That is my only wish from you, your grace”    


The two eventually left her father’s study. It was a place of fear before but now, it only held a shadow of a once great and fearless man. Natalia walked behind her husband, hoping she would not bump into a particular person as she walked her husband out. However, it would seem that life held a particular grudge against her because as she turned a corner, they were walking towards the study with a servant wheeling a tray in tow.    


“I greet the Duke”    


“Your grace, this is Lady Penelope, my stepmother”    


The tall, large bossom woman used to be a fanciful flower in her heydays. She was the daughter of a count married to a very wealthy Baron. Once the man died, she inherited all his wealth and became the second wife of the Marquis, even though the first wife was still alive.    


Neither of the siblings disputed this marriage, keeping their distance from their father’s new object of affection. The marriage was profitable for both parties so the Marquis used his wealth to shut the disputing parties up. Some of Natalia’s bad memories were due to this woman, who was particularly avid in pushing the marriage between her and the duke so her daughter wouldn’t have to marry the duke instead, getting married to her lover, a royal knight of the second order that served the crown prince.    


Fredrich just muttered some polite words, going on his way. Penelope, however, had some words for the lingering Natalia.    


“After three months, no sign of a child. You’re as useless as your mother”    


Her mother was one of her sore spots. In the past, Natalia would’ve retaliated with a snide comment of her own but she just gae the woman a respectful nod and continued walking behind her husband. She was more worried that he would ask her to come home with him than someone who could easily be dealt with. Once Sebastian took over the Adamantine household, they didn’t need to worry about pests like Lady Penelope.    


“I thank the duke for coming and escorting me home” She bowed as he walked into his carriage. He ignored her, shutting the door. Her heart leaped for joy as he didn’t ask her to join him. When he saw his shinning eyes, he was tempted to wrap his hands around her fragile neck once more.    


“I would communicate with the young lord in a few days” was all he said before the carriage started moving. Natalia could finally breathe after she watched the carriage disappear over the horizon. She felt something warm on her shoulder, looking up to see Sebastian standing behind her.    


“What did he want?”    


“He wanted us to support his rise to the throne. I was very surprised. Now that he has reached out, we don’t have to look suspicious. We’ll just have to help him enough for him to owe us a debt”    


“You still want to help him after all he’s done to you?”    


“It’s extremely important that this family survives the purge that he would bring. This is the only way. He’s too powerful for us to become his enemies”    


“If you sold that patience of yours on the black market, you would become richer than 50 percent of all the nobles in this kingdom”    


“I appreciate your compliment. How is mother doing?”    


“I think it would be better for you to see her yourself”    


Her mother was the daughter of a fellow Marquis family. They were a strong family that suddenly cut ties with their daughter a few years ago when she developed postpartum complications. They resided in the north and hadn’t sent a single letter in 17 years. Her mother had been weak ever since she was born, barely able to protect and fend for her children. In Natalia’s past life, she died a few months after Natalia gave birth to her first child, without ever meeting her first grandchild. She lived an overall sad life.    


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