The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C26 Unlovable

C26 Unlovable

0Natalia struggled fiercely against him but his voice grip was too strong to beat. Her circulation was cut off and she was left gasping pitifully for air. Just what had gotten into him?! She even left him with the woman he loved for a few days in her own matrimonial home but he was still trying to hurt her! Why?!    


He let go of her neck, staring down at her with no mercy. Using magic, she healed the handprints and healed herself, finally able to breathe properly. She sighed, staying like that. His bloodlust was tangible so she didn’t know what else he would do if she said anything or try to act like nothing was wrong.    


They were like that till they got to the teleportation circle. A wave of nausea overcame her but she healed herself again, knowing she might just die from a bashed head if she vomited in the carriage. It didn’t last for a minute and the scenery outside of their carriage changed. He opened the door and marched out, leaving her behind in the carriage. She sighed, finally able to breathe in relief. She raised her head to see a hand stretched out to help her.    


“Are you alright, my lady?” Wilbur smiled gently. She raised her brow but eventually smiled back, allowing him to escort her out of the carriage. Sebastian’s carriage was nowhere to be found since he was most likely in their family home with the princess. She was all alone once again.    


Wilbur escorted her to her room which had been cleaned out and prepped with clothes prepared for her by Butler Corren. She rolled her eyes and dropped in all the clothes she packed for herself with magic, arranging them neatly to one side before checking the bed. Once the bed was clean of any spells or traps, she fell on it, sighing again.    


“As I thought, he hasn’t changed”    


In her past life, he did choke her like this frequently. His red eyes seemed to glow like he was possessed and he looked more like a beast than he was human. While he hid this side from his beloved, his wife got the brunt of it, suffering from many scars and trauma over the years. He had overwhelming powers, one she couldn’t match up to yet.    


“My lady, we have come to help you change,” Wilbur said after knocking two times. She had already changed by herself so she thought of dismissing him.    


“You also have a letter from Count Selene”    


Natalia rushed to the door. When she opened it, she ignored the servants and snatched the letter in Wilbur’s hands. It had already been opened but she didn’t mind. Any communication from Count Selene was good news.    


“As you can see, I’ve already changed so I don’t need your help”    


“Will you be joining the Duke for lunch though?”    


“I don’t have an appetite. Please tell him to go ahead without me”    


“......alright, my lady”    


She closed the door right after, running to her bed to read the contents of the letter. The crest of the house of Selene was a cherub wielding an arrow. They were a famous alchemist family whose main product was love potions for the nobility and commoners. They also sold cures, dominating the market they created. Natalia often exchanged notes with Count Selene as a young alchemist, making the Count her mentor and teacher.    


The letter was an invitation to a tea party that would host the princesses and other noble young ladies in the family mansion. It would be a pleasure to have the only Grand Duchess of the kingdom there. If it were any other person, she would’ve thought they wanted to use her as bait to bring the Grand Duke but Count Selene truly cared about her, in her past life and this one. She could never forget his sorrowful expression on her wedding day.    


Thankfully, the tea party was in two days which solved the issue of asking for permission to leave from the Duke. He would be calmer later in the day so it would be easy to ask permission then. Settling on that, she decided to lay in bed and summon Madaline.    


{I temporarily sensed your discomfort. Is anything the matter, Natalia?}    


“My husband tried to kill me today. Even though I stayed out of his way and let him be with the woman he loved, he still put his hands on me. Am I that unlovable, Madaline?”    


{Someone like that is making you question your self-worth? I thought you were confident and had this in the bag but it would seem like you too have been holing yourself under a shell}    


“I am human, Madaline. Humans are weak, fragile creatures”    


{You’re the first human to admit weakness to me. They are usually boasting about their strength and abilities, not knowing I can sense their fear. But a wise human once told me this; it’s okay to feel fear and it’s okay to feel sorrow. Pain is a part of life. It’s not a nice experience but every experience should be valued. You’re not unlovable, Natalia. You’re just very unlucky}    


“Hmm, you’re right”    


Madaline suddenly became bigger, her wings disappearing. She sat on the bed and placed Natalia’s head on her lap. Natalia didn’t resist, relishing the warmth and kindness that radiated from the enlarged fairy mother. Madaline whispered a spell and Natalia’s eyes began to grow heavy.    


{From now on, if you’re scared or hesitant or in pain, you should come for me. I can comfort you and stay like this for however long you want. With the contract, you are my descendant and I am your mother}    


“Thank you, Madaline”    


Natalia fell asleep right away. Madaline stroked her hair, using her magic in every stroke to ease her discomfort. Madaline knew what had happened to her. She could feel her boundless pain, fear and sorrow ever since they made the contract. Even though she fed off it, it was depressing that one human possessed that much sorrow.    


It was easy to just wonder how someone lived a life so full of sorrow.    


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