The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C14 Mother of Darkness

C14 Mother of Darkness

0Natalia tried very hard to convince Sebastian to stay calm. Even when he was ignored by the duke and treated like he wasn’t a high noble, he accepted it all because of her. However, the dreaded dinner time came and Natalia wasn’t sure how she would smoothen the conflict.    


Make no mistake, her father couldn’t care less about her and wouldn’t start a conflict with the duke over her welfare. But if it was Sebastian, then it could seriously be trouble. If Sebastian was treated the same way she was, Natalia could kiss her peaceful days' goodbye.    


“Bastian, please, be calm. I beg of you, just this once. We only have to do dinner together today and after today, it’ll just be two of us”    


“What are you talking about, my precious? What could possibly go wrong?”    


The four of them emerged at the same time, walking to the dining room in awkward silence. Sebastian didn’t bother greeting the duke or the princess, tending to his sister the entire time. Natalia was more bothered with the quality of the meal they were about to be served.    


Fredrich sat at the head of the table, Natalia at his left and Alana by his right. It almost looked like the man was married to both women, something that pissed Sebastian off as he sat by his sister. Natalia held her brother’s hand under the table the entire time, hoping the chef would gain a little sense.    


All her hopes went down the drain as both she and her brother were presented with subpar meals while the princess was treated as king. Alana paled while Fredrich just started his meal like nothing was wrong. Sebastian looked down at the meal before him and his sister, looking up to stare at the princess. Alana tore her eyes away, unable to lift a spoon.    


“I don’t want to be rude your grace but…….”    




“......I just remembered I haven’t had the time to settle with my men since I arrived. I spent so much time with my sister that I lost track of time. I shall excuse myself now. Thank you for providing dinner though. It looks appetizing but I’ll have to decline for now” he stood up, giving a brief nod. Natalia stood up after him, walking away with him without saying a word. Fredrich didn’t even act like he noticed, a little relieved they were finally gone.    


“What’s wrong, Alana? You haven’t touched your food?”    


“.......I’m not that hungry. I thank your grace for your generosity but I must excuse myself now” she stood up immediately and left in the direction where the siblings had departed. She felt like if she didn’t do anything at that moment, the relationship between herself and the Adamantines would only worsen. She couldn’t let that happen.    


“Corren, did I…….make the wrong decision to let her stay?”    


“I don’t believe it was the wisest decision, your grace. I believed you should’ve acknowledged your in-laws, even if it was a little bit”    


“He dares to show his face here even after what his father did?!”    


“You have to remember that your parents agreed to the engagement and you agreed to the marriage, your grace. If you didn’t want the marriage, you could’ve easily called it off. If your grace wants to proceed with your goals, you need the young lord’s support”    


“Why do I have to get along with him? He’s probably trying to seduce Alana”    


“You’re a married man, your grace. Unless you’re trying to take her highness as a second wife, her life shouldn’t be a concern of yours. Just entertain her for a few weeks and send her back. She’s a thorn in your side right now, your grace”    


“’re right. You’re always right. I just…..can’t think straight when I see her”    


“Is your grace going to allow your feelings for her get in the way of the plan?”    


Fredrich’s eyes glowed red, the spoon in his hand breaking into so many pieces, they were like falling dust.    




Alana ran out of the house just in time to see Natalia and Sebastian departing with a carriage, the same carriage she came in. She couldn’t outrun a carriage and her magic couldn’t do much so she just had to let them go. She sat frustrated on the carriage step, her stomach grumbling in protest.    


{Kikikikiki…….do you want my help now, princess?}    


She looked up to see a floating almost transparent figure covered in a white cloak just above her. It was the size of a small child with a voice that grated the insides of your ears. She knew exactly what it was.    


“Why should I accept the help of a fae? You’re bearers of ill luck”    


{That’s a little insulting, princess. I have done nothing but try to help}    


Unlike what Natalia told the fairy mother, it wasn’t exactly easy to learn the language of the fae. It required high intelligence, diligence, or just natural-born talent. There were three women in the kingdom of Ducroft that were gifted with the natural talent to hear and speak to the fae; Natalia, Alana, and the saintess. It became known during the war that Natalia could communicate with the fae but while she was shunned for it, the saintess was praised for it.    


{You have such magnificent magic. All you need to do is tap into that endless well of magic and you could be so much more powerful than anyone else. Even more powerful than that semi-transcendental in there}    


“Someone once told me, that not all fae lie. She was a beautiful good-hearted fae. It was hard to believe she was a banished fairy. Yes, I have the power to see the greed in anyone’s heart, including the murky hearts of beings like you which is why I would never again accept the hand of fae like you”    


{You must be hallucinating, princess. What kind of fae is that?}    


“I call on the mother of darkness, protector of the fae, Leilin”    




There was a flash of red light that blinded the two momentarily. In Alana’s open hand, a pale-skinned pixie with long transparent wings on an armless gown seemingly made with autumn leaves opened her bright red eyes.    


{It seems like almost an eternity that I’ve been summoned, especially by someone with so much mana. I’m honored. What is your wish, human?}    


A beautiful but strangely eerie smile blossomed on the face that resembled one of a porcelain doll.    


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