The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C29 Angels

C29 Angels

0“This is my brother, Sebastian Adamantine. He’s been very curious about meeting you, Lady Grayson” Natalia introduced    


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lord Adamantine”    


“And you as well, Lady Grayson. If you don’t mind, may I ask you some questions about your magic? You don’t have to answer them if they’re too intrusive. Count Selene has already told me the details but I wanted to hear some answers from your mouth”    


“I can do that much. Do we need to move……”    


“No, the questions are not so private. The specifics would be posted on the paper tomorrow. I just need some questions regarding the magic circle”    


Natalia could note mild disappointment on Adelie’s face. Most likely, she was able to charm most men she met but Sebastian’s sister worship was incurable. He stuck close to Natalia while asking question with eyes full with only burning curiosity. Natalia listened in, hoping to find answers as to why she still had such ridiculous magic even without being contracted to the fairy mother. The only other theory was that she was contracted to the Fae Guardian but someone with the murky magic of the fae couldn’t heal anyone.    


‘Perhaps the support of the dragon king? That would make sense’ Natalia mused, checking the magic circle she drew. Looking at the hexagon with strange symbols, the answer finally came to her.    


“Angels…..” she whispered in horror. She caught the attention of the two who were deeply engrossed in their conversation.    


“Angels? What are you talking about?” Sebastian asked, a quizzed expression on his face. Natalia smiled gracefully, pointing to the entrance where the two princesses were walking in wearing pure white sequin gowns.    


“I was talking about the princesses and how they looked like angels”    


“As angelic as a polar bear” Sebastian snorted. Natalia shoved him to give a bow of courtesy as the two sisters drew nearer. They stopped in front of them, their neutral expressions morphing into polite ones.    


“If it isn’t the Grand Duchess…..” Princess Francesca greeted.    


“I greet her highness, the first princess. May you ascend the heavens”    


“Hmm, I don’t see his grace anywhere. He didn’t bother to come?”    


“His grace is occupied with work, your highness. It’s been very tasking on him so he hasn’t been able to show up for these events. I’m doing my best as Grand Duchess to step in for him”    


“ expected of the flower of the capital”    


“Compared to you, your highness, I am undeserving of that title”    


“You hear that, Lord Adamantine?”    


“Your highness, it’s not good to wear white these days. You wouldn’t know when such a beautiful dress would get stained” Sebastian remarked. Princess Francesca frantically checked her dress and found not a single stain on it. Natalia fought to keep herself from laughing while Sebastian masked his with a polite smile. The flustered princess huffed and pointed a fan at Sebastian with shaky hands.    


“There is no stain on my dress”    


“I mustn’t have seen right then. By the way, this is Lady Adelie Grayson, the Saintess Candidate and the hero of our nation”    


“I greet her majesty, the first princess. May you ascend the heavens” Adelie curtseyed again. Princess Francesca gave her a critical look, judging her clothes and her proximity to Sebastian. When it was judged too close, the princess gave a harsh look, frowning like she had been offended.    


“You shouldn’t delay the star of the party for so long, Grand Duchess”    


“My apologies, your highness. I was just interested in her magic. Lady Adelie won’t be held onto unnecessarily by us for too long”    


“It’s fine if you understand” Princess Francesca said, looking at Sebastian instead. She walked away with the second princess, going to greet the hosts of the party. Natalia finally stopped holding it in and laughed out loud.    


“My god, she hasn’t given up, has she?”    


“No. She’s a literal stain on my reputation” he rolled his eyes.    


“I see you’re not very fond of her highness, the first princess” Adelie commented. The two looked at each other and smiled.    


“Is that how it looks like?” Natalia asked with an amused smile.    


“Is that not how it is?”    


“Well, we grew up to be her highness’s playmates but her interest in Sebastian made him seperate us, killing that friendship. The lengths he goes through to avoid the princess is quite something to see. But, the princess is right. We would not be holding you here any longer, Lady Adelie. You may go greet the other guests. It’s a party for you after all”    


“No, it is fine. Lord Adamantine is still asking me questions”    


“I’m quite finished, Lady Grayson. It was an honor to speak to you”    


“If you don’t mind, you may address me as Adelie”    


“Oh but we do mind. We cannot carelessly address the future Saintess by her personal name. Now, if you’d excuse us……” Sebastian said, nodding at her and left holding Natalia’s hand. Natalia also gave her a nod before leaving.    


“What’s your preliminary assessment of her?”    


“Her magic was no doubt powerful but it felt so strangely unfamiliar. It was very pure but the influence on it is not similar to the influence on our magic as a whole. Well, it would be quite a problem if she becomes the saintess because it would be hard for god to accept her with such magic”    


“I don’t think so. The influence of her magic comes from angels”    


“Angels? They’re divine beings that guard heaven”    


“Yes. Their magic is innately different from that of gods because it belongs to heaven itself. Even if it’s our god, he would have no other choice but to accept her magic. By using the magic of angels, she is truly amazing”    


Angels were heavenly beings that took a strange form of a giant eye surrounded with wings. They guarded heaven, striking those who wished to ascend with tribulations. Only those who survived could ascend and become gods. Although the origins of angels were unknown, they were revered and sometimes worshiped. However, the magic of angels was so pure that one could turn into ashes just having a little in their body. For one young woman to be able to harness the power of angels, it was dangerous to say the least.    


The two arrived at the dessert table and were about to eat when they heard the loud whispers of those around them. When they turned around to see why there was such a ruckus, they happened to catch the Grand Duke entering the party reception with a look of utter boredom. Before Natalia could say anything, his eyes found hers and he began to make his way over.    


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