Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C24 The Birthday Banquet on the Cruise

C24 The Birthday Banquet on the Cruise

0That crazy man, after taking away all her family, he didn't even let go of her best friend!    


Soong Yiren clenched her fists tightly and her nails dug deep into her flesh. At this moment, it was so painful that she could not breathe.    


However, she also knew that she still had a lot of things to do. She had to bear the responsibility of several lives. She had to survive!    


Soong Yiren wiped away her tears, even though her hands were shaking violently. However, she still pretended that her account had been stolen. She sent a few people on QQ a scam similar to borrowing money, including Beiming Mo.    


Less than half an hour after she sent the message, Chu Mingyao's phone rang in Ning Country, which was separated by the sea.    


He picked it up and saw that it was a message from his assistant. "Director Chu, Soong Yiren's QQ number has been stolen."    


Chu Mingyao's pupils suddenly constricted. His fingers lightly tapped on the table, picked up his phone, and called his assistant.    


"Director Chu, you have asked me to keep an eye on Miss Soong's contact details. In the past year, no one left a message on Miss Soong's QQ. " But tonight, she logged into Hua Country's Imperial City. I just found out that her account was hacked. "The person who stole the account must have wanted to cheat her friend's money, because he randomly sent a lot of fake messages."    


Chu Mingyao thought for a moment and said, "Ask someone to check if this is the only number he stole, or if there are other numbers. Also, give me the list of friends who received the fake information. "    


"Okay." The assistant replied.    


Chu Mingyao added, "Record all the conversations and then completely erase them."    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Mingyao picked up the cup of water and took a sip. He whispered to himself, "Yiren, is it really a coincidence, or is there someone who wants to help you turn the tables?"    


In the next few days, Soong Yiren's teammates all realized that she seemed to have become silent.    


Every time others cared about her, Soong Yiren smiled. "I'm fine."    


Actually, she had been thinking of ways to find out about Beiming Mo.    


She even used Beiming Mo's identity as a classmate to contact Beiming Mo's mother to get some information.    


However, regardless of the clues Beiming Mo's mother provided or the limited information Beiming Mo left behind, she was at a loss.    


It had been two years since Beiming Mo disappeared. Even if there were any clues back then, they would have long been erased by Chu Mingyao. Soong Yiren understood that no matter how much she hated, worried, and unwilling, she could only endure in the end!    


She could only work hard to make herself stronger and grow to the point where she could fight Chu Mingyao with all her might. Only then could she take revenge for all those who were hurt by him!    


In the blink of an eye, it was Gong Mochen's birthday.    


That morning, Gong Mochen indeed had his special assistant, Zhang Mingyu, go to Soong Yiren's school to pick her up.    


The birthday banquet was on a cruise ship, so after Zhang Mingyu received Soong Yiren, he directly took her to the dock.    


As Gong Mochen had invited all the young people this time, there were no elders, so Soong Yiren was dressed more leisurely. She wore the white skirt that Gong Lingye had given her.    


She saw Gong Mochen's small cruise from afar. It was a white three-story cruise, and the letters on it said, "Mochens."    


"Miss Yu, we are here. Pay attention to your feet." Zhang Mingyu reminded her.    


Soong Yiren nodded. She stepped on the wooden plank road and walked to the cruise ship.    


The waves on the sea today were bigger than usual. Soong Yiren walked forward and felt a slight bump.    


In an instant, the feeling that she had felt for the past three years struck her heart. She grabbed the white fence beside her and used some force.    


Three years ago, Chu Mingyao had taken her to the cruise ship and locked her in the basement.    


When everyone thought that she and her friends had met with danger at sea and died, she was the only one who suffered in the dark basement alone.    


The shaking at this moment made her feel as if she had returned to that place. She thought that she could overcome the fear on the surface of the sea, but now she realized that such a nightmare, even after experiencing another life, was still so bone-chilling that even her soul felt cold!    


"Miss Yu?" Zhang Mingyu saw that Soong Yiren did not move, so he reminded her from the side, "Young Master Gong is already waiting for you inside."    


Soong Yiren found that she could not move, so she tried to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and raised her eyes to look into the distance to calm herself down.    


At this moment, a tall and familiar figure broke into her line of sight and slowly walked towards the cruise ship.    


It was rare for Gong Lingye to not wear formal clothing today. He wore black casual pants and a gray short-sleeved shirt.    


The shirt was very fitting and his pecs were very clear. The two buttons on the top were open and she could vaguely see his collarbone.    


This was the first time Soong Yiren saw him dressed like this. She suddenly felt that he looked more like someone of her age.    


However, she thought about it carefully. She had heard that Gong Lingye was actually only 30 this year. As for how many months it would take for him to reach 30, she did not know.    


Gong Lingye walked in front. His special assistant, Pei Jun, was behind him. Behind them was a group of people.    


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