Ghost In Red

C85 Chapter 85 - Make Love

C85 Chapter 85 - Make Love

0*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




"Her soft rosy lips gracefully danced with mine in a remarkable rhythm, making me feel all these familiar sensations inside me. When her powerful warm moist tongue slipped inside my mouth, I, with all enthusiasm, welcomed it for a friendly match.    


I heard her chuckle while still not breaking our passionate kiss, and I gently bit her lower lip as I tried to dominate this session. Then I lost control of my hands when they started creeping inside her shirt to caress her delicate skin, which caused her to let out soft moans. Mmm, her voice is such excellent music in the ears. I could listen to it my whole life and never get tired.    


And things happened a bit too quickly when she's now topless while we both sat on the bed. I swear I have no full control of my hands. But I absolutely love to see her wear nothing on top but her jade pendant necklace.    


She continued bussing my neck, making me all turned on, while her right hand had been gently kneading my left boob under my sweater.    


I don't expect this moment to go beyond something more than just us making out, but I just have one wish right now. I want her to lose all her control and surrender to what her body really yearns for. Well, that makes both of us.    


It will be our first time to make love if it happens, and I'll be more than willing to experience it with her. We are soul mates and will stay for life together, so what is there to lie low? I'm exclusively hers, and she's mine forever. Nothing can change that label.    


She stopped kissing me and was about to take my sweater off of me while we were gasping for air, and she looked me straight in the eyes.    


"Are you really so damn sure about this, Mi Amor?" She asked me, looking for my consent, and I showed her a warm smile in reply. I held her left cheek to pull her face closer to mine till our forehead touched.    


"I've never been so sure my whole life, My Love. I'm ready." I answered her and claimed her lips with mine, and she gladly responded.    


And there is also one more thing that I am so sure about right now—this night will be the best night of my life.    


Chapter 70. The sunlight hitting my face made me flutter my eyes open as I woke up from---"    


"Hmmn, that's it?" I mumbled and tried to read back the last paragraph of the previous chapter and back to the beginning of the 70th chapter with my eyebrows furrowed in unrest.    


"Mi Amor? Hey!" I called out my girlfriend and waited for her response.    


"Mi Amor?" I called her again, a bit louder this time, when she seemed didn't hear me, and I looked at what she's been doing on my bed.    


Oh, she's wearing headphones and looking down at my laptop while lying on her stomach. That's why. I bet she's watching some movies again.    


"OJ! Hey! Hunters! Hello!" I yelled and waved my left hand to catch her attention, and she looked my way finally.    


"Hi! What?" She asked me, taking off her headphones and putting them down on the bed, and I shook my head in response.    


"I just have a few concerns. Can you come here for a moment?" I answered and turned my gaze to her computer on my study table. And I looked back at her.    


"What is it, Syd? What chapter are you on now?" She asked and got out of my bed, and she sat on the couch near me.    


"Well... I am... Here... Here on the... It's the... 69th Chapter." I answered and stammered, and she gasped in surprise.    


"Really? Oh, no! Geez! Why? What's the matter?" She asked and grinned, and I shrugged my shoulders.    


"What the f*ck is happening here?" I said, pointing to the computer screen, and looked back at her.    


"What? You've read it, right?" She replied and crossed her legs, and I combed my hair with my left fingers.    


"Yeah, but... But what is this? Is it just this? No... No, no more?" I asked and boldly asked her about her work.    


"What do you mean 'no more'? What was happening there, by the way?" She curiously asked, and I grunted.    


"Ugh! I am not really satisfied. I mean... There should be more than just them kissing, right? This one is an adult romance book, isn't it? Where's the spice? And look at this. The word count for this chapter didn't reach your average count. It is way shorter than the rest, Oj. You should do something more with this scene." I explained with a bit of frustration, and she looked at me with her right eyebrow raised.    


"Well... Then add some magic words to it. Add anything as you please. Please?" She retorted and pleaded, grabbing the pillow on her right and placing it on her lap.    


"What? No. My job is only to proofread and edit, Mi Amor. It's your book. It's your imagination that you've followed writing this." I told her, and she let out a deep breath.    


"Syd, I know. But I am not asking you to do your job here that we have agreed. I am asking you to help me as someone I can always ask for help from. I'm asking you as my other half in everything. You have my blessing to perfect and ruin it your way. Because... Dude, I obviously don't know what else to write in that scene. I mean, you know that I don't have any experience, so I don't know what it feels like to make love. And I don't have any idea what happens when people make love, especially with a woman making love with another woman. That's it. I'm clueless. Can you finish that chapter for me? Pretty please? Thank you, Sydee. I love you." She explained and begged like a poor lost puppy, and I blinked my eyes many times while staring at her with a face of disbelief.    


"And... Do you think I have experience?" I asked her, emphasizing we both never had any, and she just giggled.    


"Well---" she began to reason out, but I cut her off.    


"Yeah, that's right, Oj. Well. Well, you see, I have an idea."    


"Ooh! Alright. Tell me. I bet that's interesting. I'm in, Syd!" She agreed without even hearing my plan, and she wiggled both her perfectly trimmed eyebrows while she knowingly smirked, making me gulp. I don't feel so comfortable with that look on her face, always.    


"Shut up! I haven't said anything yet." I replied and panicked when she stood up from the couch. Then she walked nearer to me while looking me straight in the eyes and grinning like an evil witch.    


"What? Mmm. Oh, I can read your mind, dear Syd. I think we share that... We have that mate bond, connection. Do you know that I feel what you feel most of the time and think---" she started to explain, but I didn't let her finish as I sensed where this was going.    


"Oh, really? I bet that's the effect on writing and reading too many werewolves, vampires, shifter sh*ts, Mi Amor. Just get in here and help me out with this one. I'll have a break after checking chapter 70. Then there will be about forty chapters left that I'll work on tonight." I remarked and moved to give her space so that she could look at what I've been working on, but the girl sat on my lap without any hesitation. So I have nothing else to do but wrap my right arm halfway around her waist to pull her body closer to mine.    


"Let me see. Hehe, I really have no idea how the heck I have written this. It's my first time writing in this genre." She chuckled and scrolled the word document back and forth the pages we needed to work on.    


"Alright, what was your plan again, Syd?" She asked me, and I cleared my throat and tried to remember it.    


"Uh... I was thinking about... you know, letting Gracey write a romantic scene. Just a short one. That biatch is an expert. Or we could interview her." I suggested and heard OJ giggle.    


I'm so damn sure Grace can help us, not because that girl is a bookworm, but because she also had so many experiences with her sweetheart. I don't believe they haven't engaged in such a thing after more than a year of being girlfriends.    


"Or Emma! Do you think she's home? Let's call her out your window." My girl let out and was about to go near the window, but I stopped her.    


"No! No, no, that girl is crazy. She'll just tease us and ask us to do it ourselves instead, experience it. You know her." I explained and looked at my girlfriend when she turned to me and snaked her left arm behind me on my shoulders.    


"Hmmn, well, yeah! Yeah, Syd! Why don't we do it ourselves instead?" She cheered and asked, making my eyes widen in surprise.    


"Do what?" I asked, playing oblivious, and she smiled, and even her eyes smiled at me.    


"I know you are thinking what I'm thinking." She replied and smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.    


Oh, no!    


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