Ghost In Red

C15 Chapter 15 - Goodness Gracious

C15 Chapter 15 - Goodness Gracious

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




Feeling all of the confusing sensations a person could feel, Grace and I slowly turned our heads to the girl who owned the laptop, where there are pictures that look so familiar with the people we both knew. And I am having a hard time believing and repudiating the possible reason why there are pictures of Sydney and Harvey on Daisy's computer. Could she be the one who gave me those pictures? Why would she do so?    


I noticed that Grace's face is turning red, and she's been taking a deep breath. And I truly know that she is angry, but she's trying to hold it. Instead of confronting our friend, she scrolled something in the computer, then opened a folder named Photoshop XFiles. I tried to see what was in there, yet it was empty. I know what Grace would want to see. The pictures- the edited ones.    


I looked at the other people in this room and saw that they seemed busy with their homework. Then I looked back to the screen, just then I finally saw what my friend has been looking for. They are in the Recycle Bin folder.    


And suddenly, I flinched when Grace hastily grabbed the couch pillow through my midriff as she stood up with the gadget in her other hold. Now, what is she going to do? Yet I am sure that it won't be something peaceful towards someone in here, while I have been feeling so much more broken.    


If ever it will be confirmed that the pictures were from Daisy, I don't know what to think about it all. What made her do it? Did I do something terrible to her to make me feel like this? Moreover, make me break up with Harvey? What is her motive for this mess?    


When Grace purposely threw the pillow in her hold to the person that she intended to hit it with, and she went to the two girls on the floor. They looked up to her while wearing puzzled faces, and Daisy cursed, "What the fuck, Grace! You ruined my essay! What is the matter with you, bitch?"    


Grace just laughed sarcastically in response and took a deep breath before answering in contempt, "Me? ME is what the fuck? Now, what do you fucking call yourself, huh? How would you freaking explain these shits on your computer?"    


"Hey, what is going on in there?" Amanda belted when she noticed the tension happening to her sister and the mad girl, and she went out of bed to rush to the girls.    


"What do you mean, Grace?" Daisy asked, oblivious about the girl's suspicion, and Grace snapped her head to Mandy as she tried to hold her back.    


"Do you know anything about this, Amanda? What did OJ do to all of you to cause her a mess like this? Look at these fucking shits! These are exactly the pictures that she received! You damn edited this, Daisy! Tell me, what bad things did she do to you all?!" Grace yelled madly to the Graysons, and I feel like I am crying, but no tears are falling from my eyes. I just feel so much anger that I don't know if this is even happening in reality. Maybe I am just having a nightmare.    


"What? What are these? No, I don't know anything about this, Grace. Daisy, what is the meaning of this? Did you edit those pictures of Sydney and Harvey and gave them to OJ? What for?" Mandy replied in turmoil and turned to her sister, who stood up while not saying anything.    


"No, it's not like that. I was just trying to see if those pictures are really edited to prove that Sydney has nothing to do with it. Isn't it why you announced to everybody that Roswell is innocent? When I told you that it was edited?" She reasoned calmly, and Pauline went to keep the school stuff on the floor to place them on the study table.    


"Oh, really? Nice lie. Very nice! Why would I say so? It's because you just told me that it is edited. You never showed me! I looked for someone who could point out the proof that it was edited, and that is what I informed everybody as I showed them the proof. But you, you have every picture of Sydney and Harvey that could fit in the puzzle pieces on those edited pictures. I am not that stupid not to know. And I guess you all absolutely know that. Just admit it! Why did you do it? And for the freaking fuck's sake... To OJ? She did nothing for us all but was all good. She has been our friend for so long, yet... Why?" Grace explained while tears began streaming down her cheeks, and I looked at the other people here. Amanda has been looking at her sister sharply, like trying to search for the truth. At the same time, Daisy didn't even dare to hold eye contact with anyone but the floor, and Pauline seemed like she's not bothered at all about the other girls' quarrel as she just sat on the swivel chair at the study table.    


Then I was startled when Grace slammed the computer in her hold to the floor, and surely, it broke. And it made the owner of it look up to her with her eyes trying not to shed tears.    


Amanda went to hold the furious girl when she was about to attack her sister, and Grace thundered, "You! What has gotten into you, huh? Why the fuck would you do it! What did she do to you! Have you ever treated her as a friend like how she treated you? She was---"    


Grace was cut off when Daisy muttered, "I'm sorry, but it wasn't me. Not completely. I was just... I was just being told to do it."    


"What do you mean?" Grace asked her, panting as she tried to be free from Mandy's tight grip, and Daisy inhaled deeply before replying, "Someone told me to do it. I never wanted to do it, but... I just... I can't say no."    


"Who the fuck is that someone? Tell me so I could make her suffer what OJ has been going through right now! Let me go, Amanda, if you don't want me to include you!" Grace belted and never left her gaze at the girl before her, and I gulped when she kicked off the laptop on the floor that it went banged to the wall. She is extremely mad, and never in my life have I imagined that she is like this. Not even with this girl I called my friend, too, that betrayed me. What is happening to them? To us? And whoever told Daisy to do it, I don't know who she is, or he is, but they must have been holding some grudges towards me. I don't know what they really want. Is it them wanting me to hate Sydney more, or do they want me to hate Harvey? Or maybe both? But why?    


We all looked at Daisy as she explained, "She wanted OJ to break up with him because... Because she wanted Harvey to notice her. She likes the boy for herself, and to do it, she wanted him free from OJ. To make OJ hate him. And OJ did. But we never thought that it would go that way, to the point that she won't be here with us for so long. I wanted to apologize to her and admit it, but I still don't have the chance to---"    


"Who the fuck is that girl who told you to fucking do it?!" Grace angrily yelled at her, forming her hands into fists, and Amanda tried to hold her again, but the girl glared daggers at her, which made her stop.    


"Who is it, Dais? And why would you even do that?" Mandy asked her sister, and I just noticed Pauline has been staring at the scene like she seems worried about something.    


I don't even know if I am ready to hear the answer. But I wanted to know. I have the right to know.    


Daisy let out a deep sigh, and turned her head to Pauline, and said, "I'm so sorry, Paul. I know this time will come, and I have warned you and told you not to pursue it."    


We all looked at the girl at the study table, and she shrugged her shoulders in response and confirmed, "I did. Yeah, I told Daisy to do it."    


I covered my mouth in surprise as I gasped when I heard her answer, and I just couldn't believe this at all. Why?    


Hearing the girls confessed, Grace closed her eyes, and another batch of tears fell from them. "Forget that we have shared time altogether and built a shitty friendship. I'm done here. I'm done with all of you. And I am sure... so does OJ."    


Grace went to get her things on the bed and walked out without looking back.    


I looked at the girls in the room as there was silence around, and I heard Pauline uttered, "Then... let's all move on."    


I left the place while I felt my heart just broke into a million pieces with all of these happenings. I am about to die, I have fake friends that I can't trust, and I am miserable.    


Well, damn, here I am, thinking that it was only Sydney Roswell who hated me so much, yet I have those other haters right close to me all this time.    


How unfortunate I am, right?    


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