Merit System: Billionaire’s Reborn Cute Wife

C162 False Joiaxin

C162 False Joiaxin

0The next morning, before eight o'clock, she was called and told him she was waiting for her at the door.    


If he got up and went to wash up, he would leave the room and see that the two bent iron pillars in the window had been pulled back into place.    


If it weren't for the fact that the straight metal pillar had been slightly twisted, she would have thought that last night had been a nightmare.    




He randomly picked up a vegetable bun and went out.    


Outside Ru's front door stood a burn-out fiery-red convertible Ferrari. Joachim had changed out of the bone suit he had worn the night before and was now wearing a light gray cap and baggy jumpsuit.    


It was as if a little bit of music could make him jump out of a world...    


If: '...' What was the difference?    


"Miss Ru, this way please." Joachim smiled and opened the passenger door for her.    


They got into the car and Ferrari roared and sped away.    


If you press your hair, hold it in for two seconds, "Stop!"    


Qiao Yaxing, who was enjoying the ride, froze for a moment before slowing down. "What's wrong?"    


"You let me down, give me the address, and I'll go myself."    


If she sat in the car again, her hair would certainly look terrible!    


"Why?" Jorja did not understand.    


If he wasn't in a good mood, he would say, "My hair!"    


She was going to his house to 'see' how she was going to get there with the chicken head on her head!    


The corners of her eyes swept over her hair, and she silently pressed the "Close" button.    


If he narrowed his eyes, he would ask, "Are you really Joachim?"    


Hearing this, Joia's face froze for a moment before she smiled. "If I'm not Joachim, who else could I be?"    


If one were to see his expression …    


"How would I know?" If he asked, "I'm not familiar with your Qiao family."    


"Joachim" did not answer.    


There was still some time before the rush hour, and the road was empty. "Joachim" drove at a speed of 120, speeding through the city.    


If he silently looked at the scenery outside the window as it sped backwards at high speed.    


"As far as I know, the Qiao Family should be in Zhonghai District." If he answered lightly.    


After she promised to visit him last night, she had checked on the Qiao family's information.    


By this time, Ferrari was out of the Midsea area and on to the A City Expressway, heading for the suburbs, where there were fewer cars.    


"Joachim" was still silent.    


She could not get him to say anything. With a helpless hand on her chin, she quietly gazed at the scenery outside the car.    


It seemed like she had been drawn into the Qiao family's family struggle.    




His cell phone suddenly rang. If he glanced at "Qiao Yaxing" and saw that he had no reaction, he would take out his cell phone.    


On the display screen was written the name of Joachim.    


Look, the real "Joachim" is coming for her.    


"Can I pick it up?" If he consciously asked.    


She should be considered kidnapped by now. As a flesh ticket, she had to have the awareness of having a flesh ticket.    


"Joachim?" Joachim nodded, a little flabbergasted.    


"Miss Ru, I'm already at your door."    


"Yes." "But I was picked up by you half an hour ago."    


The other end of the phone was silent for a minute. "What did you say?"    


If his tone was too calm, his mind would not be able to process what had just happened.    


Wasn't what he heard a terrible thing?    


Why did it sound like she had already eaten breakfast?    


"I mean, half an hour ago, you drove a red SUV to my house and picked me up."    


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