Overriding the Heaven

C700 Near Death

C700 Near Death

0"There's no need to know who we are."    


Chu Yan had yet to speak, but the Earth Origin Stage cultivator who pretended to be Zhou Shengyan spoke out once again.    


His voice was sharp and muffled behind the mask. In the ears of others, it sounded like someone was scrubbing the bottom of a pot with an unspeakable ear-piercing brush.    


"Impudent!" Since the sect immortals are here, it's not your turn to spout nonsense! "    


At this moment, the Imperial Palace's Imperial Guard Commander held a long spear in his hand and stood before the Emperor as he shouted in rage.    


"An ant." The Earth Origin Stage cultivator who pretended to be Zhou Shengyan chuckled, "Your death is near at hand, and you still don't know it."    


"Hmm?" The leader of the imperial guards was stunned.    


In the next moment, he felt his chin itch.    


This itch came very quickly and quickly spread to both cheeks. After which, it wrapped around his head and spread throughout his body!    


This feeling was as if countless ants were crawling all over his skin.    


The Imperial Guard leader reached out his hand and scratched his face.    


For some reason, he stretched out his hand to grab, and the flesh on his cheek was ripped off, revealing a ghastly white gums.    


Even when the meat fell off, the itching sensation did not weaken. Instead, it became more severe.    


In an instant, his face was filled with terror. He cried out miserably as he forcefully pulled away the armor on his body. At the same time, he couldn't help but stretch out his five fingers and scratch his body.    


The flesh on his body was like tofu, ready to be crushed at a touch.    


In just a short moment, the Imperial Guard leader had actually ripped off all the flesh on his body, turning them into a skeleton soaked in blood. Only then did he die with a howl.    


His eyes that were filled with grievance at the moment of his death revealed incomparable fear and disbelief.    


The whole process was extremely strange. To an ordinary person, it would only take two or three breaths of time for a living person to tear off all the skin and flesh on his body, turning him into a pile of white bones.    


Such a tragic scene, combined with the hoarse screams of pain, instantly caused the expressions of all the civil and military officials present to change.    


Their eyes revealed fear, and they turned to look at the man who was pretending to be Zhou Shengyan.    


The four cultivators who were originally ghostly shadows under the night sky suddenly became even more terrifying and cold.    


Chu Yan also felt his scalp tingling.    


Such a method of killing was too bizarre and cruel.    


Naturally, the leader of the Imperial Guards knew that if he tore, he would quickly die. However, in comparison to dying, the itchy feeling coming from his entire body was even more unbearable.    


"Xuefen! You are Xuefen's Wang Shen! "    


Just at this moment, a cry of surprise came from among the cultivators.    


"Xuefen!" Chu Yan's heart was moved.    


He had seen this name before on the sect missions in the Shattered Star Pavilion.    


Xuefen was a small sect that was established in the Central Yun Region a hundred years ago. Because this sect's cultivators were ruthless, they often used living people to test out new poisons they had refined.    


However, even though the sect had been eradicated, there was still a small portion of Xuefen s who managed to escape.    


And this Wang Shen, was one of the most outstanding remaining evildoers among the Xuefen, an existence at the elder level within the sect all those years ago.    


Now that his identity had been exposed, Wang Shen was still calm and composed. He smiled sinisterly: "Since you know my identity, aren't you guys regretting what you just said?"    


At first, everyone was stunned, but soon after, their expressions changed.    


Xuefen was an expert in poison, the Imperial Guard leader just now had obviously been poisoned with a strange poison.    


As the leader of the Imperial Guards, in order to maintain the safety of the Imperial Palace, it was naturally impossible to sit at the banquet today. However, he had to at least drink some water.    


He must have drunk poisoned water to die.    


As for this Imperial Palace, since even the water had been poisoned, the delicacies and wine at the scene would naturally not be able to escape.    


Thinking of this, all of the mortals present turned deathly pale.    


Many of them even used their fingers to dig into their throats and vomited loudly.    


Many of the Cultivators in the various Sects were frowning.    


As cultivators, their bodies were naturally much stronger than mortals, but the so-called immunity to poisons was only when dealing with mortal poisons.    


On the other hand, the Xuefen's poisons were all aimed at cultivators. If their realms were not high enough and the poisons used by them were especially tyrannical, then they would inevitably be in a little trouble.    


Seeing everyone's reaction, Wang Shen laughed: "Seems like you already know, if that's the case —"    


Before Wang Shen even finished speaking, a person amongst the hundred officials suddenly let out a sharp wail, and fell onto the ground amidst the chaos.    


The first scratch left several bloody wounds. From the second scratch, the skin and flesh on the official's face and arms began to fall, as if they were rotten fruit.    


A strong stench of blood instantly spread through the air.    


In the next moment, another few wails came from different parts of the crowd.    


Several more officials and generals fell to the ground, turning themselves into bloody men in the blink of an eye.    


Extreme fear exploded forth.    


The group of mortals instantly fell into chaos.    


Not only them, but a few other sect cultivators' expressions also changed at this moment.    


However, their bodies had a certain level of resistance to the poison. Furthermore, since they were cultivators, then they must have a firm will and will. Therefore, at this moment, they could forcefully endure the poison.    


"Impudent!" Today's celebration, when will it even be the turn for you mere Demonic Cultivator grasshoppers to bounce and reach here! "    


At this time, Blue Feather Sect Elder Ouyang Hui gave an angry shout and walked out.    


He was born an official of the imperial government. After he became a cultivator, he gave off a majestic aura that far surpassed others.    


When the voice came out, it was immediately like the chiming of a morning bell. Not only did it cause Wang Shen and the others to change their expressions, their bodies trembled, and the hundred officials who were showing signs of poison also felt their itch lighten.    


"Today, you have all fallen into my trap. I will grant you your wish and let you all die a quick death!"    


With that, Ouyang Hui grabbed towards Wang Shen and the others.    


In the blink of an eye, everyone present saw a huge hand materialize out of thin air.    


Waves of an ancient scent emerged from his palm, as if it had spread out endlessly and encompassed everything in its path, making it impossible for people to escape.    


"The celestial mood stage is making its move!" Chu Yan's heart was moved.    


His gaze turned towards Wang Shen and the rest.    


Even if Wang Shen and the others were to join forces, they would still be no match for Senior Master Wuhui.    


They had to make a move!    


Behind the mask, Wang Shen's eyes flashed with a strong killing intent.    


He suddenly raised his right hand up high and roared wildly: "Six Major Sects, Imperial Cloud Art, today I will let you all know what a calamity is!"    




No one knew what he crushed, but in an instant, a purplish black light ray, like blazing flames, whizzed out from his palm, blocking Ouyang Hui's huge palm. At the same time, it shot up into the sky like fireworks.    


In an instant, even the moon in the sky and the stars all shone with an unsettling purplish-red color.    


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