Overriding the Heaven

C3420 Competitions(part I)

C3420 Competitions(part I)

0"Oh? This is..."    


Chu Yan did not know what this Ancient Essence Crystal was, and no one else could tell.    


"Ancient Essence Crystal? What is this thing? Why haven't I heard of it?"    


"It should be a very rare item! Otherwise, I wouldn't have given it to him as compensation."    


"It should be... I wonder if there's such a thing in the Immortal Demon Battlefield. It looks pretty good. Give me one too!"    


"Yeah, I want one too!"    




While everyone was whispering to each other, they were also paying extra attention to Chu Yan.    


How could they not pay attention to him?    


This was an existence that could fight against the experts of the Carefree Immortal Palace without being at a disadvantage!    


Everyone was discussing among themselves. However, they didn't dare to be careless since they were about to enter the Immortal Demon Battlefield to begin the trial. So, they also started to make their own preparations.    


At this time, the person behind the Gate to Hell suddenly spoke. She told Chu Yan, "This ancient crystal can help Jingyue recover a portion of her strength..."    




Chu Yan was shocked.    


The reason why he was shocked was because of two reasons.    


The first reason was that Jing Yue could still continue to recover her strength... This meant that Jing Yue had yet to reach her limit!    


However, in Chu Yan's eyes, Jing Yue was already strong enough, but she could still become stronger. It was simply unbelievable.    


Secondly, Chu Yan originally thought that he had already investigated all kinds of things about Jing Yue, but now it seemed that he had still underestimated Jing Yue's origin.    


Jing Yue's origin was probably even more terrifying and powerful than Chu Yan had imagined.    


"What exactly is Jing Yue?"    


Chu Yan could not help but ask.    


Since the person behind the Gate to Hell knew about it, he did not bother to investigate it himself.    


"Mirror Moon... this is a treasure of Heaven and Earth, and it's a complete existence. It has existed in this world for a long time and has surpassed the ancient, ancient, ancient, and even countless eras."    


The person behind the Gate of Hell slowly said.    


Chu Yan was shocked.    


He knew that Jing Yue's origin should be extraordinary, but he never expected it to be so amazing!    


He had never imagined that such a treasure would be obtained by his mother and then passed on to him.    


Although Chu Yan's mother was quite extraordinary when she was young, she was undoubtedly not worth mentioning compared to Jing Yue's background.    


Therefore, even now, Chu Yan still felt that such a thing was strange and unbelievable.    


The person behind the Gate of Hell did not intend to continue explaining.    


At this time, the big shot of the Xiao Yao Immortal Palace leisurely appeared. He directly announced, "The selection competition begins now!"    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


With a buzzing sound, everyone was sent to a massive planet covered in craters.    


This planet was surrounded by many other planets!    


These planets could be entered from the inside, and there were also many treasures on the outside.    


As long as they stayed here for a year, they would pass the selection.    


Just as Chu Yan landed and was about to find a place to settle down, he noticed two people rushing over.    


"Hehehehe... Wasn't this the guy who had just caused a ruckus? I think killing him now... No, humiliating him to death will definitely deter a lot of people! What do you think, Eli?"    


" I think it's good! I want to humiliate him, I want to make fun of him, and I want to kill him later. After all, I think he has a grudge against that man from Sans Souci."    


Two figures attacked Chu Yan from both sides.    


Seeing that, Chu Yan did not panic and continued to fight.    


Swish! Swish! Swish!    


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


As the two sides fought fiercely, the expressions of the man called Eli and the woman named Qing Zi changed drastically.    


After all, they realized that Chu Yan was not easy to deal with.    


This Chu Yan's strength was even stronger than what they had seen before!    


They suddenly remembered that Chu Yan had been defending all this time, but now he was attacking.    


What was even more terrifying was that Chu Yan's attack power was much stronger and more terrifying than his defense.    


"This, this, this...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"    


Eli and Qing Zi were dumbfounded.    


It wasn't that they hadn't thought that Chu Yan's strength was not bad, but he was so powerful and terrifying. This was beyond their expectations!    


"Sir, don't be in such a hurry. This is just a misunderstanding..."    


After Eli realized how strong Chu Yan was, he quickly apologized and said, "We were wrong. How about we give you some compensation?"    


"That's right, compensate you... I can even accompany you and help you sleep!"    


Qing Zi also quickly said, "You see, I'm not bad looking, right?"    


They had used this trick many times.    


It was all because of cultivators. A portion of them were all the same.    


In addition, Qing Zi was pretty, so they agreed.    


In their opinion, Chu Yan would have to stay in such a miserable place for a year. Although he was strong, he couldn't really endure it forever, right?    


With Qing Zi helping him solve his problems, he would definitely feel much better.    


Little did he know, Chu Yan sneered and said, "This female cultivator called Qing Zi, is she your Dao partner?"    


"Ah, this... That's right, she's my Dao Companion."    


Eli felt a little confused by Chu Yan's question. Why did he suddenly ask this?    


Was he trying to increase the excitement?    


After all, Qing Zi was his Dao partner. If Chu Yan and Qing Zi were together... In his memories, some cultivators liked this kind of thing very much.    


However, he did not know much about Chu Yan, so he did not know what he was thinking.    




Chu Yan chuckled and killed Eli with a raise of his hand.    


Directly kill him!    




Qing Zi was scared silly.    


'How could this be?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


He had already said that he would serve him, so how could he kill her Dao partner?    


"Could it be that he wants to monopolize me?"    


Qing Zi couldn't help but think.    


She thought about it and felt that it made sense. In the past, such a thing had happened before.    


It was just that she and Eli worked well together. In the end, they killed each other and took everything from each other.    


The Chu Yan she met now was too powerful and terrifying!    


He killed Eli without even giving him a chance to resist!    


However, she felt that there was nothing she could do about it.    


Chu Yan was too strong. What could they do?    


Now that Eli was dead, she could only follow Chu Yan.    


"Eh, from now on, I'm yours! You have to treat me well..."    


Qing Zi kept throwing flirtatious glances at Chu Yan, but what greeted her was a sword light.    


Chu Yan raised his sword and swung it down. Even until her death, Qing Zi did not know why Chu Yan wanted to kill her.    


Chapter 15 -    


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