Planned Love



0When I arrived at Tai Feng's office, he was practicing tai chi on the balcony outside the office. Outside of his office was a balcony about a hundred square meters wide. The balcony was filled with flowers and plants, and he had even specially made a small pond to house goldfish and lotus flowers.    


He had told the secretary that if it was me, he would bring it directly to him. The secretary told me to watch, but not to disturb her.    


I nodded and stood on the balcony to watch. Tai Feng was wearing a white silk tai chi suit and was in a horse stance. His hands were moving slowly and his eyes were closed, as if he was sensing everything in the world.    


I looked around his office and saw that it was as elegant and full of life as his home.    


I waited for about fifteen minutes before he finally stopped. When he opened his eyes and saw me, he nodded slightly and said, "Wait for a moment. I'll go and change my clothes."    


Not long after, he put on his formal clothes and led me to the tea table in his office. He made me a pot of the West Lake's best dragon well, then took out a small jade cup and placed it in front of me.    


"Uncle Ta, I looked carefully last night, I plan to take over. Please introduce me." I took a sip of my tea and couldn't wait to say it.    


Tai Feng's gaze immediately showed a hint of approval. He looked at me and said: "Are you sure? You're not worried anymore? "    


"If I don't make good use of this opportunity, then I really am an idiot. Uncle Te, I understand your good intentions. Let me use tea in place of wine, thank you. " I lifted the teacup and said to Tai Feng.    


Tai Feng immediately started laughing. He shook his head and said, "I have already treated you as my relative. There is no need to use this kind of false courtesy between us. If you decide to take over, then I will introduce you to this boss. "However, I will not do this, but I will get Ziqian to handle the relevant procedures with you."    


"Ziqian …" I had a bit of doubt, then hurriedly said, "Uncle Te, there's no need to trouble Ziqian, I can handle this myself."    


"What is it? Did you and Ziqian have an unpleasant time together? " Tai Feng instantly sensed the result and asked me.    


I shook my head hurriedly. "It's not what you think, Uncle Tee. I know that with Ziqian's help, everything will be done in half the time, but I still want to explore it by myself. As you said, relying on anyone is better than relying on yourself. This time, let me handle it myself. I hope that you won't help me in secret.    


Tai Feng smiled, and then said: "Even so, you can't without the guide. In the future, I will teach you how to invest. If you want to increase your strength, the accumulation of wealth comes first. Finance is like gambling. You either go broke or you get rich overnight. When you get familiar with the rules, I'll teach you how to invest. "    


"Uncle Ta, this …" I looked at Tai Feng in surprise and didn't know what to say.    


I've heard Tai Ziqian say before that although his father was a low-key person, in addition to his duties, he was also a legend in the financial world. Usually, the items that he chose would have very few flaws. After so many years of accumulation, only he knew how much wealth he had.    


But to him, wealth was just a series of numbers in his account. He didn't care about money. What he cared about was the pleasure he got from playing the game.    


"Ziqian has his own ideas. He was probably born rich, so he's not sensitive to money. But you are different. You are in need of money more than anyone else. So that's why I want you in finance. I will help you to complete your personal capital accumulation quickly. Once you have enough money, you will be able to do whatever you want without having to be held back by others. Economic independence is the foundation of all independence. " Tai Feng said.    


"I understand, Uncle Te." I nodded solemnly.    


Tai Feng probably understands the principle of "better to teach than to teach by the fish" better than anyone else. His understated words suddenly opened up a situation in my life, giving me a sense of direction and making me know what to do.    


Over the next month, my life became very fulfilling, and soon, I secretly acquired Noah Investment, officially becoming a shareholder behind Noah's investments, and began to enter the financial world as a businessman.    


This job is completely different from the field I have been in before. There are too many specialties that I need to slowly study and ponder about. I have a full schedule every day. Besides the time when I am at work, I will be with Zaizai.    


Zaizai grew up quickly. This brat's body was surprisingly good. Although he had been through such hardships when he was born, because of Nanny Liu's meticulous care, he rarely got cold and was very obedient.    


Nanny Liu and Zaizai have established a rare paternal relationship, I can be assured of handing over the child to her. Zaizai six months later, Nanny Liu and I discussed taking Zaizai to the old city district where she lives, saying that there were a lot of children there, so we could have some fun together.    


I accompanied Nanny Liu to her house. Her house is a two-story house. Her son and his wife went abroad. They are the only two old people left. The old district was filled with their old neighbors. Many grandparents brought their grandchildren to the neighborhood for a chat and play. The atmosphere was very harmonious.    


Thus, I readily agreed to it. Since then, Nanny Liu would bring Zaizai to her place from time to time. Sometimes, she would even stay for the night.    


Sheng Yun and I did not meet again, and I did not ask for any information about him. However, even if I didn't ask, news of him would still reach my ears from time to time.    


I know that the development of Golden Age is getting better and better. I know that Golden Age has become the number one tax payer of Hangcheng, and I know that Sheng Yun has become the youngest and most famous business tycoon in Hangcheng business circle. All the news kept flying into my ears, and every time his or Golden Age's name appeared, it caused quite a stir in my heart.    


How could his heart not ache? The man who was once so close to her was now far away from her.    


No longer knowing his movements, no longer knowing his life, no longer being able to feel his feelings, everything … It had all become so far away.    


While I was busy taking time off, I looked at the tall building, and his handsome, proud face would appear before me.    


Is he okay?    


It was strange that I did not resent him in my heart, nor did I complain. That's his company, that's the company he worked so hard for. All of his decisions are naturally related to the survival of his company, so how can he change his strategy for my personal grudge?    


From the point of view of being his wife, I cannot understand what he is doing; but from the point of view of the decision maker, I can understand his position. But that doesn't mean I can forgive.    


After calming down, I began to realize the gap between him and me, the growing gap between us, and I also began to realize that I, Xu Shubei, could not be an only monarch, that I had my ambitions and my aspirations.    


Even if I long for love, I long for equal love, not the blind obedience and attachment of a person.    


He was still as arrogant as ever. Ever since I left him that day, he hadn't given me a single word of information, nor did he give me a phone or any information about Zaizai. It was as if we had all chosen to abide by a common principle at the same time, and from then on we both disappeared into our respective worlds.    


I chose to lie low, making good use of the time that I had left to do something. If the white snake wanted to become an Immortal, it would have to cultivate for a thousand years inside the cave. I was becoming more and more aware of my own shortcomings, of the many mistakes of my past life, and I was constantly reviewing and reshaping myself every day.    


At the same time, under Tai Feng's careful guidance, I began to slowly grasp the investment knack. Time flew by. Two months later, I started my first test of water in the investment of precious metals. I bought a million, and according to the rules that Tai Feng taught me and the trick I comprehended, I made two profits in a short period of time.    


Tai Feng began to teach me how to sell shares. I studied carefully and bought a lot of books at the same time. I found that I was born with a keen sense of investment and a good grasp of it. Like my father, I was born to do business. If nothing happened to my father back then, the Xu family wouldn't be in such a situation.    


That's how I made the first pot of gold in my life. With this reversal, the millions of funds in my hands became tens of millions. Compared to the past, money was much easier to come by.    


I sighed. I had not thought that I had worked so hard in the past, but it was not as much as this opportunistic way of earning money. Sometimes, life was truly dramatic. But the money didn't make me lose it, because I knew it was far from what I wanted. It was just the beginning.    


Three months later, Tai Feng called me to his house for dinner. Before dinner, we chatted in the yard, Tai Feng asked me: "Life has its ups and downs, what belongs to you does not always belong to you, as long as you keep a straight face and don't lose it. I don't want you to start off with a little success. We have more important things to do with the money we make. Now, I want you to tell me, what are you going to do next? "    


"The next thing to do is what you really mean by letting me take over Noah. "With the operating funds, I can really get Noah to work. I can invest the money to bring the dead Noah back to life." I said, smiling.    


Tai Feng nodded in approval. He said, "You're really smart. You can see it with just a little."    


"The more accounts the company has, the more funds it can use. Without a reliable and knowledgeable person to manage it, it's impossible. "Shubei, you've already let me off for three months. It's time for me to step out, right?" I don't know when Tai Ziqian appeared from the corner of the yard, but he was full of energy and was smiling as he walked towards me.    


Another spring came, the spring that belongs to my life, could it be that it also came …    




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