Abandoned Son-in-law

C4 Young Master Lin's Words Are The Standard

C4 Young Master Lin's Words Are The Standard

0Not long after, a middle-aged man in his 40s who had a beer belly rushed over solemnly.    


Lin Muyun naturally knew him. He was Zhang Wenhao's father, Zhang Quanming. Due to his status which was in charge of Wanhao Company, the biggest one in Jinling, his personality was extremely arrogant.    


As soon as Zhang Quanming arrived in front of Wang Lixue, his posture was as if he wanted to start a fight as he said, "You don't want to continue working here, do you? Xu Li is my woman. How dare you try to fire her?"    


Wang Lixue retorted coldly, "Your so called woman, Xu Li, disrespected the guests and spoke rudely. Her actions are detrimental to the company's image and could cause the unnecessary rumors. I fired her according to the company's rules!"    


"Like hell I would care about the company's regulations!" Zhang Quanming cursed angrily as he continued in an arrogant tone, "I am the president and what I say is the company's regulations! Let me tell you, the company has already been bought by other companies. Before the new owner comes, I have the authority to drive you away right now!"    


Lin Muyun gave Soong Yuluo a look and Soong Yuluo nodded in understanding before he immediately spoke up, "I am the person in charge sent by the new owner and I agree with the case of firing this woman, Xu Li. Now, do you have any objections to that?"    


Hearing this, Zhang Quanming was stunned. He looked up and down at Soong Yuluo and asked suspiciously, "What is your name?"    


Soong Yulou emphasized his name word by word as a reply with a faint smile in his eyes, "Soong Yuluo!"    


Zhang Quanming felt like his head was suddenly struck by lightning.    


He had just received an email from the parent company. Its content described that the person in charge of receiving the ownership transfer would be Soong Yuluo. He had thought that Soong Yuluo would only come in a day or two, not expecting for him to arrive so soon.    


Regaining his senses, he immediately changed his expression and put on a flattering smile. His tone changed as he said flatteringly, "So, you are Mr. Soong! Why didn't you give me a notice earlier so that I could welcome you personally?"    


Zhang Quanming knew very well that the company had changed its owners. Thus, theoretically speaking, all the positions could have changed and the new owner had all the rights to do so. He was deeply afraid that if they decided to fire him, all his years of hard work would be in vain.    


Unexpectedly, Xu Li actually disrespected the person in charge of the new company. If he did not fire her immediately, she might implicate him in going down the drain.    


Hence, he immediately turned to Xu Li, whom he was protecting just a moment ago, and angrily said, "Xu Li, you are fired! Immediately pack your things and leave!"    


When Xu Li heard these words, her whole body went stiff and this time, it was her turn to feel as if she was struck by lightning.    


It was very difficult for her to get her position today as she went through all underhanded means. Her annual salary was two million which was much more than an ordinary employee. If she was fired like this, then she would have nothing left.    


Terrified, she hurriedly begged, "No! President, I was wrong. I beg you! On the account that I have worked so hard for the company for so many years. Please, I beg you. I hope you will spare me this time!"    


Then, she turned to Lin Muyun and Soong Yuluo as she cried, "Guests, it is my fault. I hope you will be merciful and do not lower yourself to my level…"    


Zhang Quanming kept glancing at Lin Muyun and Soong Yuluo's expressions, hoping to see some forgiving look in their eyes. However, he saw that the two of them did not seem to want to forgive Xu Li at all. He knew that he could not protect Xu Li, so he roared angrily, "Get out of my sight!"    


Xu Li's face turned pale. She knelt on the ground, grabbed Zhang Quanming's trouser legs and cried miserably, "President Zhang, I was wrong. I hope you can forgive me this time."    


Zhang Quanming coldly snorted and said, "It's useless even if you beg me. Mr. Soong has the final say in this matter."    


Soong Yuluo agilely pointed at Lin Muyun and said expressionlessly, "Everything is based on Young Master Lin's words."    


Xu Li’s red eyes looked at Lin Muyun and she crawled forward to kneel in front of him. Then, she fiercely slapped herself a few times while sobbing, "Young Master Lin, I really know my mistake now! I'm sorry. I hope you can spare me. I won't dare to act unscrupulously anymore."    


Lin Muyun frowned and looked down at her as he responded in an icy tone, "If this company wasn't mine, would you still be so polite to me? You might have chased me out a long time ago."    


Zhang Quanming was afraid that Young Master would get angry, so he hurriedly shouted at Xu Li, "Why aren't you getting out of here yet? Are you waiting for the security guards to chase you out? Quickly leave!"    


After Zhang Quanming finished speaking, he politely said to Lin Muyun and Soong Yuluo, "I hope you can come to my office and chat with me."    


Lin Muyun curtly refused, "No need. I have nothing to talk to you about."    


Then, he looked at vice president, Wang Lixue, and said, "Let's go to your office and talk."    


Wang Lixue perked up when he was mentioned and quickly led the way with full of joy, "Please!"    


At the sight of the very important and distinguished guests leave with Wang Lixue, Zhang Quanming's expression was extremely ugly. He glared at Xu Li and felt the anger surging in his heart. Then, he raised his hand, slapped her face and scolded, "Your behaviors have affected me so badly this time! If Wang Lixue gets promoted and his position ends up being higher than mine, I will definitely punish you!"    


Xu Li was slapped so hard that her knees gave out and she fell to the floor, but did not dare to say a word. She was so scared that her whole body was trembling.    


When the three people arrived at Wang Lixue's office, a dignified air wrapped around Lin Muyun as he asked, "Wang Lixue, if I make you the president, do you think you will be qualified for this position?"    


When Wang Lixue heard this, he was so excited that he immediately bowed his head and answered respectfully, "Please don’t worry. I will listen to you in the future!"    


"Alright then." Lin Muyun nodded and said, "From now on, you are the president of Wanhao Company. Do not disappoint me."    


Wang Lixue's face instantly turned red with excitement, along with a huge sense of surprise rushing into his mind.    


He quickly stood up straight and gratefully said with a red face, "Thank you, young master. I promise I won't let you down!"    


Lin Muyun continued lightly, "Now, the first task I will give you is to get rid of the father and son whose surnames are Zhang."    


Hearing this, Wang Lixue already felt a sense of accomplishment as he responded excitedly, "Please rest assured. I have collected a lot of evidence of their crimes in the past years. They misappropriated public funds, filled their private pockets, and indulged in rebate fraud. During these years, they have earned at least a few hundred million!"    


Hearing this, Lin Muyun’s eyebrows furrowed and he asked, "Do you have enough evidence?"    


Wang Lixue nodded. "I have enough evidence! They are all in my safe!"    


Then, Lin Muyun turned to Soong Yuluo with calculating eyes and said, "Old Soong, do you know the people from the Jinling's Public Security Bureau? Call them and ask them to take immediate action now!"    


Soong Yuluo immediately nodded and brought out his phone, replying, "The director of the provincial office is my old friend. I will call him over now!"    


A moment later, Soong Yuluo hung up the phone and informed Lin Muyun, "Third Young Master, the people from the provincial office are on their way."    


"Hm, good." Lin Muyun nodded with satisfaction and shoved his spreaded palm towards Soong Yuluo, saying, "Now, give me an eight million yuan check. I want to give it to my wife."    


Soong Yuluo quickly agreed and took out his checkbook before writing a cheque of eight million yuan and handed it to Lin Muyun.    


At this time, he received a message. He tapped his phone to check and his eyes went wide. He hurriedly said to Lin Muyun, "Third Young Master, my people said that Young Madam is here. She is already in Zhang Wenhao's office downstairs."    




Lin Muyun suddenly stood up.    


Lin Muyun had heard about Zhang Wenhao's ‘glorious’ history in this business circle. People said that he liked having sex with his female subordinates in his office the most. If they did not agree, he would drug them and rape them at his will, then escaping every consequence due to his wealthy background.    


The rumors stated that there were more than ten female subordinates who had been drugged by him in his office!    


If Lau Qingyan went to his office now because of money, she might be plotted against by that immoral guy!    


Therefore, Lin Muyun did not think about it anymore and immediately rushed out of the door, heading towards Zhang Wenhao’s office.    


Seeing Lin Muyun run out worriedly, Wang Lixue was about to chase after him to help him, but was stopped by Soong Yuluo. He sternly said, "Just let young master deal with his private matter himself. And you must remember not to reveal his identity to the public."    


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