Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"That would be me," the Maitre'd said. "I'm the manager filling in tonight."    


"One of the things the exorbitant fucking amount of money I'm paying you tonight, is for discretion. I want this asshole fired this instant without references. You collect every phone belonging to every person working here tonight and set them on that table over there. No one goes near that table until we leave. Call everyone working tonight out here, now!"    


He went in the back and got all the people working in the kitchen and the wine steward out. The cooks and other people who hadn't seen us already were staring goggle eyed.    


"Listen up," William said. "My name is William Thornhill and I'm one of the richest fucking people on the planet. I'm having a little party for my friends and I'm paying a lot of money to do so. If any of you thinks you might profit from this in any way but how I'm paying, you're mistaken. A word of tonight ever leaves this building, I will buy this place and burn it down to the ground with the offending parties in it. If you think I can't do it, just try me." He looked everyone of them in the face. "Are we going to have any trouble here? Fucking answer me."    


A chorus of noes and no, sirs followed. He looked again at the offending waiter. He was flinching back, not without cause. "You disgusting little shit. What's your name?"    


"Ned Hendricks, sir"    


He looked at the maitre'd who nodded in agreement.    


"Ned Hendricks. You could have had a good thing tonight, making as much money as you normally would in a week, but you fucked it up royally. Get the fuck out now and I suggest you move far away and change your name because you might have some people looking for you in a week and you won't enjoy it if they find you." Bill started to return to his seat.    


"What about my phone, sir," Ned said timidly.    


Bill turned and glared at Ned. "You're a bigger fool for even asking that. Make it four days to disappear. You want to make it tonight you disappear?"    


Without another word, Ned hurried out of the restaurant.    


"Gee, Master William, you seem to be such a nice man," I said, still on my knees, Master's cock in my hand, lightly stroking it to keep it hard.    


Bill laughed and said, "I am a nice man to those who deserve it, but I didn't get to be who and what I am without being a bit of a cutthroat." He looked at all the other people standing there. "Phones over there and get back to work. You have meals to prepare."    


Phones rapidly filled the table. The remaining four waiters stayed, but everyone else disappeared like they'd never been there.    


"I apologize," Bill said, "I should have realize it might be a problem and collected the phones when we arrived."    


Master's cock was already in my mouth, so I didn't find it necessary to reply. Bill soon had his in Evelyn and Whore. I don't think I'd ever want Bill mad at me. The wine steward returned with our four bottles of wine just as Master was cumming in my mouth. Bill told him to open the bottles to breathe, but he trusted his judgment regarding the quality of the wine so he skipped the sampling. He was close to cumming himself, the two slaves working to make it happen. The sounds of the other three men soon joined Master in climax. Janet followed a few minutes later after Lisa shifted her attention to her. We resumed our seats, smiles on our faces.    


"You meant it when you said you'd bankrupt me, didn't you?" Whore asked her Master. "I thought you might be exaggerating."    


"I did mean it. Shasta is my friend. I protect my friends. Remember that the next time you're tempted to utter an unkind word to any of my friends, or mistreat them in any way. I don't care who they are. Your slavery is going to be harder on you because you were hard on her."    


"Yes, Master." She was silent, thinking. "Shouldn't this thing I'm wearing have made me cum already. Is it broken? Why don't I cum?"    


"It's a Slave Trainer," I replied. "One of its primary functions is to teach a slave that her orgasms don't belong to her anymore. You won't be able to cum unless your Master lets you."    


Whore got the worst expression on her face. I've seen the same expression on the face of everyone who ever wore one. She turned to Bill.    


"Master, may I please cum? This is driving me mad."    


"What are you willing to do to earn it?" Bill asked.    


"Whatever I need to do," Whore replied. Right answer.    


"That's a very broad answer, Whore. Are you sure you mean to do whatever you need to?"    


"Yes, Master, anything."    


"This is what anything consists of. Part of the tip I plan to give everyone working in the restaurant tonight is you. You will be tied over the table, made available to anyone who wants you, from the busboy and dishwasher to everyone of the remaining waiters. Every person here, including the men sitting at this table."    


Whore did some rapid counting. She'd just seen everyone in the restaurant. Five cooks, bus boy, dishwasher, four waiters, wine steward, maitre'd, plus the four at the table. "That's seventeen men, Master" she said.    


"It is. Your math isn't faulty."    


"You want me to fuck seventeen men, sir?"    


"It will be much like the train Julia and Lisa experienced at their bonding ceremony. I saw you taking advantage of their position, so you know what it was like on your side of the equation. Now you'll know what it was like to be them."    


"I'm not sure I can do seventeen men, sir."    


"Some of them may choose not to participate. Perhaps they're married or gay. I won't make you participate, Whore, but I'm encouraging you to do so. You will wear the Slave Trainer until you agree or the end of the night. If you agree to participate, you may have two orgasms and I remove the Slave Trainer."    


Marcia redux.    


"I understand, sir."    


Poor Whore. She didn't realize it, but she was going to earn her name tonight. Her first day of slavery and it was going to end like this.    


She actually made it through the salad course, the soup course, and halfway through the entree. When Master told Bill it died and needed to be replaced and Lisa pulled out the fresh one, Whore capitulated.    


"I'll participate, Master," she whispered, another victim of the Slave Trainer.    


Since this one was dead, she couldn't get her orgasms that way unless she put the new one in. She wasn't willing to wear one again, even to cum, now that she'd surrendered, so I volunteered. She was so close to cumming, the first one took less than ten seconds, and the second one was over in less than a minute. I'd barely had time to get fabric indentations on my knees from the carpet. Whore was so happy to be allowed to cum, she didn't even mind cleaning the dead one of the accumulation of her fluids on it.    


"Master," Evelyn said. "Please don't ever get one of those for me. I promise I will always be obedient."    


"That's good, because you're going to be joining Whore over the table."    


"Are you sure, Master?" she asked, I think more for Bill than herself. The number of people was halved by her participation and she was a slave. I'd have no problem participating given enough time to satisfy everyone, which would have been one of the issues with Whore servicing all seventeen. Even at ten minutes a male orgasm, we would have been here for close to an additional three hours.    


"I'm sure, dear one. Evelyn isn't required to do anything you aren't required to do."    


"As you wish, Master," she said, smiling, gracious in her surrender to his will.    


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