Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C94 094

C94 094

0"I forgot to say something previously, but if you'd like to incorporate Robert in your games with my slaves, feel free. They intimated before I left they would enjoy it."    


"I'll keep it in mind. I'm intending to take Whore shopping tomorrow. Julia mentioned something about the department store where Gwen works. It's a large one. I understand Whore has done a lot of shopping there previously. This shopping experience will be somewhat different."    


"I find the threat of a Slave Trainer does wonders. You might put an anal plug in her before you go. Gives her something to explain to the sales clerk she's trying to seduce."    


Bill chuckled. "Goodbye, my darling. Keep me informed of your adventures."    


"Yes, Master, and thank you again for this experience."    


"You're welcome."    




Fifteen minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off, Evelyn woke me with her lips wrapped around my prick. I bent her in two like a pretzel again, driving deep. When she asked to cum, I denied her permission until she was begging for it, letting her cum just when I knew she couldn't take it any longer. We were lying in each other's arms after, catching our breath.    


"What are you doing today?" I said. "Read a book, watch TV, spend your husbands money?"    


"I don't buy nearly as much as I used to. I used to spend ten to twenty thousand a month on clothes. Went to all the fashion shows, bought the latest fashions. Owned jewelry out the yin yang. I have little need for clothes anymore most of the time. Master auctioned off most of my jewelry, gave the money to charity. The only thing he really kept was my wedding ring, a couple necklaces for when we might go out and a slave collar wouldn't exactly do. Now I have the diamonds decorating my cunt and nipple piercings. Why don't you take me to the house. I would like to inspect the progress, sir. Perhaps you can show me some of the design changes you made for Master."    


"You'll be bored most of the time. We use porta-potties for bathroom breaks. I won't fuck you in front of any of the workers. That would be a rude misuse of Bill's wife. What he allows behind closed doors is completely different from what he'd want you doing in public, despite what happened at the restaurant. He had fairly tight control of that and it was his decision.    


"I understand, sir. I think it might still be entertaining. Both you and your slaves seem to have a vivid imagination when it comes to sex. After all, you allowed me to masturbate while passing a bus. I shall do whatever you say."    


I thought for a moment. I wouldn't mind showing her around the house, but that was maybe an hour tops. My crew was mixed sex, twelve men and two women and I trusted them to behave because I wouldn't tolerate any sexual misconduct, but I was less certain of the other crews working there, although I couldn't imagine anyone stupid enough to misbehave with Bill's wife. They all knew who she was, she'd visited often enough with Bill. If she was willing to tolerate some boredom, I could bring her along.    


"Bring an iPad or book or something to keep you occupied. I do have to work."    


"Yes, sir."    


I had a thought. An evil, devilish thought.    


"Did you bring any sex toys with you?"    


She smiled. "A sex slave without toys. Whoever heard of such a thing, sir."    


"Show me."    


Evelyn opened her carry-on and her make up kit, showing me what she had. Anything which she had to hold was out of the question. That left a butt plug and a vibrator which could easily fit inside her cunt and wouldn't slide out if she were sitting on it, and a butterfly.    


"How long do the batteries last on the vibrator and butterfly?"    


"Two hours approximately on the vibrator and an hour on the butterfly, Master," she replied. "You're making me wet, sir."    


"You're a sex slave. You're always wet."    


"Wetter than usual, sir."    


"So roughly three hours total for the two of them. We should start with fresh batteries and make sure we have replacements for after lunch. Do they have remotes, or do they need to be controlled by hand?"    


"Remotes, sir."    


"I've got an idea."    


"I'm dripping, sir. I think I love your ideas."    


"Get up and shower. We have things to do and we can't have you looking like a slut in front of the men. Make up your hair and face, pick out a skirt of a fairly conservative length, and a blouse which won't expose your assets, but will show your nipples are hard."    


"Yes, Master." She jumped up and got ready. I put her toys in my briefcase except for her plug; she'd be wearing it all day.    


I got dressed in my usual work attire. Khaki pants, a red shirt with my company logo on it. Jerry and I usually wore red shirts so the men could distinguish us easily. They had navy blue or green depending on their experience level. If I wanted someone I knew could do any task, I looked for a green shirt.    


She came out of the bathroom damp and went to the closet and picked out a couple items, holding them up in front of her naked body.    


"Like these, sir?"    


"Those will do nicely. I'm going to insert your butt plug. I hope you can hold your bowel movements all day as you won't have a place to wash it if it needs to be removed."    


"I'll be good, sir."    


"Bend over the bed and spread your cheeks."    


"Yes, sir."    


She wasn't kidding about being wet. I thought I'd need to use lube, but it was unnecessary. I wet the plug in her cunt and easily pushed it into her bottom as she moaned.    


"Get dressed. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."    


"Yes, Master."    


I finished my morning routines and put on my shoes. Evelyn was ready as requested. We swung through a drive thru to get breakfast, unwilling to face the harridan again this morning with another freshly fucked slave. We stopped at a store to pick up whatever batteries she needed for her toys, then headed for her new mansion.    


We got to the site and I helped her out of the truck. "Don't call me Master in front of the men. Mostly call me Scott, but if the occasional 'Sir' slips out, it won't be the end of the world, I guess. I will address you as ma'am or Mrs. Thornhill."    


"Yes, Master," she teased, smiling. "I'm accustomed to addressing Master as 'sir' or 'my husband' around others. I'm sure I'll do fine."    


We went to the house and I told everyone that Mrs. Thornhill was joining us for the day. She wanted to see the progress we'd made and see how the men worked and if they kept busy or wasted her husband's money. She smiled politely at them as I went through the introductions.    


"No horsing around. Please, treat her like a lady and try to hold down the usual profanity." If they'd heard her telling me to fuck her cunt last night or begging to cum this morning, they might have laughed. "I'll be showing her around for awhile, then she's going to just sit and watch. Maintain your professionalism people."    


I walked her around the house, most of it just framed for now. Some the walls had some wallboard and plaster on, but most were still just framing. There was one room in which all of the walls were covered, which would be where she finally would put her toys on.    


After the men left for their various tasks, I said, "Most of the alterations I made for your Master's use of his lovely slave won't go in until the final finished millwork. I can show you where some of it is going to go though."    


"Please, sir."    


I took her around the house and showed her where everything would be going. "Of course, the bedroom will have your bed which has a number of slave additions already, but, I'll be adding a slave cage to this room. It will pull out of the wall right here." We wandered into Bill's office/library. "The library will have both a penitent bench and a beam which will come out of the wall here from which he can suspend a delicious slave. Most of the rooms will have hidden suspension points, so he may hang a slave designed to hold your full weight if you're wearing suspension cuffs.    


"The living room will have a whipping post, more stocks, and another St. Andrews cross. Even the kitchen will have a hidden space in the pantry, another cage which won't let you sit, kneel or lie down. You'll be forced to stand in it. There will be a lot of secret drawers and closets without doorknobs which can store an assortment of whips, paddles, plugs and dildos. Some of them will be set up for charging devices. Essentially, Bill will never be more than twenty feet away from a place in which to confine, torment and tease his slave."    


"Oh, God, Scott. When do you think the house will be done. Now, I can't wait for it to be finished."    


"End of July, or early August."    


"So like two more months, sir."    


"That's what I'm shooting for. The guest house is being finished contemporaneously, but as it's not as complex, might be finished earlier. You might be able to move in there while we finish the rest of the house. I put a few of the extras in there, since some of your friends also practice Dominance and submission, so if you have them over, they'll have some of the same features."    


"I'm sure that will be appreciated by the Masters if not the slaves."    


"Most slaves of my acquaintance seem to enjoy most of it to some extent. But I don't know any real harsh Masters. The Slave Trainer is the only device which seems to be universally detested by slaves."    


"I hope you didn't recommend my Master get one of those."    


"I don't know. What if he decided to acquire a second slave? He might need to train it. Would you be offended to share him with another? He can certainly support more than one."    


"I never thought of it before. I've had him all to myself for so long, but I do admit to some envy when I see Marcia and Chantelle, or even your slaves. They get along so well together and can keep each other entertained when their Master is absent or resting. You leave your slaves for a week at a time, and they don't die from lack of affection and sex."    


"Well, as I can't afford nannies either, it's been helpful with the care of the baby. Built in caregivers and baby sitters. Help with house chores, cooking, shopping and all the other things involved in running a house. You keep hearing how women can't get along together. Too much cattiness or jealousy, but I haven't seen a shred of it. They love each other as much as they love me."    


"I guess I'd want some say in who it was, so I'd know if we were compatible the way your slaves are."    


"I was lucky. Julia and Lisa were best friends ahead of time. Rhonda was a wild card, but being submissive to Julia probably helped a lot. It's not like you can squabble with your Mistress."    


We made our way back toward the front of the house. I grabbed an empty big ten gallon paint bucket and set it up in what would be the front entry at some point in the future, though in a corner of it. I led Mrs. Thornhill to the enclosed room and removed her two vibrators and the remotes from my briefcase and replaced the batteries. She watched in fascination, wondering what I was going to do or make her do. I told her to put the butterfly on and she slipped it over her legs and adjusted it so the butterfly sat over her clit. I handed her the other vibrator and told her to insert it in her pussy.    


"You will now go to that ten gallon paint bucket I set up in the entry. You will sit on it so your bare bottom sits directly on the lid of the paint bucket, adjusting your skirt so it covers you and the top of the bucket. I will keep the remotes, and I will randomly turn on one or both of your vibrators. It's quite busy there. A lot of the workers will be passing you. You will sit there, not moving, despite my turning your vibrators off and on. You are not to give away the fact you may be cumming to the workers and embarrass your husband. I will check on you occasionally to ensure you don't need to relieve yourself. Other than that, you will remain there until lunch. You may read a book or play on your iPad, but otherwise sit still. Do you understand?"    


Since we were alone at the moment, she said, "Yes, Master."    


"Go on, then. Do it now."    


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.