Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C86 086

C86 086



I was surprised as I could be when we entered Trelio's and there wasn't a single other patron, only staff.    


"Did he buy the whole restaurant?" I asked Chen.    


"Tonight only. $50,000 plus food, drink and tips. He had to pay for free meals for any reservations they had to cancel. I've never seen anything like it. He's dropping 50 plus grand like me giving someone twenty bucks. He gave me 20,000 for a baby gift. I wasn't going to accept it until he did this."    


"Holy shit!"    


"Tell me about it."    


The night got even more interesting when he had Evelyn and Regina strip. The maitre'd barely blinked, like he'd been expecting it and maybe he was, as he had hangers ready to hang up their clothes. Well, if he could bare his slaves, so could I.    


"What are you waiting for?" I said, "A gold plated invitation? Lisa and Julia, you're stripping too. If it's good enough for Evelyn, it's good enough for you. Rhonda, I leave it to your discretion."    


I had to make allowances for her job. Apparently, she felt safe enough, as she removed her clothes as well, though I had to admit the slinky dress she had on showed most of what she had anyway. Her smallish boobs, big nipples, perfect ass. The only thing not shown, though hinted at, was her sex.    


Even Chen got in the spirit of the evening and asked Janet if she wanted to go bare. She removed her maternity outfit and joined the other slaves. Mine kissed her when she joined in their nudity.    


William picked out four bottles of wine from the wine list while consulting with the steward. I wasn't familiar with what he picked so glanced at the list when they were done. It ranged from a couple hundred to a couple thousand a bottle. I have to say one thing about William. He was incredibly generous with his money if he liked you. He'd picked up the cost of my bonding ceremony without batting an eye.    


He told Robert he couldn't drink and Robert had no problem complying. With five waiters on our table, we had no problem with service. Water and bread showed up like magic. One of them accidentally or accidentally on purpose, brushed against Julia's bare breast. He apologized and Julia told him she loved for her breasts to be touched. He turned red as a beet.    


"You slut," I said, smiling.    


"Yes, sir. If Master would wish to have his cock sucked now, this slave would have no objection to being the source of his pleasure."    


Her reward for not sucking me earlier at the spa. I looked at all the strangers drifting around the table.    


"Are you sure, slave?"    


"Most assuredly, Master."    


I nodded to her and before I could speak, she was kneeling on the floor releasing my prick from my pants. She engulfed it like she was starving. Starving for cock anyway. I groaned, the sensation so fantastic. I'd been aroused before. Having her suck me in a restaurant, even a mostly empty one, had me rigid in a second.    


A couple of the waiters were watching my slave inhale my prick. Fuck, I shouldn't be the only one to enjoy this. Lisa was sitting next to Chen. I told her to suck him off and take care of Janet as well. Robert was watching Julia suck me with interest. I'd helped him fuck Evelyn last night. I told Rhonda to take care of him. Rhonda didn't delay in obeying and before you could say do, re, mi, his cock was in Rhonda's mouth.    


"William, I assume you can assign someone to your own cock?"    


He could pick who he wanted, his primary slave, or the new one in training. He chose both, ordering both to suck him. Evelyn was by far, the faster of the two. Regina more reluctant.    


I sympathized with her. Even as the recipient of Julia's oral attentions, I was wondering if I could ever work up the nerve to come here again. Hopefully, they'd forget my face, concentrating on the naked slaves instead. Being one of the naked slaves and the sucker instead of the suckee made it less likely she'd ever be forgotten. How she would ever show her face in here again in anything less than five years seemed unlikely. Might want to change her hairstyle and dye her hair on top of it. She did it though, working with Evelyn to extract his cum.    


The two waiters on the opposite side of the table seemed to be enjoying the show. One of them was trying to discretely adjust his pants.    


Julia suddenly stopped sucking, pointing to someone behind us and saying, "Master William, that waiter is recording us."    


I turned to look and before my head got swiveled around, Bill had a hold of the guys phone. Robert was right there with him, both of them still with stiff pricks, sticking out of their pants.    


Bill asked him if was in the cloud. He said he did and Bill made him delete it, then smashed his phone. He called everyone in the restaurant into the room and threatened them all with dire consequences if they didn't provide him and his party with discretion. I'd never seen Bill like this before, like a totally different man than the one I knew. The kind provider of surgery and a home for Shasta, the one I'd trusted with my wife and trusted me with his. This one stronger, harder, almost a killer. Not that the little fucktard didn't deserve it. It might have been a disaster if he'd thrown any of it online.    


As soon as the bastard was gone, the old Bill was back, quiet, unassuming, getting his cock sucked just as I was, finally exploding in Regina's mouth.    


Regina was wearing a Slave Trainer and she was wondering why she hadn't cum yet. Julia explained her Master controlled her orgasms and she wouldn't be allowed to cum unless her Master willed it. She pleaded with Bill to let her cum and he explained what she'd have to do. Another surprise. Bill was going to use her to tip the restaurant staff but on a much larger scale than tipping Marcus.    


Regina tried to resist, the same as every other slave who ever wore one. Every so often, I'd see her start to flush, an orgasm ready to explode, only to die on the vine, the devilish device not taking her over the edge. I received an alert. The Slave Trainer was dying.    


"Sorry to tell you this, Bill, but the Slave Trainer is dying."    


"Lisa, what have you got in your bag of tricks there?" Bill said.    


"I have this, Master Bill," pulling another Trainer out of her satchel, "plus a charger to put the old one on to recharge."    


"There's more?" Regina said. "I'm not done yet?"    


"Sorry, whore. I said to the end of the night or you agree to participate in their tip."    


Her whole face sagged.    


"I'll participate, Master," she whispered.    


"In order to have your two orgasms," Julia said, "we'll have to put the new Slave Trainer on. It's charged, the other one is dead."    


"No. I'd rather do without any orgasms," Regina said, "as long as I don't have to wear one again."    


"Master William, would it be okay with you if I gave Whore her two orgasms? You did agree she could have two once she agreed to participate."    


"I did and if your Master has no objection, you may."    


"You really are a slut," I said to Julia.    


"Always your slut, Master."    


"Go ahead."    


Julia got on her knees and Regina spread her legs wide, inviting Julia between them.    


"Please help me to cum," she said. "I need to cum so much."    


Julia dipped between her spread thighs, made a couple of swipes up her cunt and Regina climaxed, clutching Julia's head.    


"Again, please let me cum again."    


Within a minute, Regina gasped, spasming again.    


"Another, please, sir. Let her give me another."    


"You've had your two," Bill said. "I fulfilled my promise."    


"Master," Evelyn said. "Please don't ever get one of those for me. I promise I will always be obedient."    


"That's good, because you're going to be joining Whore over the table."    


"Are you sure, Master?" she asked.    


"I'm sure, dear one. Evelyn isn't required to do anything you aren't required to do."    


"As you wish, Master," smiling like she was happy about it. Maybe she was.    


So Bill was surrendering Evelyn to the same. So much had changed in a short time. On the other hand, what had happened with me was unthinkable a month ago. I'd changed. Bill could change as well. Sex slaves loved sex. If you love them, give them what they love.    


We finished the rest of the meal. It was good, as good as Chantelle usually prepared. It disappeared. The wine disappeared, everyone but Lisa and Janet drinking. Lisa following my orders. Bill ordered a wide selection of desserts for the table to sample and nibble on. Everyone was feeling sated, by food and drink anyway.    


"Whore, it's time for your punishment," Bill said.    


"What punishment, sir? I've done all you've asked all day."    


"Except for one tiny thing, Whore. First thing this morning, you climaxed twice without permission. I told you the punishment would be administered later. Later is now."    


"Yes, Master. Am I to go over your lap, sir?"    


"Not this time. Lisa, may I please have some rope."    


Lisa got four lengths of rope out of the bag and handed it to Bill. He fastened her wrist cuffs together, tossing me the end of the rope.    


"Please fasten that to the table on the other side, drawing her torso flat against the table."    


I'd done it several times myself, so had no problem doing it again. While I was engaged with that, Bill tied rope to each of her ankle cuffs and spreading her legs wide, exposing all of her posterior, fastened the ropes so they'd stay that way. He was moving chairs out of the way. Chen and Janet and Lisa all had to move. Her bottom was facing the kitchen area and already, people were lined up to watch, since the cooking was done and only clean up remained.    


"If I may have your attention again," Bill said, raising his voice so everyone could hear. "This woman was disobedient this morning. She's going to receive fifty swats with this paddle." William held up The Enforcer. "After her punishment is over, she's agreed to serve as a gratuity for the fine service we've received in your establishment. You may fuck her, cunt only. Her ass is off limits." The staff started looking at each other. Some of the erections which had been moderately visible before, became more pronounced. "In fact, Lisa, let's ensure it remains that way. Please insert a butt plug please."    


Lisa pulled a plug out of the bag, not our largest, but not the smallest either. She lubed up Whore's ass and the plug, and quickly plugged Whore's rectum, making her grunt. She also started to cry a little, just tears, no sobs or pleading.    


William began the punishment, keeping track of the strokes himself, calling out each one so everyone knew how far along he was. More erections were becoming visible. I think most of them were wondering if he was really going to go through with it, so no one had removed a cock from their clothing. I'm sure all were considering who would do it, who would go first. Whore's tears had become more pronounced, though no louder, the crying silent. William told Whore she could cum as much as she wanted.    


"Evelyn, do I need to tie you down, or will you remain bent over the table?" Bill asked.    


"I'll remain bent over, Master."    


"Please assume your position. I'm going to put a plug in you, too."    


"Yes, sir."    


Evelyn bent over the table and grabbed the opposite edge, spreading her legs. Lisa put a plug in her bottom so she wouldn't get her ass fucked.    


Bill said, "This woman has also agreed to serve as a gratuity for your service. You may choose one or the other, but not both."    


The staff was staring, stirring around, talking to each other, but no one moved yet, whether is was waiting for someone else to start or still not sure it wasn't a huge joke on them. A couple of them had grabbed their crotches and were rubbing, but no one had pulled a cock out yet.    


"Julia, join them," I said. "If there's only two of them, we might be here for two more hours."    


"Are you sure, Master," she said, a gleam in her eye, the slut.    


"I'm sure. The only reason Lisa isn't joining you is she's not on birth control anymore. Lisa, have you anymore butt plugs?"    


"No, Master. Bill only told me to bring two."    


"Do you care if someone fucks your ass, slave?"    


"No, sir, I don't."    


"Assume their position."    


She went around the table, kissing both Whore and Evelyn before bending over with them, three cunts facing the staff. I'm sure all three of them were glistening with their fluids. The voices and stirring were more pronounced now.    


Bill looked at me and I told him to announce it.    


"A third woman is agreeing to provide a nice fucking for your excellent service. You now have a choice of three women."    


Five minutes since Whore was opened up for business, two since Julia joined them.    


"Fuck this," the dishwasher said. "I don't care if I am fired. I'm getting me a piece of this."    


He was pulling out his cock as he moved and he went straight for Whore's red ass, shoving in with a fast thrust, and pumping hard, hoping to get off before someone pulled him off. No one did. Whore's ass hurt, but there was as much pleasure as pain in her groan when he slammed into her.    


Two more made a beeline for the two remaining cunts, zeroing in with guided missile precision, making both women moan as they were penetrated. We all sat down and the staff, realizing this was a real thing and they were going to fuck a real, live, gorgeous woman, started lining up behind one of the three. Even the maitre'd sheepishly got in the line formed behind Julia. The young dishwasher finished quickly, pumping his sperm deep, finishing, then tucking himself away before going back to the kitchen to finish the dishes.    


Julia climaxed four times while the cook fucked her, a sex slave to the end. Evelyn didn't seem to be having any problem cumming either, though I wasn't paying as much attention to her. Whore hadn't climaxed during the first fucking, too fast and still too sore, but climaxed three times for the second.    


Robert got in the line behind Julia, smiling and shrugging his shoulders when he knew I saw him. I smiled back.    


My cock needed attention as well. I had Lisa mount my cock with her back towards me so we could both watch her sister slave go through another train. I called Rhonda over to lick Lisa's clit as she rode me. Three other people fucked Julia before I orgasmed, shooting my sperm deep in Lisa's cunt. Hey, they didn't get as much sex as me. I had every right to take my time.    


Chen was standing so Janet could suck his cock sitting in a chair. Since both of Bill's slaves were tied up, as it were, I sent Rhonda to service him. She whispered to him, then bent over, and William pushed into her cunt. Rhonda didn't often offer her cunt to men, so I guess I should consider William special. Perhaps she just wanted to cum herself. The last time she'd climaxed when Whore serviced the other women in the spa this afternoon, and my slaves loved to cum.    


It took about an hour before everyone had finished, the last one finally cumming in Evelyn. In total, two of the staff hadn't fucked a slave. Both wore wedding rings, so props to them. I saw at least five who wore them who had. I wasn't making judgments anymore. Julia and I both wore them too. Who knew what went on behind closed doors. Bill asked for three wet, warm towels and received them. I took one for Julia. Cum was running down her legs, most of it from her cunt, though there was also some leaking from her ass. Bill was cleaning his wife, and Rhonda was helping Whore.    


"How many of them fucked you in your ass?" I asked, cautiously wiping her down.    


"Just one. I'm pretty sure it was the maitre'd. I guess if it wasn't plugged, meant I was open for business."    


"I guess so. Did you enjoy yourself, slave?"    


She smiled the smile of an angel. "I did, thank you, Master."    


"I love you, slave."    


"I love you more."    


William settled the bill with a Centurion American Express Card. It was the only one I'd ever seen. It had no credit limit to the best of my knowledge. You didn't apply for one. American Express approached you if they thought you deserved one. It was over 60,000 including everything. He still gave a 20% tip on the food and beverages to everyone despite the other gratuity they received.    


Bill was dropping us and the Wang's off at our house before they went back to the hotel. Whore was licking Janet while Chen plowed into her from behind.    


Just before I got to the house, I said, "Bill, I'm going to be gone all week. You're training Whore with Julia's help and your hotel room is pretty small by your standards. I'd like you to stay at my house while I'm gone. Feel free to make use of my slaves. Use the pool, the hot tub. My slaves don't cook as well as Chantelle, but they'll keep you from starving anyway. Check out tomorrow and come over with my blessings."    


"Thank you, Scott. I greatly appreciate you making the offer and I'll graciously accept. I'll make sure everyone is well cared for."    


"I know they're in good hands with you."    


"I'm grateful for the confidence you have in me."    


Chen was reaching the end game, speeding up. Janet had reached it several times already. I saw Julia whispering in Williams ear. William nodded, smiling.    


"Scott, I'm leaving Whore here. I understand your babysitters needs to be paid for their services."    


Since the babysitters were my parents, and didn't need to be paid, I didn't catch the reference immediately. Duh!    


"I'm sure they'll both appreciate Whore's services in payment," I replied. "It looks as if she's becoming quite good at serving others."    


Chen was grunting, grasping Whore's hips as he plastered himself to her bottom, pulsing deep. Janet gasped as she climaxed again on Whore's tongue. Whore was shuddering herself, moaning. She'd stopped licking as she climaxed. I was sure that deficiency would be addressed in the coming week. Slaves who neglected their responsibilities just because they were cumming were punished.    


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